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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. I just got back to my computer. It actually isn't quite as complicated as that. What you can do is... 1. Build cabinet exactly like you want it but with no handles... 2. Copy/paste in place, change upper drawer to an opening, and add handle to lower drawer placing it where you want it... 3. Copy/paste in place the new cabinet, change lower drawer to an opening, and change upper opening back to a drawer placing handle where you want it. 4. I would defintely uncheck "included in schedule", and would supress label for the latter 2 cabinets. This method has its obvious flaws but would also allow for different handles on the upper and lower drawers. You can also use a door for the lower drawer and that gives you independent control over the handle placement as well as the panel and handle style. Only drawbacks are the opening indicator is wrong (which I don't use anyway) and the auto label is also incorrect (which I don't use either). Either way, its a bit clunky. Hopefully we'll get something a little more awesome in X7.
  2. This price seems a little low to me for a such a huge amount of work. For an extremely large consultation fee and a moderately high markup I think I could find an exorbitantly high priced architect to get them finished up to the point you could hire Scott at a relatively low rate to clean the plans up and add a few crappy ray traces to sweeten the deal.
  3. Just spitballing here and I don't have my computer handy to test it, but how about remove the handles...copy and paste the cabinet in place...delete the top drawer...add a handle...change all materials to "no material" except the handle, set the handle to where you want it...copy and paste in place again and set handle separately for 2nd drawer.
  4. 2 other options... 1. Place the knobs manually 2. Adjust the height of the handles from top till they both work. I can usually get this to work close enough for most drawings.
  5. I don't think you understood...if that polyline solid is on the second floor, the height would need to be 42" plus thje hieght of the first floor structure, first floor walls, and 2nd floor structure. Absolute elevation is always increasing starting at the bottom all the way to the top.
  6. Don't know whether you're right or not, but good call sir. I wouldn't have thought of that.
  7. You're right. I totally missed that. I didn't study it long enough.
  8. I realize that. I was just making a point. I prefer to have the guy who actually built the system deal with any necessary service or repairs.
  9. It looks like you're getting some light bleeding. Try turning off the sun before ray tracing and see if that helps.
  10. I have my computers built and configured by a local "computer guy". That way you get exactly what you need, a little more money stays local, and your service is nearby instead of India.
  11. So...I guess you won't be posting the plan.
  12. I got similar results as you Lew. I have a feeling the file was exported incorrectly. And word on the street is that the best free AutoCAD-like software is DraftSight.
  13. You're not forgetting things already are you?? I'm just kidding, but this quote is just begging for Scott to show up and start commenting on how old you are : )
  14. Thats kinda what I was suspecting as well. Looks to be a little z-fighting on the edge of the sink like there are 2 countertops in the same general space.
  15. Todd, Can you attach the plan? It will eliminate all the guesswork.
  16. You might be suprised all the things you can make with little "cabinets". You can also use the slab tool, mouldings, framing, and any other number of tools to create those little parts. Once built I usually put them on their own "Custom cabinet parts" layer so they're not displayed in plan view.
  17. That isn't necessary. Doing that just inserts the images into the body of the post rather than as an attachment at the end.
  18. That's a pretty incomplete story and a bit deceiving. Actually The United States is barely outside the top 10 and two MAJORfactors that aren't mentioned... 1. Population density...The simple infrastructure required to supply high speed internet access to our relatively low population density and sprawling land mass is huge. I didn't look at all of them, but I would venture to guess most if not all those countries higher than us on the list have much higher population densities and the population is much more concentrated within those countries, therefore they need less infrastructure which makes it cheaper and therefore more affordable. 2. I think you will find several of the countries higher on the list also have somewhat if not entirely nationalized broadband service (at least heavily subsidized and mandated) which would make the true cost highly questionable at best.
  19. That is correct Joe. Sorry, I wasn't really thinking the tools had different names for 2D vs. 3D work, but you're right.
  20. I might note that I typically use the union tool for 2D. The others I find most useful for 3D.
  21. I've used the union tool quite a bit, and I think the subtraction tool for a custom door once, but never the intersection tool. I imagine if I started doing more primitive modeling I would use that as well though to get some more complex shapes.
  22. See attachment below...The way the camera label is displayed can be customized quite a bit. Specific to your question, you can change the callout size to something smaller or even zero and delete the label. Not sure why you can't get the callouts to disappear by turning the layer off. I would guess the cameras are actually open or you accidentally placed them on a different layer that is still on.