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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Sweet. Thank you Jonathan. I thought I remember seeing that option somewhere. Casing tab...seems like a silly place to have that.
  2. I have a good handful of workarounds for this, but I would still like to figure out if there is a mo betta way... I'm trying to place a short wall behind a toilet. No matter what type of wall I use or what settings I've tried, the window seems to want to cut through the wall (i.e. it recognizes the situation as a double or furred wall) even though the wall itself is shorter than the window. Is there a setting I'm missing?
  3. Changing it through the DBX as Perry suggested is the safest method. Material painter works great as well and is my preferred method for most things, but you REALLY have to keep an eye on the settings, especially Blend Colors With Materials as Robert pointed out. I actually added that toggle to my toolbar so I can keep a good eye on it at all times.
  4. Glad you posted a plan. I was envisioning something entirely different. In fact, I'm not even 100% sure I see your specific problem. A couple screenshots that more specifically point out your area of concern might be in order. I went ahead to and took a stab at in anyway though. I suspect the problem you're having is due to the fact you changed your plan after you initially built the foundation and the foundation was not set to auto-rebuild. The rooms in the center portion of the plan also had no foundation defined. I fixed those 2 issues by turning auto rebuild foundations on and checking the box in the appropriate room structure dbx's that says "Monolithic Slab Foundation". Again, it was just an educated guess based on what you said previously, and on the way the rest of the model was built. See if this looks about right... Beechmont temp.plan
  5. You would probably be best served posting your questions at the HomeTalk forum (the Home Designer product line forum). This forum is more specifically for Chief Architect users. You might not actually have that tool in HD Pro. If you do it would be right here... It shows up in the Help files for me. Again, it might not be available for you though. I'm not sure...
  6. That's pretty stinkin' cool. Thanks for sharing facer
  7. You just need to download the file as an older version next time...
  8. I think this was the issue. Try the attached file. After reading your signature, I figured you must be using X6 still. I tried importing the file into X6 and got the same message you described. I opened the file in Sketchup and saved as an older version (2014) for you. Hopefully that works.
  9. I found the model in 3d warehouse and was able to download and immediately drag and drop with no problem. You must be doing something wrong...Not sure what though.
  10. Hmmm...So I tried again. I guess it does work, but only if I take it out of the zipped folder first. I thought simply opening the folder unzipped the contents, but it must not.
  11. That's odd, it didn't work for me until I opened in Sketchup and converted it to a component. I was only trying drag and drop though...Did you use the import skp option?
  12. Try importing as a different SKP version. Also, you should be able to post the SKP file if you zip it first.
  13. Still don't know exactly what you are trying to do, but maybe you can elaborate...I have used other programs. I actually can't stand how most of those select objects. Maybe if once you illustrate a little more clearly and if there is no reasonable solution given, you can explain how another program would select the objects in question?
  14. Yes, you explained it. Unfortunately I still don't understand. I'd like to help, but I'm just not following. It seems maybe you are trying to select a group of things but not all of that group. Can you not just use match properties and then un-select what you don'tt need? Or perhaps select part of your group, block it, select another part, block that, and then block those 2? Without seeing your specific issue I'm just taking stabs in the dark.
  15. It would most certainly NOT help if you were to attach some screenshots or a plan. Oh would.
  16. A quick example illustrating one I did not too long ago...
  17. This can be done a number of ways. You can use any number of primitive solid tools, slabs, etc. You can also use a combination of smaller "cabinets", shelves, soffits, and/or partitions to build your cabinets. It sort of depends on the cabinet design as to which option works best. One thing I've personally done in this situation and what probably has the least negative effect on schedules, material lists, etc. is just build the cabinet to extend through the ceiling and add the extra parts and pieces required for the ceiling transition manually. That was actually one of the only times in recent memory that I've chosen to deliberately model something inaccurately. The ability to specify the shape/slope of the cabinet top is one of a number of cabinet improvements I'd really like to see.
  18. Do you have a picture to illustrate what you're talking about? I"m not sure I follow.
  19. Agreed. I've always wondered why it was located in such an odd spot.
  20. I wonder if perhaps you aren't hitting the key(s) more than once or if maybe you have a sticky keyboard or something along those lines.
  21. Doubtful. That's what I use too. On a side note...I've found "Control Z" to be a rather humorous way to communicate that you wish you could undo what you just did. I find myself at the job site yelling "Control Z!!" sometimes : ) I'm thinking a "Hotkeys For Life" thread might be in order. That would be one expensive keyboard...
  22. This I have never seen. Can you elaborate a bit? The only way I can see this happening is if your changes were all made in a single dbx (i.e. it was only one operation).
  23. Can you post a screenshot? Or better yet...a plan?
  24. Block them and then make your move. When you're done with the operation, unblock...or perhaps even leave them blocked for a while depending on your situation.