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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Maybe attach a plan that displaying the problem so one of us can take a look. And let us know which item you can't seem to reflect.
  2. If I understand correctly, you should probably become more familiar with Annotation Sets. Set them up so that your text and linework are the type you want them to be and on whatever layer you want them to be. OR, you can also use "Active Defaults" (little wrench with a red checkmark). You can change the active layers in there as well.
  3. Dang! I tried importing the symbol and I was denied because it had been created by a newer version. I figured it was because I hadn't made the jump to X8 yet...appears as if though I won't be able to open it till sometime next year I guess
  4. Scott ordered some outlets that could be attached to island cabinetry (or almost any other item for that matter). The ones we have available in the library now do not display properly in both plan and 3D views without adjusting the origin. Once the origin is adjusted, they won't snap properly. Anyway, here are some that do all the above correctly. Created in X7...I just took the standard cabinet mounted outlets from the library and made some tweaks. Once imported they should be in your User Library in a folder titled "Cabinet Outlets". Cabinet Outlets.calibz
  5. Three things… 1. Make sure you turn on ambient occlusion (for the door details to pop a little more). 2. Consider adding some interior light sources to brighten it up further (shadows off). 3. Once the ray trace is completed try adjusting the image properties.
  6. I OBJECT!! I'm pretty sure you can't win a contest that's already been won... even if your solution does turn out to be more elegant (sorry, not at my computer so I couldn't test).
  7. P.S. I edited my original post to clarify where to find the symbols once imported.
  8. Hang on one darn tootin' minute there pardner. I believe you owe me lunch. If I recall correctly (and I believe I do), you put out a challenge sometime back advertising and all expenses paid trip to sunny Saaaannnn Diegoooooo (not including airfare, lodging expenses, or any other traveling expenses) plus LUNCH with you... for better or for worse. So just slow down there with your "case closed". I'll be comin' to collect.
  9. Let me know what you think of these Scott. Took me over 2 hours to figure out how to make them so I really really hope they work for you. Once imported they should show up in your user library in a folder titled "Cabinet Outlets"... Cabinet Outlets.calibz
  10. Quick question... I've never used a 3D mouse. Are they very well suited to actually draw with or just for navigating in 3D? And do you have to disconnect your normal mouse when using them?
  11. Regarding your roof issue, I'm not sure what will and will not work in v10, however Here's what I would do (at least in X7)... 1. Select those 2 upper roof planes and Cut and the Paste Hold Position onto level below. Now all roof planes are on the same level. 2. Place 3 breaks in your lower roof. One at each of the 2 lower corners of your upper roof and one at the peak of your upper roof. 3. Drag the center break up so that it snaps to the the top of your 2 valleys. 4. Use Join Roof Planes tool to get the planes to join to each other at each valley connection. This step may not really be necessary if you snap the roofs close enough. 5. Create a new roof plane for the small section above the garage door. What I did was simply Copy Paste In Place the whole roof plane over the garage and just resized accordingly. 6. Draw an exterior wall on the 2nd floor directly above your front garage wall and designate it an attic wall. This could be done at any time during the process.
  12. Can you be more specific as to which defaults you're changing? And perhaps make some of the changes you've described and attach the plan.
  13. Not at all. I figured it was. Just wanted to make sure though : )
  14. I assume you know I was kidding. I am absolutely and sincerely thankful for all your help. And for the record, I added Remove 3D to my of my new favorites : )
  15. You're welcome. Looking good...and much brighter : )
  16. Instead of using the image as a backdrop, perhaps try Build>Image to create an image or billboard you can place outside your windows. Just a thought.
  17. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that you turn all the lights off. I was merely trying to show what could be accomplished without them. Try adding some light sources back in, maybe mess with the intensity settings in the Ray Trace DBX... And try turning up your ambient lighting settings under 3D View Defaults... Here's a quick example done without any lights (not even a sun). Ambient lighting settings down near 20% (don't remember exactly what I set them to)... Here's another one. Again, without any lights. Ambient lighting settings at 100%... I'm not exactly a ray tracing expert, but hopefully messing with those settings in combination with the north pointer and sun angle (as previously mentioned) will get you closer to what you're looking for.
  18. Just re-read the original post with regard to joists directions and it appears as if though you might be referring to actual ceiling joists (as opposed to rafters or trusses). If this is the case, the problem you're likely experiencing is because your rooms are defined as having no there is no ceiling to frame. Check "Ceiling Over This Room" and it frames just fine...
  19. That's kinda what I said to do earlier (manual framing) but I thought you had provided a better way...I guess not. No need to even place rafter spacing at all though if you're framing manually right? Just don't build any auto roof framing.
  20. I couldn't find any other interior-4 walls in the plan. Am I missing something? If you're worried about it affecting other plans, don't be. Those settings are entirely plan specific. The only settings that affect all plans (global settings) are found under Preferences.
  21. I could get it to work for ceiling and floor joists but not for rafters or trusses.
  22. I can't tell you why, but for some reason, when you try changing your wall definition for your wall type "STUPID" to give it a zero thickness, it reverts to the "Interior-4" wall type (as you said). If you change the "Interior-4" to a zero thickness, the zero thickness works. Once you do that, you can change back to your zero thickness "STUPID" or "Room Divider" and it seems to work except if you open up the wall it is still "Interior-4". Feels buggy to me. Unless I'm missing something, this seems like one to submit to tech support as a bug.
  23. Thanks Scott. I thought there had to be a way. I very rarely draw up framing and so I haven't really explored the framing tools all that much.
  24. Not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish, however if you're talking about getting rafters or trusses to run parallel with the length of the building...I've never needed to do that and just messing around with it for a couple minutes I wasn't able to make it happen automatically. You can however manually create a rafter or truss though using Build>Framing>Rafter (or Roof Truss). Once created you can use the Multiple Copy tool or Transform Replicate to distribute it as necessary. Edit: Better yet, do as Scott suggests below.