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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Not sure I fully understand the question. Attaching a screenshot or plan showing what you're trying to do might help. If I do understand what you're saying though, it sounds like you want to continue a section of footing without the wall. If that is correct, there are a few options you have depending on your overall goal. 1. Ideally, you should probably use the wall type that you will be placing on top of the footing and set the wall as a foundation wall. This will give you your footing. You can put the wall on its own layer and turn it off so just the footing shows if you want. 2. Set the wall section as an invisible wall. Again, you can put the wall on its own layer and turn it off (or just turn off the invisible wall layer) so only the footing shows in plan view. 3. As Joey said you can draw a slab footing. This is really the same thing as option 2 except that by default the wall type is set to the same width as the footing. You would still need to set it to be invisible to display correctly. Each of the above methods has its own strengths and weaknesses but I think #1 is probably the best. You'll just have to figure out what works best for your particular situation. There may be other ways but those are a few that come to mind.
  2. FYI, I think its always worked that way. I just tested in X6 (oldest version I have installed) and it worked the same way. Still needed 2nd layer to be designated framing material.
  3. Good catch guys. I looked in that floor structure tab too but missed that. To reiterate what Joe and Greg are saying. The 2nd layer in your floor structure has to be designated as a framing material. You can use the same material you have there now. Just use the Adjust Material Definition tool and on the general tab under Material Type, select Framing. After doing so you'll likely have to open the Deck room DBX and then click okay to force the rebuild.
  4. You are correct. It only removes the floor if you save the plan after the error message or crash (don't remember which now).
  5. Looks buggy to me. You actually didn't have any deck support selected, but even after I addressed that, the posts and beams wouldn't show up. They show as being used in the Layer Display Options, however if I switched to the All Off Set and just turned on those layers there's still nothing. Unless someone else sees something, I think this is one for tech support.
  6. I just tested this using a plan started in X7. Was able to get error messages, crashes, and the second floor was removed. Tried it again with a plan saved using the newest update... Was still able to reproduce the warning messages, the crashes, and the second floor being removed.
  7. No. I don't know either. I do know how I might use them though. There are definitely times when I'd like to show the overhangs and general roof outline without cluttering up the rest of my plan view with unnecessary roof planes. I'm sure somebody needed them for something or else they wouldn't of gone through the trouble of setting up the new functionality.
  8. I think this just means you aren't one of the people who needed them.
  9. Are you changing the PLUMBING WALL to a Furred Wall? Should be no reason to delete framing. And are you building the correct framing (Subfloor for Floor 2)?
  10. Not sure how others might use them, but I can see those overhangs being useful for cleaning up plan views while still keeping the overhangs and general nature of adjacent roof lines in the picture. I'm all but certain I'll be using them.
  11. On the structure tab, under double wall options, select Furred Wall. EDIT: Guess I was too slow. Robert beat me to it. I'll leave the post though as it describes HOW to make it a furred wall.
  12. See post #3 in this thread...
  13. I agree that doing manually would probably be easiest and end up looking the most accurate. To answer your question though Alan... No, "Fence Panel" is NOT one of the options when importing. You would want to import as "Millwork" which you could then select to be used for the fence panels.
  14. Just a quick update... The issue with piers and pony walls has been fixed in the most recent update. Thank you for listening Chief. Keep up the good work.
  15. That bounding box offset is a result of the special behaviors I mentioned. If you want to fix the offset, either do as I suggested by unchecking "Switch" or "Outlet" OR by just dragging the outlet or switch over to where it is actually the correct distance from the other ganged item...2" I believe it is.
  16. There are 2 things you can do that come to mind... 1. Select the longer walls and on the structure tab, check "Through Wall At Start" and "Through Wall At End". 2. Select one of the walls and then click on the Edit Wall Layer Intersections tool in the Edit toolbar. This will allow you to select the wall's main layer (as well as any other layer you wish) and move it accordingly.
  17. Rob, Did you try emailing Legrand to see if they had any 3D CAD files? Some of the manufacturers do. Edit: Just to clarify, by "3D CAD files" I am referring to 3D symbols. I was just using the generic term that it seems most companies tend to use. And I did a quick search...There are quite a few 3D symbols available for Legrand products but outside commercial and industrial products the symbols available seem to be pretty limited to Revit files.
  18. Switches and outlets have those special behaviors to more accurately represent proper and common "ganging" among other things. You can do as Joe suggested or you can override those behaviors entirely by unchecking "Switch" or "Outlet" in the Options tab of the Symbol Specification DBX.
  19. What you're looking for is found under File>Print>Drawing Sheet Setup
  20. I have personally only experienced this problem when getting plans from others. I think it's a pretty well known issue though with a number of users…
  21. Samsung's SSD's come with a software that does that same thing. It's really pretty easy. You simply clone your existing drive to the SSD and then install it. OR, you can install it first and then clone it. I think I t's just a little more complicated to shuffle the drives around and change BIOS settings that way.