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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. You can use a series of material regions or a symbol along with the new Inserts Into Wall option and its Wall Cutout Polyline. Here's a quick example using the series of material regions. Just make the series for one wall, block it, and then copy/paste it around the plan as necessary in plan view. The material regions supply for the gaps, NOT the 1x3s. You can use a material region with a gap material type but I prefer to just turn the layer off in the desired views... Rene's suggestion is a good one too. I just personally can't stand it when something isn't accurate in all view types.
  2. ...or go to 3D>Camera View Options>Toggle Reflections
  3. Your problem is in your Exterior Wall Defaults. Your Exterior Wall Surface is not set to use the Default material. Fix that, and you should be back in business.
  4. Just got back to my computer and double checked. I was mostly correct in my initial description, but just to clarify... The Floor Surfaces layer DOES control the display of both the finish layers and the non-framing structural layers as you say, BUT the Rooms layer needs to be toggled on to display the finish layers, so... If you want to display subfloor only, Floor Surfaces must be toggled on, and Rooms must be toggled off.
  5. Away from my computer right now so I can’t double check but I believe the Floor Surfaces layer controls the display of any non-framing layers in your floor STRUCTURE. And I believe the Rooms layer controls the display of anything in your floor FINISH definition.
  6. My good buddy, the incomparable D. Scott Hall has been requesting this needed improvement every 2 weeks for at least the past 10 years and I will continue to support the request every time. To date I've used 3 techniques myself depending on the situation... 1. Overlapped views sent to layout. 2. Cameras (including their callouts, their cross section lines, and/or their labels). Cameras are the one object in Chief that CAN be displayed on all floors. Walkthrough Paths are another unique tool that can be utilized for certain purposes but I'm just considering those cameras too. 3. Another hack that I'm going to just leave un-named. I'm sure some of you probably remember seeing my posts it in the past but it doesn't seem like a method many Chiefers were willing or able to employ. Plus, Chief took away the capability in X10 and so its no longer possible without an extra add-on hack to accommodate the main hack...not very efficient anymore. Anyway, all the above methods have some pretty major downsides. I really hope Chief adds the ability to specify multiple reference floors sooner than later.
  7. The standard schedules actually do that same thing...
  8. Scott, Not trying to discourage you from buying macros from Joe (or myself for that matter) but just FYI, you can actually get much of what you're after by just group selecting the desired framing members and placing the %length% macro in the label. Just make sure your framing labels and header labels layers are turned on and you should end up with something like this...
  9. Yes, I agree, zero pressure would be ideal but its not realistically feasible from any practical standpoint. In erring to the side of caution I will always put my house under negative pressure before I put it under positive pressure. Anyway, only reason I bring it up is that your assertions that slight positive pressure was better is really only true in warmer climates. In colder climates, the opposite is true. And in all cases, I think we can agree that zero pressure is best, once we start introducing all the variables to the equation though its just not something that's going to happen anytime soon.
  10. Here in Alaska and in other cold northern climates its actually imperative that houses remain under negative pressure. Yes, negative pressure has its health risks, but this is something we've just had to learn to balance and deal properly with. As soon as a house is under positive pressure here, we get condensation and the resulting mold and rot inside our walls, floors, and ceiling assemblies. Its actually a really really big deal here and codes have all been amended to completely remove supply only ventilation systems for this reason. Actually, even the warmest regions in Alaska have essentially (if not literally) zero cooling degree days and so there is almost always a constant negative pressure anyway simply due to natural air leakage and the stack effect.
  11. Yes. This is very easy to do too. While in the Plan Footprint CAD Detail, just create another Plan Footprint. You will be prompted to select a floor number. Just select whichever floor you need to add.
  12. You're welcome. For the floor moldings, it depends on the situation, but one of the easiest things to do is just open the wall and set it to No Room Definition.
  13. This isn't totally true because we CAN create multiple Plan Footprints in a single CAD Detail using a many floors as we wish and can control whether or not we display Plan Details for those on a floor by floor basis...
  14. Joe gave you the answer I think you were looking for. You can also drag half-walls up and down in a 3D view now too.
  15. I'm not sure, I wasn't at the UGM, but this has come up multiple times over the years, and I'm pretty sure I recall your reasoning had something to do with not easily being able to measure to the roof overhang areas?
  16. Yes. Just check "Use Current Layer Set To Display"
  17. CAD>Plan Footprint then select the Plan Footprint in the CAD detail, check "Display Footprint Polyline", and then give that polyline a solid fill. You can also try unchecking Display Plan Details to see if that works better for you. It really depends on what all you need to display.
  18. Its so just might work!
  19. Right click on the folder>Export Library
  20. I personally think the easiest, most efficient, and most accurate way is to just manually place the doors from the library. Place one set in the closed position and put them onto a "Bifold Doors, Closed" layer and then place another set in the open position and put them onto a "Bifold Doors, Open" layer. Beyond that you can use normal bifold doors, manipulate symbol settings, etc. but its a lot of extra hassle for not a lot of benefit.
  21. You need to use the macro in the wall detail itself.
  22. This is definitely subjective. I have personally exported untold hundreds, nay...thousands of renders and I don't specifically recall having exported a 3D view as a PNG except maybe a couple times in experimentation. Similarly, I don't recall having ever exported at a size other than my screen size except MAYBE in a rare experiment and even then...probably only with Ray Traces. Anywho, I agree that a lot of bugs seem to get missed and that they need to get addressed, but I definitely think this one is understandable. I don't know that I would have EVER caught it had it not be brought up. This is why it is of paramount importance that people report these things when they run into them...even if you know somebody else already has. It doesn't matter how much time and energy we spend discussing the issues here in the forum. If Chief has 10 people report that their trusses are misbehaving and 1 person reports that their 3D view exported as a PNG isn't working, which one do you think is gonna get fixed?
  23. I could probably do it for you. It would really depend on how accurate you need it to be though. It could get pretty expensive really fast if you need it to be super intricate and fitting it into the schedule would be a lot trickier. If the intricate details are super important it might be more cost effective to have someone else build it but I don't know who to recommend. Anyway, if you want to discuss further send me an email at