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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. I wouldn’t worry about that too much. I’m sure someone with an in between version would be willing to help you bring your plan(s) forward. How many plans we talking here? If it’s just a couple, I’m sure myself or someone else would be willing to help for free. If it’s a whole bunch, I’d be inclined to charge a fee for my time.
  2. Chris, Here's something else you might try. Its easy to forget that Chief creates Cross Section Lines that are essentially live CAD work. If you unlock that layer you can group select and Copy/Paste all the linework (without or without Auto Detail components)...essentially resulting in a true zero backclip section cut.
  3. Seems to work just fine in X10... Maybe its time you upgraded.
  4. The thing about that tool is that you cannot place a break where there is a visible node. This is one of the reasons for those other turn the displayed nodes off in order to place breaks where you want them. Is this possibly part of your problem?
  5. I just do stuff like this manually, Panels using p-solids, solids, or symbols, and brackets using symbols.
  6. Not sure how much you care, but just FYI, you're not doing yourself any favors here. I could be wrong but this seems to be a pretty obvious dig at the responses Rob and I gave you. If you really want to learn something and if you want to stay in the good graces of some of the most knowledgeable users here, I would strongly suggest you try providing what people request. The signature Rob suggested can provide us with critical information such as throwing up red flags for known hardware or OS issues, or by clarifying what product you're using and therefore what tools are available. And if you had answered my response and maybe just posted a little plan, you may have actually learned something. I can't tell you how many times people say something like "polygon" then it turns out they were using a 3D box, a CAD box, a circle, etc...None of which are actual polylines and none of which will accept a break. Anyway, do what you will with that, but you've currently put yourself onto a pretty short list of people whom I won't bother to help since you obviously find no value in my input.
  7. I don't see how the text style for Rich Text could ever be controlled by layer since Rich Text by very nature can (and usually does) have multiple text styles. I would argue that if you want your text style to be controlled by layer, then you should probably just be using normal text.
  8. Yep. The “alternate means” exception I loosely referred to is right there in the beginning of the first sentence.
  9. This is a hotly debated issue. Boosters were allowed for a little while and then removed in 2006 I think it was. Problem is that the dryer manufacturer has to approve them, the booster has to be listed, and the jurisdiction has to allow it. Some have decided to allow them and some have specifically decided to prohibit them. Anyway, almost every single code has an alternate means exception if you can provide the proper engineering documentation. That may be a tall order though as dryer manufacturers are unlikely to accept the risks of approving them, so if your jurisdiction doesn’t allow them, you’ll need some pretty costly independent testing and engineering. Im curious...if anyone knows...what do most laundromats do? Are they always limited to top floor or end units?
  10. For starters, you need to make sure and use the right terms and clarify EXACTLY what kind of object we're talking about here. A polygon could mean anything with multiple sides. Just post a plan with the object in question and you'll have an answer in about 2 minutes.
  11. You were...Ed Zachary Wright that is.
  12. Ed Zachary, thank you. To the OP, These are the settings you need to familiarize yourself with...
  13. No. It’s not. If CAD, Roof was the default layer then you wouldn’t need to specify one in your Active Defaults (or Annotation Set) right? It sounds to me like what you really want is either: A. A single click method to move an object to the Current CAD Layer. or B. Multiple defaults for CAD. The first one really doesn’t matter that much to me. I am completely on board with the second one though. We really need multiple defaults for a lot more things. We also need a way to simply switch the Current___Layer without creating new defaults. I’m not gonna get into that though because if I do it’s just going to irritate me.
  14. Turn on your Reference Display, select reference floor, select your desired reference layer set. Save as a new Plan View and you can switch to it with a single click next time. You can also toggle your reference display stuff using hotkeys and a macro recorder to make it a single click operation. Don’t have time to go over that one though.
  15. I’d say you’re just looking at it the wrong way. That checkbox isn’t there to specify that an object be placed onto the layer specified in your Active Defaults. It’s there to specify that an object be placed onto the default layer for that object type. If it worked like you’re suggesting, the object would switch layers every time you switched Active Defaults...not good.
  16. Yep. You can also get the framing in there too by using a hybrid approach. Here's a really quick example using your plan Eric... millerhomedesign modified.plan
  17. You need to use another polyline along with boolean operations. Make sure the arc is converted to a multi-segment polyline first though or you'll mostly likely cause Chief to freeze up or crash.
  18. Scott, I'm curious...what's wrong with the method I suggested? You're obviously willing to add some things manually. It seems like your new method is actually MORE work than what I suggested and it doesn't actually match your requested format. What I did only takes a few seconds and you have what you originally asked for. What am I missing?
  19. Updating CAD blocks in Chief is clunky just as you've found. I've personally made requests that some of these problems be addressed but I haven't seen much in the way of improvement. One of the worst offenders as you've pointed out is the way updated blocks don't adjust their sizes properly. There are a couple ways of dealing with this... You can open the other instances and change the size factors back to 1.0 and 1.0. You can add the block to your library and then use Replace From Library instead. Re: moving the postion of the copies: You can control this to a certain extent by utilizing an insertion point. The problem with this though is that the various instances only respect the insertion point during a resize if you do them one by one. If you group select them and change the size factors all at once, then they seem to always resize about the bottom center of the block. Using Replace From Library works a little better in this regard but doesn't respect any reflecting or rotating that may have been done. In short...I feel your pain. Its a messy process at best. Chief could really benefit from some improved instancing capabilities.
  20. Oops. I didn't look closely enough at your screenshot. What you did wasn't what Scott was asking for. He wants the Grade Level marker to remain labeled as 9ft as he showed in red and as I showed in my suggested solution.
  21. Yeah, I would just do what Doug probably did and drag off/label a new elevation marker manually. I have a couple macro based solutions that do this too, but for this instance, I think its already pretty easy using existing tools. I know you were trying to get it to happen automatically, but I don't think its reasonably possible. story pole 2.plan
  22. With a few pretty limited exceptions, I personally do what you’re already doing...multiple plan files. This area isn’t one of Chief’s strong points.
  23. This is only partially true. You can use it on 3D objects like this by converting your object to a solid (if it isn't already), exploding that solid into faces, and then blocking the faces while they're still selected in order to keep the object as a single entity. Basically you would just be creating a block composed of a whole bunch of "flat" objects (faces).