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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. By the way, just as a side note, I personally pretty rarely use the box and bay window tools. They're quick and easy for basic scenarios sometimes, but for anything out of the ordinary, I commonly find the need to just model them manually using walls, windows, room definitions, etc.
  2. It seem to be that the carriage return is the problem. It appears as if though it isn't actually getting pasted into that particular dialog box.
  3. Strange, because I can't replicate. It always seems to work for me.
  4. Silly question--maybe not---but did you perhaps forget to click Find Next or Replace All?
  5. We've only had it in Chief since the release of X11
  6. The guys above are just trying to be helpful and get people started off on the right foot. Example? The following statement would make absolutely no sense and would serve no purpose but to confuse for a person using HD Suite...
  7. Okay, I see. Its only a problem when you DRAG out a Rich Text box. Simply click to place a Rich Text box and there's no issue. That's why I have so rarely experienced it. I almost never drag out text boxes.
  8. I seem to recall having seen this behavior in the past as well, however I don't believe I've had it happen in quite some time, and I cannot reproduce now.
  9. You don't need the extra line for that. All you need to do is group select and block the note all by itself by either selecting it with a marquee or by holding down Shift or Control while you select it. The new feature you were referring to was specifically for the new Note tool.
  10. I could very well be wrong about that. I just saw that it should be possible doing a quick search. I do know for a fact that it is the case with a handful of other programs though. Very commonly, the default background color is black. I've had to change this setting on some of the software I use in order to actually see and work with black images that have transparent backgrounds.
  11. By the way, AutoCAD, VectorWorks, DraftSight...and probably others...also have the capability of converting text to polylines in case any of you guys use one of those.
  12. I use personally use Sketchup for this type of thing. Here's a quick video I made a while back...
  13. This is a “problem” with a handful of apps, but it can usually be solved by simply changing the background color being used for that particular program from black to white. I believe this is the case with Apple’s Preview app as well.
  14. I personally prefer to use a polyline with a semi-transparent fill to cover below grade stuff, BUT...if you need the dashed lines you can also create a 2nd Layer Set or entire Plan View with the walls set to display as dashed and then copy/paste in place your layout box, change the Plan View or Layer Set being used for the copy, and then crop both views so that one is used for the above grade and one is used for below.
  15. Away from my computer and personally don’t recall having ever put a profile on lookouts, but what happens if you select those lookouts and cut/paste hold position?
  16. Have you tried turning off Auto Rebuild Roofs?
  17. Just to be clear here, modeling that scenario is entirely possible with a single 3D molding polyline, and without needing to manually type in coordinates (not that there’s anything wrong with that). A few quick tips in that regard though... You have to be careful which views you draw and edit the molding polyline in. You'll find that sometimes it must be done in plan view and sometimes it must be done in an elevation view. You'll just have to play with this. My opinion...pretty much never edit these in a perspective camera view. Only use section/elevation cameras. Don't limit yourself to using the diamond edit handle (same line type) to drag out new sections if it's not available in your desired view. Not there? No problem, just draw a new 3D molding line that snaps to the end of your last 3D molding polyline. You just need to make sure your desired molding profile (or stacked molding profile) is selected in the library when you start drawing...doing this will help ensure that the 2 sections snap together and form a single molding polyline.
  18. Yes. When you have a very complex terrain where it takes a really long time to rebuild.
  19. No. Switch to a regular elevation camera and either reshape the layout box or mask it with CAD.
  20. It almost never works for me either. It’s one of those issues that never bothered me that much though so it hasn’t made it onto the short list of items to report yet.
  21. Wall coverings, pony walls, double walls, moldings, symbols, cabinets...or polyline solids for the whole thing (instead of both a material region AND a p-solid). Quite a few options. For me personally it always depends on the specifics.
  22. I’d like a word with your grade school teacher.
  23. The obvious problem with this method as you stated is that all your text objects would have to be individually blocked...thereby largely defeating the purpose. Myself and others have suggested in the past that we be able to edit Rich Text as a group (something we can already do with normal text), but I made one other suggestion a while back that would help with things like this as well... In this particular instance, a second edit mode could allow us to group select all the text objects and block them as individual entities. This would make very quick work of replacing all the rich text entities at once: Group select room labels Switch to my suggested "Edit Selected Objects" mode Create CAD Block Replace From Library Explode
  24. Ya. It has to be a referenced context macro. The other things I often use for that though are framing objects and cabinets.