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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. If that’s true, that seems really dumb. They’re adding ridiculous requirements all the time and then they go and remove one that actually makes sense? Stairs have always needed extra protection to make sure they remain standing as long as reasonably possible in the event of a fire. I wonder what the logic was in removing such an easy-to -adhere-to safety requirement.
  2. IRC is 7-3/4” so that’s what it’s going to be most everywhere.
  3. ^^^This is my guess as to the culprit as well.
  4. I always recommend extreme caution when converting numbers to integers. First off, it rounds all numbers down, so 3.99 becomes 3. Secondly, it can be extremely problematic if you use those results in any further calculations...not only because it rounds numbers down, but more specifically because it rounds values less than 1 down to zero. This is especially problematic when any multiplication or division is involved because the results will either be zero or an error. What I recommend people use instead is the .round method which simply rounds to the nearest whole number when no argument is given (such as in .round(2) which would round to 2 decimal places), .ceil which rounds the number up to the nearest whole number, or .floor which rounds the number down to the nearest whole number. I find that there are very few instances where .to_i is the best method. Just my 2 cents.
  5. I wasn’t trying to suggest that you trace anything. I was suggesting you use the reference display—period. Just set it to use the appropriate floor and then set your reference display layer set to only display the appropriate item(s).
  6. It does... ...I'll shoot you an email here in a bit.
  7. BTW, I’ve also used 2 markers along with the x and y location attributes to get angles. You could actually do that and just include them in your north pointer cad block.
  8. I use a wall and just make it parallel with my north pointer.
  9. This what I personally do... Preferences>Appearance>Display>Color Off Is: Grayscale Color is always toggled Off in layout When I print, I DO NOT print in color I typically choose either black or some variation of gray for all my various objects and layers, but if you prefer to work in color, you'll just need to experiment a little to get a feel for how the different colors translate over into their gray-scale result. It may just be that you need to set up a few more layer sets so that you can work in color and print in grayscale but still get the desired end results.
  10. Why not change your settings to Color Off is Grayscale?
  11. Ah, I see. Those marker defaults are ignored during the cut and paste. My bad...actually didn't test that. I guess your best bet is to do what I do for my elevation views sometimes. Cut, paste hold position, switch to the marker tool, and then group select all markers with a marquis while holding down the shift key...or by using the new Marquee Select Similar tool. Then you can change those markers all at once. You could also do what I would do and just manually place a little line or point marker at those instances where you need them and then snap your dimension to that instead of the wall.
  12. One thing you can do is change your currently Active Marker Default to have a radius of zero. This will carry through to your dimension markers and so you won't see them.
  13. I use Notes and note schedules for these types of things now.
  14. You can still use the same trick without that tool. You just have to place the wall and window into a blank plan, delete the wall surfaces using the Delete Surface tool, and then click on Tools>Symbol>Convert To Symbol.
  15. I guess the window symbol wouldn't actually be a very good solution in this particular case, but they do have some benefits sometimes...although very few now that we have the Inserts Into Wall Option. Come to think of it, maybe there aren't any benefits anymore. That might take more thought than I'm willing to give it right now. I thought the window symbol option for example used to obey the rendering style Opaque Window Glass setting, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly.
  16. A window symbol is one good way and has a few benefits for sure, but i think what I would personally do instead is this...
  17. My thoughts exactly. There's nothing new or unusual about this at all. Its super common in all sorts of software too.
  18. Just a little tidbit here, but I actually just use the Save Plan View button for pretty much everything... - To save a plan view in its current state I just click as usual - To “save as“, I simply switch the plan due to ”None” and then click the tool - To create a new plan view, I switch to “None”, change other settings as necessary, and then click the tool. The only thing that you can’t really do without using the project browser or one of the other tools is is open a new plan view in its own tab.
  19. Sounds like you're just trying to argue for the sake of arguing my friend, but here's the closest proof I can come up with. Build Wall Framing for your one test wall, turn on framing layers, and Reflect. What do you have? Reflected wall with framing right? Reverse Layers. What do you have? Reversed wall with framing right? Use Transform/Replicate and Reflect about Object Center. What do you have? Same thing right? The wall is reversed but framing remains. Now use Transform Replicate and Create a single copy with or without reflecting. Yup...that just happened. Seriously though, you can do the same thing with auto framing turned on or not and with retain wall framing checked or not to see further proof, and watch what happens with your wall detail numbers during those framing tests too. Its pretty clear that Chief is being perfectly consistent with its behaviors in this regard. Again, the only difference is that we don't have Copy/Paste In Place available for walls...presumably because it would be a useless and confusing tool.
  20. It does make a copy. The copy just overrides the original. All I'm saying is that I'm not experiencing any semblance of inconsistency. Copy/reflect works in all scenarios without any caveats. Chief isn't disabling any tools on my end to be smart. The only missing tool is Copy/Paste In Place because 2 walls cannot occupy the same space...i.e. the tool would be utterly useless and wouldn't even do anything.
  21. Not so sure about that... ...obviously there's no real reason to create a copy since the wall will override the original and therby make the copy moot, but my point is that it does least on my end.
  22. With X11 there are some other options as well. Don't have time to make a video, but here's a quick example plan using only parametric objects (walls, windows, and doors) custom symbols necessary... Corner door.plan The main keys are to: Use a second set of walls Offset the doors Just check out my settings and see if you can figger it out.