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Everything posted by chief58

  1. Randy the wall you are trying to show and checked invisible in the dbx box and the wall types are interior 4 they need to be changed to siding 6 and then make sure your roof lines don't cut off your walls you are trying to show see attached randy
  2. Adam, attached is the log home file, just so everyone knows this was done for demonstration only since the log home manufacture could not supply them with interior views of what their house would look like, I also made floor plan and kitchen changes for them in the design to what them were looking to accomplish, there is no roof work done on this plan, what you might get from this is the exterior log walls and I did make the railing spindles to match what would be supplied by the log home people LOG
  3. Adam I will look for it and post maybe tomorrow
  4. Sherry you can export and then import your new annosets and layers from your new templete into your new drawing if that is what you are thinking
  5. Randy remember if you don't see it the layer is either off or on a different layer
  6. chief58


    We can get it as a macro other then that I put my own +/- in the under additional text, trailing text in the dimension spec box
  7. Joe lets hope it will come in X8, along with step revamp
  8. Joe as I start using the Macro's more and more I would also like to manage the Marco's even something like a lib of Macro's that could be setup with certain macro's we can put in there like the lib is setup or something like that
  9. Diane I use to do work like that, I would take the file that I wanted to change with all the information in it the make a copy of that file and rename it to the new client, make the changes that the new client wanted to have then relink that file to the new copied layout sheet in the copied file and the changes should take place, you might have to do some work on the elevations but relinking the floor plans should work, been a while since I have done any work for them but give that a try
  10. I did one out of poly line solids then changed the material to wood
  11. Not sure if the client viewer would be able to do this if your client wanted to put notes on it after reviewing and you make the changes in the newer version
  12. Dennis I will have to do that I just was hoping we could put something from the millwork file to replace the corner board with something other then the flat one. Trying to same some time on a preliminary plan
  13. Johnny I guess you really do know what I am asking this is what I was looking for except for the ends need some work, what I meant was can we get something from the millwork file to change the corner post to something different then the standard corner post rather then having to make one
  14. I want to have a wide corner post which is no problem to do, here is my ? can I change to style of the corner post to something to match a 3/4 board on each side of the wall with a 1/2 round to where they meet in the corner. Thanks for any help
  15. Maureen I didn't word that correctly when I read it this morning, it should of said don't want to have either a pin or password to get onto the computer just want to turn it on or wake it up from the sleep and it be at my start screen. Thanks for any advise from computer savy people
  16. Maureen thanks for getting back, I have tried that what I want to do is use either a pin or a password or password/pin I want to just be able to get on the computer that 10 is on without doing any of the above.
  17. A question about windows 10, I downloaded it on one of my computers to try now when it goes to sleep or restart it I have to put a pin # in and I can't find where to get rid of it so I don't have to out the pin # in, not sure if this is a place to ask this but any help would be appreciated from a old builder not a computer tech. Thanks for any help
  18. also my screen says working on it, is that what I should be seeing
  19. my laptop say download windows 10, does a notice come to the other 3 computers that are running windows 7 or 8
  20. chief58

    Save Plan

    Lew I just tried it on a plan I was working on and it works on my end just like you and I have described it, not sure what is going on with their's unless they want to post the plan to take a look at for them