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Everything posted by TeaTime

  1. Hm. Can't say I've ever bothered trying but I'd figure the spreader boards could be done as a custom shelf, since they follow the width of the cabinet. Just tossed together something quick with slabs, replaced the the top separation with a Shelf, specified its thickness, 0" spaced from previous (top). Seems to work okay. I got nothing for ya on the edging though.
  2. That's what I do in these situations, too -- would sure love to not have to though!
  3. Depends on the Material. And even then the answer is likely "maybe". If you open the Board & Batten material, it'll have a Texture image, and then likely a Bump Map or Normal Map. If so, you can delete the Texture and just use the Bump/Normal map - but those also might have some texture to 'em. So just removing the Texture image may not entirely get you there but it'll get you close.
  4. Nope, they're 3D objects just like chairs and tables and such. Chief has a tutorial on this topic: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5532/creating-a-custom-cabinet-door.html
  5. I'd put money on this one. There's no default for the Temp Dimension options, Concentric Mode harasses your mouse cursor with the concentric icon -- the dialog on the other hand will quietly remember that you'd chosen "Center" instead of Start or End. I would add though that changing wall lengths in this manner is often an awkward way to adjust your dimensions. It's best to think about resizing the Room the walls define, not the walls themselves, as demonstrated in this video: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5429/positioning-and-resizing-objects-using-dimensions.html
  6. This forum's for Chief Architect not Home Designer, I don't think many of us are too well versed on the options available in that title, but this article certainly implies that you should be able to Export to a DXF or DWG file: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00111/creating-a-dwg-or-dxf-file.html
  7. easier still is to open a camera, grab the Material Painter, but instead of selecting a material, check "Use Default" at the bottom - then set the Painter Scope to "Plan" and blast all your painted walls back to Default in a single click. Then redefine your walls type. If you define them first, the magic of instantly setting them all to default is pretty anti-climactic.
  8. Sadly no -- typically too busy to devote the time it would take. Just gotta wait n see like the rest!!
  9. The Wrench icon in the Used column is telling you it's used -- as a default. Base Cabinet Defaults are set to place Base Cabinets on the "Cabinets, Base" layer, etc, etc. You'd have to go through and change all those defaults to use a different layer to get them to not be "in use" in your defaults. I hadn't tried before now, but lo' it matters not. Setting Base Cabinet Defaults to use a generic "Cabinets" layer did in fact remove the "In Defaults" in use state, but as I kind of expected, it's now got the S denoting a System Layer. You just can't delete those things. And I don't think any amount of feature suggestioning is going to change that. The program is designed to operate with these things, there are just certain things that cannot be changed to suit our whims.
  10. Wouldn't be a locked layer if it can be selected and opened. Definitely sounds like the program isn't drawing selection line-type things - no temporary dimensions, no placement overlay. Certainly sounds like a graphic problem to me.
  11. TLDR: this is a known issue that happens a lot I don't harp on ppl about this often but you should update your signature -- if I remember correctly this issue was more common/pronounced in older versions, but it still happens in X15. Curious to see if we'll see any improvements in 16.
  12. You can only delete Layers that aren't in use in some manner - look at the Used column, mousing over it tells you how it's being used. The fun part is figuring out WHERE. It'll just tell you its used in a default or some such vagueness, but as long as you can track down where it's being used and remove it, then it can be deleted. Unless it's a System Layer. Then the answer's simply "No." You'll be better off not messing with it and just Renaming the layers you care about and ignoring the rest. Putting a space or two at the beginning, or a dash or something, will sort them to the top of the list.
  13. That Plan file can't be opened. Assuming what's happened here is you've painted your exterior walls, then drew a deck. When you draw room attached to an Exterior wall, that new area is then defined as a Room that has its own "wall" material, the default is to just defer to the wall's default material. End result: the wall loses the material that was painted and goes back to using the Wall's default material, i.e., whatever the Wall Type is defined to use. You'll run into less issues if you redefine your Siding wall type to use that gray siding material rather than using the painter tool.
  14. Testing that same setup, I get the same thing. If I'm understanding how it's working, the Temp dimension is just locating the "two nearest" points. If the Cabinet is wide enough that it's edge is between two adjacent wall points, it'll pick those up and not show the cabinet's width. If it's less wide, it'll pick up the walls on either side (effectively cab width)
  15. Clever! But sadly nope. What he's specifying is the window Arch which can't Match Roof. The Shape can match but only in straight edges. I just tried it out of curiosity and it seems to seemingly arbitrarily (I'm sure there's reason) choose one of the curved roof facet angles to match.
  16. Only time I've ever seen the Materials show blank like this is when you have more than one thing selected where the components aren't the same. If you open each of these windows on their own and compare the Materials list, bet there's some difference in the components listed.
  17. That's a negative, good buddy. No negative radius allowed.
  18. Probably gonna need some more specific info -- Layouts link to plans once a view is sent, so there's nothing to do in order to link them aside from just, use them the way they work. What exactly do you mean? Temp dims have a toggle, they're prob just turned off. Right side toolbar, near the bottom, T icon. Also in the View menu.
  19. It's a bit convoluted but since you can Cut/Copy cameras now, you could select all cameras, Reverse plan, Paste -- anyway I get what you're saying. It's a pain and it would be nice to just be able to rotate the darn things. I have to assume it's not as simple as that in the code or our many requests over the years surely would have been fulfilled. Not sure what you mean about the Insertion Point thing, that's been an option for a long time and still is in X15
  20. Makes sense. By my measurement the roof needs to come up at least 3 3/4" so that the OSB can't protrude through. Marquee Select Similar & Transform\Replicate tools make quick work of this sort of adjustment.
  21. huh. Usually it's floor OSB peeking out, but in this case your Ceiling Structure has an OSB layer on top, and the roof is so low it's cutting through
  22. Happens when you haven't defined Attic rooms on the floor above.
  23. One must assume if it's not been an option all these years, then it's more than just laziness preventing it from being added. Reverse Plan actually does flip Elevation cameras, too. It is only a Left to Right flip, though.
  24. If you browse through their sample plan files, Chief does this a lot, just not in a schedule like you have shown here - there isn't a way to include them in the Schedule like that. Just create a bunch of slabs or 3D Solids and display them in a camera view. Orthographic view in Standard set to Top View is handy to arrange them nicely.
  25. Can't open your plan, it didn't zip right (shows 0kb size). At a glance though I wonder if they're even "on" or not - go to Adjust Lights and see if Max Lights is set to something low. If so, increase the max lights or set it to a Light Set.