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About CandiSimone

  • Birthday April 12

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  • Interests
    Aging In Place Design, Space Planning, Residential Design, Small Hospitality Design (Boutique, Restaurant/Lounge)

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  1. Is there something I am missing? My mirrors won't show in my walkthrough, but are fine in my full camera. How do I fix it?
  2. @TeaTime did you import it as a backdrop or use some other method? I'm using x14 Student version...
  3. @VHampton You want me to FLIP it horizontally and not ROTATE it correct? @Kbird1This is the picture. I have an android also btw.
  4. I'm trying to use a custom pic for my background, but each time I import them, Chief is bringing them flipped. upside, 90 degrees. but never just as the picture is. I've tried editing the picture itself to counter the import, it still bring it in the same way. Any thoughts?
  5. @rgardner thank you very much. I will do just that!
  6. @Gawdzirathank you so much for your reply. I will definitely incorporate your suggestions in my official search for an internship. To your point, I have learned sketchup, ACAD, Revit, and TwinMotion in school. We use these also. I enjoy using CA much more, so I would like to work in a firm that uses it often, so that while improving my skills with the others, I also get to improve and learn more with CA...which I personally plan to use the most moving foward in my career.
  7. Hi everyone. I am Candi Payne. I am a student at GA State University and also have been working with a good friend as Interior Designer at his company. We used CA with all of our design project over the 6 years I was with him. I am no longer working with him, but keep up my skills on small projects. I plan to continue using CA in this, my last year of school to get my degree. I would love to improve my skills with CA, and land an intership with a firm that uses it a lot. Since I have to fulfill an intership for my last year, that is my goal. I like CA much better than all the other programs we have been taught in school.
  8. Hi everyone! My name is Candi Payne. I'm not sure if this is the best place for this, but I will try. Are there any firms, designers, or architects in the Atlanta area, that use this software, open to an Interior Design student as an Intern? I am currently in my senior year at Georgia State University, and unfortunately, my professors do not enjoy that I use Chief Architect for most of my design work. I was already working with it before I started the program, and I woud like to become extremely efficient with it. This year, we must do an internship. I would like to work with a company that uses Chief a good amount, so that I can not only learn more, but also ne an assest while I'm with them. Any thoughts or suggestions will be helpful! Thank you!