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Everything posted by JKEdmo

  1. My hunch is font substitution is happening, i.e. you don't have the font installed on your system that the other designer is using.
  2. Thanks for the input. I'll have to consider. I probably should watch the Chief site plan training video one more time as a refresher.
  3. I'd like to develop a full 3D site plan. Good food for thought. Thanks!
  4. Good morning, Working on a large new house on a large lot. I'll have to develop the site plan soon. Should I include the site work as part of the house plan file or draw it up separately and bring it in as a reference display? I suspect there's a chance that the house will move on the site before we finalize its location. My inclination is to keep the site plan as a separate file. What do you recommend? Thanks again, Jim
  5. Assuming this is a commercial not residential project. Looks like the building official cites the relevant code section in first comment. I'd start there and see if there is an exception listed.
  6. Thanks Mark for looking into this. Much appreciated. I'll take a look at your tips tomorrow. I wound up proceeding with manual roofs, but I would like to get better at auto roofs. Jim
  7. I have boxed eaves turned on and 2 gable roofs meeting at an outside corner. Any tips / techniques to get both boxed eaves to build at this outside corner? I understand boxed eaves can be fussy, but hoping there is a workaround. Thanks again, Jim
  8. Mark, I'd like the valley to occur farther down the plan so there is one ridge on the main gable running left/right, but thanks for pointing me in the direction of this roof tool I wasn't aware of. I think it's exactly meant for the problem I have. I'll play around with it and see if it works. Thanks again, Jim
  9. Probably sound advice! I was hoping otherwise, but I bet you're right. Jim
  10. PLAN attached. I have clouded the problem area. Jim plan - PROPOSED.zip
  11. Graeme, Do you mean this? It should go across, but that's the result auto-roofs is giving me. This is the thing I'm trying to correct. Jim
  12. I'm trying my hand at auto rebuild roofs and have a problem with an offset valley: Here's a sketch below with the plan and roof planes shown: I have a smaller gable intersecting a larger gable. The valleys formed left / right of the ridge are not meeting together because of a slight stagger / offset. I think I know what's going on, but don't know how to correct it... On the left side, the valley is forming correctly directly over the intersection of the face of studs (shown by orange construction lines). On the right side, the valley is instead forming over the wall break point, which is where I change from a hip to a gable wall and also happens to be at the centerline of interior wall meeting the exterior walls. This appears to be causing the misaligned valley. I'd like to shift the wall break down to mirror left side condition. However, this wall break keeps snapping back to interior wall centerline. Ideas? I hope this is clear enough, but I can upload the plan if needed. Thanks again! Jim
  13. Tim from Design Build Solutions posted a recent video that might give you some insight and tips. He shows a window solution, but probably relevant for a door too. Jim
  14. You're welcome. A lot of Chief things are still a bit of a mystery to me, but I'm enjoying the program. It's pretty nuanced. Jim
  15. In my case I had my text notes as a separate CAD detail. (I think this is best practice per forum advice). That's what DB Cooper was referring to. The settings of this CAD detail were affecting the text note text sizing. Hope that helps. Jim
  16. Joe, I don't understand your question. Can you clarify? Jim
  17. Joe, I had a similar problem last year. The layer / text style was creating the problem. Perhaps this is the solution: Jim
  18. I figured it out. Know I know how. Thanks for pointing me in right direction Eric. Jim
  19. I bet this is an easy one, but I'm still confused on how to accomplish. I'd like to add the dimension toolbar button to my Layout screen similar to what I have on my Plan screen. Current LAYOUT: Current PLAN: Thanks again and have a great weekend! Jim
  20. The railing tool allows you to select a Library object for the baluster. I just drew a skewed polyline, converted to solid, and then converted to millwork symbol while adding to Library. Here's a tutorial that should help: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02893/creating-custom-balusters-and-railing-panels.html Type "custom baluster" in Chief's search and you'll get a lot of results. I think if you spend some quality time on this you can get a good result. Jim
  21. Can this be a railing object? (1st time trying this so someone more experienced could chime in if any possible limitations). I created a custom angled library baluster. Result seems pretty good. Did this is X15. Jim
  22. Here's a thought -- could you have two layout boxes "stacked" on top of each other with duplicate views but different visibilities and render styles? View 1 with everything as glass house and View 2 with only the solid object on its own layer visible? Jim
  23. Ok, good to know. I posted to suggestions. Maybe this squeaky wheel will get the grease. Jim