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Everything posted by JKEdmo

  1. Hello, I have an exterior wall sitting on roof framing below (red arrow). It does not go down to the floor deck. It unfortunately shows up in plan (circled): Is there a wall setting to make this disappear in plan, or should I just mask with a CAD box? Thank you, Jim
  2. Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I'll take a closer look at your answer in detail. Being new to the software, I have a lot of questions, especially relative to the software I come from. But, I will try to adapt! Jim
  3. Good morning, This is a reply to an old topic, but I was unsure if there was ever any conclusion. I have to agree with the original post about how awkward it is to hold down the mouse button and zoom with the scroll wheel at the same time. (In my case, I really notice it when doing CAD polylines). Is there a setting that allows "click release" behavior, or is that counter to Chief's method? I use a trackball, so I wonder if that makes things more difficult. Thanks again, Jim
  4. Got it. Thanks for quick reply. Jim
  5. Good morning, Does Chief allow for the display of the stair up/down walkline arrow for the full length of the stair? I thought there might be the option to manually relocate the "up" tag and length the walkline arrow, but did not find it. My habit is to show the arrow starting at the first riser and ending (if no breakline) at the last in order to be crystal clear about full extent of stair. I typically draw a small circle at the stair start, but I suppose I could live without that. Thanks again, Jim
  6. Thanks for the input. I will study this in greater detail. I have a lot to learn! Jim
  7. Just did so. The 24" fat beam change showed up in 3D, but not in 2D plan, i.e. the 2D plan remained unchanged. So, am I in fact seeing the railing in 2D? I'm confused because I thought I built the object to not have a railing in any view. Hmmm. Is there a way to turn off and turn on dashed beam above? Jim
  8. Hi Eric, I have my railing turned off. Snapshots below. Jim
  9. Hello, I created a porch with a post to beam rail style. I'm in Working Plan View. Graphically, my expectation would be the beam above would show dashed, but it comes in as a solid line. See below. I figured there might be a display setting to change the line type, but could not find one. Any tips or hints? Out of curiousity, I took a look at Chief's Austin home plan set. See below. Their porch beam also shows as a solid line. Is this a Chief quirk? Thanks again, Jim
  10. Thanks everyone for the help on this. I adjusted the stem wall height and this works for my purposes. Jim
  11. Thank you both Gene and Eric. I'll take a closer look at this in detail tomorrow. Jim
  12. No, with a separate footing pour. Similar to this detail:
  13. Hello, Week 3 or so of my Chief journey. Going pretty well. Anyhow, been working on an as-built model with a walk-out basement. I would like to have the basement floor be concrete slab-on-grade with the wood framed walls sitting on top. It appears my wood walls are going through the slab. I'm a bit stumped as to the solution. Any help would be appreciated. I have attached the plan file. Thank you again, Jim THE MUNSON RESIDENCE - AS-BUILTS.plan
  14. Good morning, I noticed that dashed linetypes change in dash size as you zoom in and out on the building model. I find this distracting. Is there a way to turn this off, or in other words, keep the linetype appearance fixed relative to the model? I suppose there would have to be some sort of scale setting for the building model to drive this. Thank you, Jim P.S. I did find some posts on this, but was unclear of the conclusion.
  15. Got it. Thanks for the quick response and insight. Jim
  16. Yes, a little bit. Is the polyline something normally produced by Chief and to be expected, or only when I manually tweak a wall? For example, override the wall heights. Jim
  17. Hello, In my beginner's quest to better understand things, I was curious about the wall polyline Chief produces, notably the highlighted message, "Polyline produced by 3D wall editor." What is this object's purpose / function? Thanks again, Jim
  18. Rene, I watched your video. This seems to be a great method if you want to show demolition along with new items together in a plan. However, the drawing sets I produce typically have dedicated demolition plans, i.e. I only show existing to remain along with items to be demo'ed. Will your method allow this too? Thank you, Jim
  19. Thanks! I turned off the framing option and that worked very well. Jim
  20. Hello, Super basic question - does Chief offer the option for visible but non-plotting layers? I found this helpful with my other Cad software for sketch lines, etc. Thanks, Jim
  21. Hello, Working on my as-built model. I created a typical exterior wall composed of 8" brick with interior furring and plaster. I then copied this wall type and modified it to be a similar interior wall with plaster and furring on both sides. Where the walls intersect, shouldn't Chief merge the main (brick) layers automatically? I highlighted the issue below. Or, do I need to do this cleanup manually? Thank you, Jim REYNOLDS RESIDENCE - AS-BUILTS.plan
  22. JKEdmo


    Greetings, A very new X14 user here coming from the Autocad Architecture world and some Revit. I started my first project with Chief and have been quite impressed by the program's features, the company's customer service, and the active user forum. Just thought I'd say hello and share first impressions. Jim