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Everything posted by JKEdmo

  1. Jim, Thanks for the idea. I get it now. Seems like a clever solution! Jim
  2. Thank you for your feedback. Sounds like the workaround is to put the cameras on a layer that can be turned off. The callouts can be "dumb" and graphical only. Maybe I'll suggest this to Chief as a possible feature. Seems like a relocated callout could have a reference leader / anchor back to it's actual location in the room. Maybe this reference leader appears when you click on the callout. Jim
  3. When space is tight I sometimes set my interior elevation tags outside of a room. Is it possible to relocate the camera callouts in this way, but still have the cameras remain inside the room to generate the needed wall elevations? Highlight below shows where I would relocate the tags for example. Thanks, Jim
  4. Thanks Scott. I'll take a closer look at this. Would Chief consider giving the user some ability to customize the dimension string order/heirarchy in a future version? My habit is dimensioning from outside in, i.e. overall exterior first, then exterior window and door openings and lastly interior walls. Jim
  5. Thanks Mick. That's very helpful. I'll read up more on dimensions in the manual. Jim
  6. Just getting into automatic exterior dimensions. I like what I see. Is there a setting that specifies the order or sequence of the automatic dimension strings? The result I get (screenshot below) is... 1. exterior overall 2. interiors 3. exterior wall openings (windows) I would like to reverse 2 and 3 so that dimensions in order from exterior to interior. Hopefully makes sense. Thanks, Jim
  7. Thanks Joey. I did just that. Jim
  8. Hello, I'm confused on how to get a continuous railing at the head of this stair. How do I correct this gap? Thanks again, Jim
  9. Thanks. You're right -- a big part of learning the software is learning its limits, then learning the workarounds. Jim
  10. Thanks Michael for your quick reply. Is there any setting in Chief to turn off wall cleanup on a single wall basis? (I believe the answer is no...) Jim
  11. Hello, I have a shower stall with a corner glass door as shown. Two of the walls are pony interior stud walls for the curb with shower glass walls above (centered). The bottom plumbing wall is a full height stud wall. Having issues with the wall merge circled below. I tried "edit wall layer intersections" unsuccessfully. Any hints or tips? Thanks once again for your help, Jim
  12. Thanks both of you. Ha - I patted myself on the shoulder that I figured it out. BTW, I appreciate everyone's patience as I'm coming from the Autocad world and I'm 54 years old. Fun yet frustrating learning new software! Jim
  13. I think I figured out a pretty good workaround. I overlaid a new hatch pattern on top of the 3-tab pattern and defined with thick white pattern lines and no fill. This seems to achieve the goal.
  14. Thanks Rene for the quick reply. I guess the answer is no for the linetype bylayer option. Jim
  15. Does Chief allow for the pattern / hatching linestyle property to be set to "by layer"? (My frame of reference is Autocad, which allows this). I'm working on a demo plan and I'd like to show my 3-tab asphalt roofing pattern as fine dashed (roofing to be removed). I was able to change the polyline boundary linestyle, but it appears to me that the hatch linework itself is "fixed" and cannot be changed. Thanks again, Jim
  16. Good morning, I try to be precise when sheeting up my drawings. When I place a linked view on a layout sheet, I notice I cannot snap my linked detail border exactly to my layout title block border. See highlight below that shows a small gap. Is this preventable or just a quirk to live with? I realize line weights will for the most part cover up this gap, but precision is always better. Thanks again, Jim
  17. Chopsaw, OK, if I understand correctly, there is no override and it's up to the user to manage with drawing order. Bummer. Maybe a future feature Chief would consider? Thanks for your input. Jim
  18. One useful feature from the Autocad world is a "line merge" setting for the PDF print driver. In a nutshell, it forces dark (black) line types to always print over lighter line types. Just like real life drafting. Here's sample output below from Chief with no line merge. Does Chief have a line merge setting? Thanks again, Jim
  19. Thanks. That fixed it. Jim
  20. Good morning, I'm drawing up a framing plan and have my background set to grey. So far so good. I have a stair with a breakline and treads shown dashed above that's coming in black however. I want to set these lines to grey. What layer does Chief put this linework on? I can't figure it out. Thanks, Jim
  21. JKEdmo

    Layer 0

    OK, thanks for the insight. Jim
  22. JKEdmo

    Layer 0

    Simple question - I was wondering what the purpose / function of layer 0 is in Chief? All the other layers are pretty self-explanatory... Thank you, Jim
  23. Greetings, Does the dimension text override feature allow for carriage returns? From what I can tell, it does not. But, perhaps there's a special character code or trick that allows this? Thank you. Jim