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Everything posted by JKEdmo

  1. Hello, Super basic question - does Chief offer the option for visible but non-plotting layers? I found this helpful with my other Cad software for sketch lines, etc. Thanks, Jim
  2. Hello, Working on my as-built model. I created a typical exterior wall composed of 8" brick with interior furring and plaster. I then copied this wall type and modified it to be a similar interior wall with plaster and furring on both sides. Where the walls intersect, shouldn't Chief merge the main (brick) layers automatically? I highlighted the issue below. Or, do I need to do this cleanup manually? Thank you, Jim REYNOLDS RESIDENCE - AS-BUILTS.plan
  3. JKEdmo


    Greetings, A very new X14 user here coming from the Autocad Architecture world and some Revit. I started my first project with Chief and have been quite impressed by the program's features, the company's customer service, and the active user forum. Just thought I'd say hello and share first impressions. Jim