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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Draw a sketch of what you mean and post it, the porch roof must have pitch , even if it starts at the same height at the wall as the ceiling joists. or I misunderstand what you are wanting...
  2. the porch wall would need to be lower than the house wall due to the roof pitch
  3. Thanks Jon , they should "Sticky" this post ,so it doesn't get lost.... M.
  4. I think you have hdmi and mini display port on that laptop Joey , so you should be able to run two monitors with the right adaptors/cables/inputs on the TV
  5. yep either that or an option to turn off the Sun and just have "good" light everywhere unless doing a final view.
  6. post the plan ...certainly sounds strange... if I understand your post ....pics would help
  7. the box window tool doesn't work ? M.
  8. I have been getting crashes when working with the library too in X7 but haven't found a definitive reproducible problem yet.
  9. Thanks Kirk , some new textures would be excellent. I have used the ones Val is suggesting too , they are in the Tile Library under Random (not really random) , copied to User Lib. and resized ,new colour as needed.
  10. Glen is right always easier with a plan too much guessing other wise. not that RT is my forte at all but is the gravel /stone really thin ? over the grass terrain perm. and we are seeing light bleed from the grass? light comes from all angles I think in RT not just from the Sun's direction ,which is why I think I have seen recommendations to always have a basement built in interior RT's. I assume the table and sink have not emissive qualities so the above is my only guess...
  11. I have always used the DBX's when available as I see too many screw-ups "painting stuff" from the Library so I guess I am missing something , when trying what I thought was your method, cos if I select the gutter in the library and touch the gutter in a 3D view it becomes the new default , even if I delete the roof it comes back as Fascia gutter not the original Ogee type... Oh....Glenn just posted above about the gutter polyline while I'm typing this.... You might be the only one who understood what Rich was talking about , and I wont argue about your CA knowledge either though
  12. Rich...I'm curious how you were doing it , as I have only ever done it the way Glen mentions , so haven't seen this issue before M.
  13. do a search on laptop in this forum or the Chatroom , been lots of posts this year on this.... M.
  14. importing onto a Layer that isn't currently displayed ? I think imported PDF's use CAD.Default but not 100% sure?
  15. The original 3D Diva Site Closed down , so your Favs. link maybe to that old site which someone is using for Malware etc now , David Michael (DMD) agreed to host Her site a while back now as part of his Site. Patricia Abood---3D-Diva http://3d-diva.davidmichaeldesigns.com/ David Michael ...he has a free symbols/textures section too http://www.davidmichaeldesigns.com/
  16. thx Ginkgo , nice to have an example to look at. M.
  17. I have used David Michaels ones (Jon's last link) in the past , made in X1 but still can be imported as a .alb file. M.
  18. Yep that's why I was looking at them too , the full plan downloads include the full layout and textures too in some cases , they just never went that far with the Dalton , even though the last vid. is about making the Con Docs , they aren't in the download unfortunately. Perhaps CA could add them to the download zip file?
  19. Thanks for the info Joey appreciate it , been sitting on the fence and my Phone.Co has finally got a "deal" for existing users....never mind I have been with them for 22 yrs , new users can usually get a better phone price though .....go figure...
  20. @ Sherry I had a look at some of the other Samples in the Gallery over the weekend and some (not all) do have layouts included , the Riverstone, Modern Bungalow, Woodstone, and Timber Frame House do. if you only want to look at the Layouts ( not inspect for "how to" tips) , the PDF included in the Gallery is the Printed (PDF) Layout file. M.
  21. Try Tommy Blair , nice guy , he is in Houston link here https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/2217-austin-tx/#entry50319
  22. Hi Ling , if you have Home Designer Pro , you should ask over on HomeTalk , rather than here at ChiefTalk if you build the Roof and turn off Auto Roof Build in the Roof DBX , it wont move or rebuild after that but you have to build it 1st. You can rebuild the Roof with the Retain manual roof planes too (one's you edited) which may help you rebuild if needed. Always best to post pics or your plan if having issues and fill in your Profile Signature so people know what software and year you are using too as there are different answers for different Products, due to different capabilities. HomeTalk. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  23. maybe just the orientation when you took the piic ...(phone upside down) most windows programs auto orientate pics so you don't notice this... No fruit here either , I am Windows Comp. + Surface3 and windows phone too , but am close to getting a Android phone , maybe Note4 for app support , though I don't really want to learn another "Ecosystem"
  24. I was going to try searching for it but realised I had no clue what you actually called the request....
  25. You should bump that request so I can +1 it ,would love that too.