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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Techo Bloc has a Designers Toolbox as well ( use the Sketchup Textures in Chief ) and Hatch Patterns though they really need to make a Chief Library so it more seamless. @Chief_Content https://www.techo-bloc.com/support/resources/technical-resources/designers-toolbox M.
  2. Thanks for the Update , and it is Driver related so no worries there..... especially since someone above reported crashes with the 531.xx Driver , similar to the Issues with the 525.xx Series. M.
  3. I think you can get what you need via the Railing Wall's , Newels and Baluster Tab IF you uncheck use Defaults under Plan Display, I also uncheck Balusters and Panels after doing that , and apply a Fill Style M.
  4. Here https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/1272 and new Caps too Here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/1271 M.
  5. Yes, I've gone back to 528.49 . It is 531.18 which has the CPU bug, though Chief in of itself may not trigger it though, it is mostly being seen after the Nvidia Driver is used in a 3D application , so most reports are from Gamers. Mick.
  6. Several websites are now reporting a Bug in Nvidia Driver 531.18 GR ( Latest ) which can cause the CPU to be hogged by between 10-14% for some ...as usual YMMV. The advice, if it effects you, is to go back to 528.24 or 528.48 Mick.
  7. I figured there was a work-around , but I still don't think it should be doing this , the same problem was seen in X15 , so I think they should look at it... M.
  8. I had a quick play and I don't think it is you, send it in so they can work out why if the one roof plane is below the room Ceiling height (Plate height) the ceiling plane doesn't recognize the Roof plane, it's still looking for the full height exterior wall is my guess. Also as seen in your CS , the Tray is not set to recess into ceiling hence it drops the whole ceiling down 12" ...that doesn't fix this issue though. Too late to play anymore .... M.
  9. Try exporting it out of X14 and import into X15 instead perhaps? * This works for me............ M.
  10. Depending on what you need, and perhaps okay for elevations, the quick and dirty way , is to turn the ROOM Definition back on in the "Fence" Walls ( assuming you have 3-4 sides to get a room ) and then controlling the Room Floor and Ceiling Heights and the Railing Height as needed. Basically turn everything off in the Room Structure Tab and in the Terrain DBX uncheck Hide Terrain intersected by Building. Depending how much work you are willing to do , if you want the bottom of the Wall to follow the terrain , you can uncheck Railing in the Wall's Gen.Tab and edit the wall shape in elevation as usual, this will mean multicopying Posts every 8' and using solids for a top rail etc as needed though. * I only did the right side posts and Solids in the Pic below after making the wall 3/4" thick as it only represents the panels after this change. Mick
  11. This should work, has for me in the past, just make a "Great Rm Light Set" and turn off everything not needed to be on in the house..... M.
  12. Use Backup Entire Layout if you have one for the Project , this will also back up all Referenced Plans and textures. M.
  13. Might be best to start with the budget number you have for each machine, and work backwards to get the best you can for the money you want to spend. And talk to dedicated Computer suppliers rather than just looking at Amazon too, some may even offer a better deal on multiple PCs purchased at once. M.
  14. True..... and at least for me there is Print Preview Icon on the RH side Toolbar ....but I may have put it there? long time since I saw a CA default Toolbar. (actually I see it now in the OP's image above too ) Thanks, I will tuck this away just in case. M.
  15. I'd have to agree, an export at 30 , isn't worth exporting , I normally CAP at 2500...... ( the CAP just stops my 3080Ti running endlessly for little to no gains in visual appear, I have not played in X15 with the new "Denoise Tool" though ) M.
  16. I believe Chopsaw is right, in versions as old as x8 you can only edit in 1 view I think, long time since I used X8. The hearth would be drawn in plan just like the footing/foundation , it should sit right on the floor from the get go. M.
  17. Yes , thanks for the info, I'm testing 531.18 Myself , but didn't want to update the Tread just yet. Mick.
  18. No problem at all , glad to hear you got it sorted.... Mick.
  19. Adding Page Numbers should not effect what's on the Pages themselves ? Pics may help as "my cad details all went crazy " isn't going to help anyone trying to help you M.
  20. Happy to help , don't forget to save it as you Default template once done , so you NEVER have to do it again too M.
  21. Look at my pics above........ 1. On Page 0 Change the macro to %layout.label% 2. On each Page Edit the Information and add A.# ( on the Label Line, see pic ) and you should see A.1 , A.2 , A.3 etc..... The A and . (dot) can be any letter you want, the dot is not needed, or could be a dash etc etc the # is needed for auto sequential numbering %layout.title% I use to Auto Populate the Page Information ie As-Built Plans in the Pic above %layout.comments% I use to Auto Populate the Page Scale Information in Markers etc. Mick.
  22. Is the "Room" labelled as a Deck? as it sounds like something is messed up if not , try it in a new plan, opened off the CA default Plan Template as what you are saying doesn't sound "normal" in my experience. M.
  23. It's the Page Edit DBX , right Click the Page in the Project Browser and use the Layout Label and Layout Title macros instead of the page number Macro ( %page% ) the # hashtag causes chief to auto number them in sequence...... see pics.... M.