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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Click on any layout box border and in the ALDO ( Active Layer Display Options) uncheck their display just like any other Layer you don't want to see in a particular view. sounds like you need/want to use the Backclipped elevation for the Island , you can also limit the width of the view and get it close ... in the view , instead of doing it with the Layout Bounding Box in the layout , by opening the Backclipped View DBX and Checking "Clip to Sides" so you get the two Handles appear in the p[plan view , so you can set the width of the View. this does not work for Height wise though
  2. Try zipping the file , it has to be under 25mb to post here ..... delete interior item like furniture or cabinets if needed in a copy of your main plan 1st if needed. M.
  3. Considering the survey was done nearly 50 yrs ago , you don't think they just swung an Arc off the Southern PL? my best guess-i-mate would be they took a 200ft tape (or 250 ft with 50' wide road ) and swung an Arc , the same size as the southern PL up till it hit the northern PL , seems to look about right....assuming I didn't mess it up somehow....been a while since I did one of these... but I see points labelled IP and PI etc you would think the local city would have an updated Survey after 50 yrs though... they would make a Client get one here just cos of that fact before issuing a Permit, so add a few grand for that privilege PLOT PLAN_LITTON_RES.plan
  4. Did this work for you? I don't use Ramps unless I need a Ramp , so I'm not much help with that method..... seems to work on exterior stairs too... here is the auto rail and then one I drew.... M.
  5. Basically..... Save your As built drawing as "plan-name_As-Built" immediately re-save it as "plan-name_Proposed_1" now Draw up then Addition / Reno Changes on this plan...... Once done click "Send to layout" , say yes to creating a layout if needed ... it will be named as plan-name_Proposed_1.layout automatically Send the Plan view to whichever page in your layout you use for Proposed Drawings eg page 10 , while in the Layout move to the page you want the As-Built Plan on eg. page 5 so when we send the next page it will automatically pick that page next , in this case page 5. Now Re-Open the As-Built Plan (Recent Files List) , and again choose send to layout . Because the Proposed Layout is already Open, and only one Layout can be open at a time the As-Built Drawing will use it too without asking, the DBX should have Page 5 from above already selected , so just click OK . M.
  6. Best to remove the auto railings ( uncheck left / right railings in dbx) and the draw your own railing as needed and make sure the Follow Stairs box is checked... here it is done inside.... but would assume same outside....
  7. I can see a roof plane in your plan view , but do you have Ceiling over this room checked in the Room DBX ? you need both for a Truss to generate.... make the ceiling structure the height of the needed truss. Always best in these situations to post the plan ...you would likely of had an answer just after you 1st posted... M..
  8. Prefereneces>Reset Options ....at the very bottom.... but not sure that is going to help a lost Library though ...unless you just mean you can't see the library window anymore? ie more info would help...maybe
  9. Moved what file location in Chief ? you need to provide more information or call Tech Support and get them to step you back through what you did ... No 1-800 no# anymore unfortunately.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/#contact
  10. I think I am missing it too, unless it some sort of specialised Truss ? check out this thread for Michael's Energy Heel fix....
  11. something like the Lenovo Legion 720 comes in different configs depending on Budget which maybe fine too and you may get a good deal on one too with Black Friday next week.. Some places like Microsoft also have discounts for Students/parents etc... eg https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/d/lenovo-legion-y720-80vr0064us-gaming-laptop/8rqt7jf848b4/7ksw?activetab=pivot:overviewtab or an alienware... https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/d/alienware-15-r3-aw15r3-gaming-laptop/8mgd90wpkghx/6h4p?activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab
  12. X9 changes the way Graphics work , so I suggest checking the system requirements for X9 and Filling in your Signature ( see mine for how) with your system specs and hopefully someone with a similar system can help out. I am assuming this issue is with ALL plans , not a particular plan.....
  13. Are you using the same Template Plan or did you Start with a Blank OOB CA Profile Plan ? sounds like you lost a bunch of your defaults , they could be re-imported if needed , though did you check Temporary Dims are still turned on? View>Temp.Dims > is it Checked? you may have clicked the icon for it by accident ? check these settings in the pics :
  14. It does not do Labour at all and it only estimates exactly what you Draw/Model in the Program....and you need to add pricing etc , it does not use RS Means or Similar. Download the Trial version and have a play with the Materials List function and see if it works for you... there are some videos too ... Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChiefArchitectInc/search?query=materials Chief Website: not sure if you need a login here though... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/search/?default_tab=video&q=materials+list M.
  15. were they sketchup files you imported into Pro? then export your User library from Pro and import into Chief or just the appropriate library from Pro if that is all you want to bring over.... CA will migrate them to new versions but I don't think it does that when you upgrade from Pro so you will need to do yourself with import/export... M.
  16. Ahhhhh good find , I have never seen a 1/2 wall setup that way so I never dug that deep ....... I now see he did say it was a Ponywall ( common term here) but I didn't think he had made one in CA for it, normally I just set Railing , then solid then set the newel height to the wall height needed. M.
  17. that is strange.....it shows as a normal width wall .....good find
  18. Are you sure it is a connection issue and not an Off angle issue with the 1/2 wall? click the yellow triangle it should tell you.... here are a couple of possible fixes for the missing drywall on the end of the full wall where the 1/2 wall meets it too....
  19. Yes the trick is to use a second short (12") room divider line right on the end of the Short wall , this will stop the Main Room Divider wall joining properly to the short wall so the drywall will then wrap the end of the short wall too. You will then need to add a molding polyline to the room and uncheck the "no molding on this edge" box to add the base back to the end of the Short Wall too.
  20. I don't like it either so I set it in the Camera Defaults>General rather than the Camera's View DBX so it is used for all Cameras , personally I am not a fan of Bloom either....seems to Soften things too much...
  21. I use Avast Free now and Malwarebytes Free, have for years .... Avast bought AVG this year I think it was....I used AVG for years till it also became a resource hog and very intrusive but still use it on an old XP/Vista Machine where it is still ( or was) supported.
  22. not sure if it works with the Trial as you can't make saves , not sure if that is plan files only or not? but Try opening the Plan called profile.plan in the Templates Folder ( CA Default Plan) and make the change there so every time you open a plan the setting is already made.
  23. Is One Drive up and working , you signed in? you also may get blocked if one drive is full ie you are at the 5GB free limit... they all appear to be "in the cloud" rather than in My Documents>Chief Data Folder>Templates
  24. Ahhhh ...I did not understand from your 1st post pic how that was going to solve this User's issue.... quite the opposite , and your 2nd post to me read like you could not filter for Items in the User Library ... but I see now you meant you could not filter for the User Library itself.... M.