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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Re : Open the Wall Specification dbx>Structure>Framing>Stagger Multiple Framing Layers. It's usually on by default , unless that changed in X15? M.
  2. It would be best if you can't measure the Wall and Ceiling Heights yourself ? then have the person who sent the Pictures do it for you perhaps otherwise it will be very difficult to get right. For example...............
  3. For a Long time now , mostly due to the Speed Issues with Live Cameras, I have just keep Camera's Saved in the PB with "Don't Move" in the Name, which I just open and resend to layout ( as an Image) before Sending a New PDF Set out to Clients. It's a pity these camera's can't be Auto Linked like the Live Cameras which would be Ideal for me at least. M.
  4. You'd be best to post a sample Plan, as there is no way to tell what is wrong with your Materials otherwise. You could also have a look at this Post of mine on making Tile ( 12x24 with 1/3 offset actually) pretty simply just using Window's Built in "Paint" Program. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/24813-how-to-make-a-screen-grab-of-a-tile-into-a-tile-material-in-chief /?tab=comments#comment-200824 M.
  5. Rob's Method should work, but Furred Walls, especially on a Full House, can be problematic due to the way they join at intersections and Corners, so depending on the situation? I'd probably copy the existing Ext. Wall Definition and then add the new Layers to it and define the layers etc so the Existing Wall stays where it is if need ( ie. inner Framing location remains the same.) Mick.
  6. Oh ok, well I have not experienced the Issue you have but Nahimic Service is a known incompatibility of Chief's, so I am surprised Tech. Support wouldn't at least tell you that, and it was an Issue on my Asus Laptop ( in Sig.) until I removed Sonic Radar (only) but keep Sonic Studio. For me it was usually related to also using more than 1 monitor (multi-monitor) ......... This is my write-up on my fix for that...... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/28384-multi-monitor-issue-fix-for-computers-with-nahimic-audio/?tab=comments#comment-226782 Mick.
  7. Only person I know who was using one is @Renerabbitt But he also now uses several different Laptops but he might still comment. M.
  8. No problem , there's lots of good people here to help Other's get over the "hump" when needed but also make sure to download the Full PDF Manual (See Help on Top toolbar ) and also Check out the KnowledgeBase (FAQs) which has hundreds of short Tutorials that can even be downloaded as PDFs ( see Green Button TOOLS on Right) as a lot of the Issues you may run into may already have a KB Article here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/database.html Mick.
  9. True , but when I asked a Client to convert them to Jpeg last year She Sent .jfif's which is how I learnt they are just Jpegs.... I eventually found how to make Windows Open .Heic's ( for free) so that's no longer an issue though.... but I don't think the Forum can show .heic's or .jfif's can it? M.
  10. This is not really a good Idea in Chief, as it much easier to work with everything Referencing Absolute 0" which is Top of the Plywood SubFloor on Level 1. However you can easily show this in elevation etc ie with the Storeypole by Setting the Elevation Dimension Refence Height for the Subfloor so everything Starts at 98.75m on the Storypole. Here is a Post with a Plan and PDF I made about 5 years ago about this ( for myself at the time ) https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17786-story-pole-relocating-the-grade-elevation/?do=findComment&comment=149858 Mick.
  11. Another than SusanC's answer there have been several Threads on Black Shower Doors in the last year or So , so shouldn't be hard to find.... M.
  12. It's actually a newer(?) File extension for jpegs, though I am not sure why they are posting Jpegs or PNG direct to the Forum as It doesn't do .jfif as far as I know. (possibly from an iPhone? ie screenshot ?) M.
  13. The work-around in Chief is Usually to make your Standard Stairs ( no overhangs on treads ) to get all the Hand Rails Auto-Built and then place a 3D Solid of just the Concrete portion over the top. ( Draw the Risers in Elevation (CAD) and then convert to a 3D Solid , setting the Depth as your width ( I think, I'm not in front of Chief ) M.
  14. You need to tell us what Software you are using to get specific advise and if it's one of the "Home Designer Titles" you should ask over on HomeTalk , not Chieftalk as you may need to use techniques applicable to your title. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ It's also an Idea to do your Forum Signature ( see other in the posts above ) so you don't need to type the info like the version used each time you post a question. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662
  15. My thinking is the same ie LSL Studs.... maybe even 2x8 ? * I am not an Eng. M.
  16. Well that is good news and I'm sure other Users in the future would appreciate you Posting the Fix certainly I have never experienced this particular problem. M.
  17. This has always been hard to do in chief , and Pony walls are one option, but for a Single Render, to give the Client an Idea, I'd give a Material Region set to cut the parent object a go 1st. Their are Threads on the Forum about this with more Ideas , but maybe 1 or 2 versions ago , and there maybe newer methods too. M.
  18. My guess is you don't have all Libraries installed as my error message shows 118 ATM, but like you I think Chief's Content Team is still playing catch up with Full X15 Libraries. M. .
  19. This section is for Requesting Paid Work/Help ........if that's not you ? then copy and paste your Help Request and Plan into the Q+A Thread. People will also need to know what Version of Chief etc you use , you can add that Via your Forum Sig. so you don't need to do it every post... see the link below for that. Mick. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 *** I think you already did it now....
  20. This is one of the Reasons I thought the Heel Hgt. should default to the VSD , as there are many places where a Heel Hgt. is not needed , ie warmer Climes world wide. M.
  21. The Spacings are not absolutes , Chief divides the distance as close as possible to the set spacing , so all spacings are the same. M.
  22. CA went to subscription model on Jan 9th 2023, so if you missed that you will have to transfer to the new Model , though I think the 1st yr is 1/2 price. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/37322-chief-architect-software-licensing-changes-beginning-january-10-2023/page/16/?tab=comments#comment-292771 But in X15 with the new Denoiser Option in RT you can run a 500 sample, in 60-90secs (depends on GPU ) and it cleans up the "dots" when done. It is best to "CAP" your samples so your GPU does run at max continuously like this.........
  23. I was thinking that for most people, they will do exactly like Steve did and input the old default of 0", the 1st time they see the Default is 30" ( Idaho min. Height?) thinking it was a error or bug in X15. M.
  24. I don't think even that should be necessary, and as Steve Showed it is gong to be an Issue for many , the VSD should now be the minimum Heel Height now, so that Chief isn't Auto-building incorrectly ( which will confuse many - i.e. "why is there a little slope on my ceiling?" ) and thinking about it earlier it would be nice to also have a Minimum Heel Height setting (a Default) that Users can set per their Local Code Height (Insulation min.depth) required by local Truss Builders. M.
  25. Nope... I am with you on this.......... It's 30" for me too , and is the Same in Chief's Default X15 Template..... so perhaps you are right about it remembering the Last setting Used in your Template? Yes Please M.