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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I am not a Mac User, never have been, but I did see a week or two ago that a Company has developed an "emulator" for DirectX12 for use with Macs, mostly for gaming obviously, but DX12 is what Chief now uses, so perhaps MAC users will have PBR sooner than expected if Chief can make the "Emulator" work with Chief? https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/7/23752164/apple-mac-gaming-game-porting-toolkit-windows-games-macos M.
  2. Chief confirmed in another Thread that the new "procedural grass" I think he called it, only works in PBR Views and will never work in the CPU RT. * Nice Images though, hopefully those "sold it for you M.
  3. Actually PBR-RTRT is not bad in X15 since they added the Denoiser, for me that is a game changer for RTRT , 500-1000 samples , and the Denoiser cleans up the Glass etc. You do need to play with the sun still, try 10,000 and lower so as not to "burnout" the background, if just using a color like a very light blue to simulate sky, this will show as the background being very dark ( grey / black ) , you may also need to disable Refraction , depending on Reflections wanted ( or not ) etc too along with the reflective properties ( roughness ) of your materials and a number of other settings as well. The big caveat here is that the Colors will rarely look like the Color Chips from BM, SW etc of the average computer Monitor or even some expensive ( oversaturated ) monitors so make sur eyou have a disclaimer about that on any renderings. Mick.
  4. Typically I do the same and would say here that the Framers should of known better, and it's possible any Bifolds Framed currently need checking too. M.
  5. Just about everyone of my Clients would disagree with you, it's the most hated part of X15 by far , and most wish there was a button to make the library work the same way as it has for the last 15 years with a single Click , but with a bit of playing with the Libraries Settings, ( gear wheel bottom left ) in particular the Filter and Pane Settings you can get it pretty close to how it was. Perhaps Other's can share how they have it setup or even better Chief could make a KB Article for all those annoyed by this change...... M. @Chief_Content
  6. These are working for me just fine...... I did have crashes earlier this week as described in a Client's Plan and Chief TS tracked it down to me turning on Auto (Roof) Framing and there was a tiny roof plane, barely big enough to see left behind, that chief couldn't Auto frame causing Device Removed Crashes and Lockups, which stopped completely after deleting the offending roof plane. M.
  7. I just realized I had your Bubble Chandelier in your Library On the Symbols Forum and it works with it too.....
  8. Seems to work for me Rob....... at least with the Chandelier I tried.... I adjusted the Main Fixture Item light Data ( don't expand to show all lights and multi-select) and it also adjusted the light data for the 3 "lights" on the Light I tried.
  9. You could try it this way with Paint https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/24813-how-to-make-a-screen-grab-of-a-tile-into-a-tile-material-in-chief /?do=findComment&comment=199676
  10. How does it show in Adjust Lights? Can you shift select them all and "Adjust" there? M.
  11. Hi Rob , just wanted to say thanks , I see you updated the Post with he Plan File as well so People will have all the textures , so thanks for doing that. 1 small problem , the Kitchen Plumbing Library is not downloadable as access is denied.... Mick. @RobUSMC
  12. Have you looked at Chief Substance Player Tile and Wood Builders?
  13. What you show should work, whether done in Paint or PS , my only suggestion would be to "randomize" the Tiles ie flip the image vertically and horizontally and rotate 90 and 180° etc , so you don't have a repeating pattern with the dark veining in your example above, the "repeat" will look bad in Chief. ( Hopefully the Tiler would not lay them like that either) doing you own is also the only way to show a particular grout color if that is important , as it must be part of the Texture used. M.
  14. Yes, but I suspect it is still under Warranty ( most have 3yrs, some 5yrs ) so you should be starting a case with the Manufacturer too. I have had good luck with 531.61 myself, though TS recently suggested the latest when I had some crashes, but the driver was not the Issue. M.
  15. Interesting, I don't think I have ever changed that.... M.
  16. It would depend on the MacBook Pro and assuming I had the model correct ? 4K @32" is about as close as you can get .............. but it's also why I said to do some research and check Sites like this one.....https://www.displayninja.com/what-is-pixel-density/ M.
  17. My 1st guess would be that the Retina Display is a much higher Resolution ( close to 4k ?) and also much "Brighter" compared to the HP which isn't necessarily a "bad" monitor, but being only a FHD Res. (1920 x 1080 ) you are noticing the differences ( and may need to go to a 4K monitor ) but I would do some Googling and further Research ( and watch you HP Return Date ) M.
  18. As Eric said it's hard to tell which is which but it almost looks like Line Weights are turn on and much more noticeable on one than the other. Also if you Mac has a Retina Display and your HP is a low Spec FHD monitor you may notice differences I'd think? ( I am not a Mac User.) so you might need to consider a return a for a better quality Monitor? and perhaps larger eg 32" if you have the room? M.
  19. Yep , good now and Thanks. You might need to Change the Threads Title ( Edit the 1st Post ) to just Rob's Libraries / Symbols ...... * the benefit of making smaller Libraries and Posting Directly her eon the Forum, is that you don't need to Host them ...now or in the future.... Mick.
  20. Chief has 30-40 Materials in every Plan, even a Brand new "empty" one , as they are set as "Defaults" for example, Ceilings , Floors, Drywall etc but there are also materials assigned to things like Skylights , Windows, Doors , Appliances, Cabinets, Cabinet Hardware, Countertops, 3D Solids etc etc.... Mick.
  21. Thanks Rob , these two Libraries can be downloaded but the electrical Library is still denying permission to download....
  22. This might help , it a short post on how to make simple Tile Textures with the Window's Paint Program...... Mick.
  23. I do this with my Plumbing Fixtures, splitting them into Kitchen Bathroom, Shower etc too , and I can see how this would be helpful for Electrical Plans as well. It appears your OneDrive/Sharepoint won't allow "strangers" to download the File ..... did you try uploading it direct to the Forum ? it should allow 14mb attachments , though you may need to split it perhaps into 2 Libraries? Mick.
  24. Thanks for the Info once again Ed, much appreciated. Mick.