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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Can you convert the PDF to DWG , this can be done if the PDF is not an "image" , and then import it as a dwg instead which should give you more control over elements. M.
  2. Other Issues The "Wood Strips" you see are not your fault, Chief for some reason is auto-building those 3 roof planes 1/2 way through the wall , which destroys that brick work, they need to be pulled back out of the wall. there are also some reversed walls , ie showing the drywall on the outside click the wall and then on the reversing tool on the edit toolbar It is unlikely that on a roof this complex that Chief will ever auto build it completely as desired, there is no point fight it, and getting totally frustrated, as at some point you will need to go manual anyway. I always go Auto 1st , which gets me the basics in the 65% to 90% range and then finish it manually as needed. Mick.
  3. you didn't accidently auto build the Roofs at 0/12 or some other really low pitch instead of 12/12 did you? *** Having now looked at your plan the above is exactly what you've done , Chief resets this to 1/4" to ensure some slope being a Roof.
  4. Try messaging Rene Rabbitt , I know he was using one (Surface) at one point , but has moved to laptops now I believe. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/profile/10037-renerabbitt/ M.
  5. Not sure why you aren't seeing them there as in X15 they are present, did you try a test in a new Plan opened from Chief's X10 Residential template file? you could also make sure your Plan's Dimension Defaults are still the same as the Template file too. Sorry I don't have X10 installed to do any testing with...
  6. Chief is agnostic as far as the OS goes, ( it doesn't care ) so it is something else, you need to import a .calibz file which include the textures, not the just .calib file AFAIK Please do your Forum Signature ( see mine below) so we know what version of Chief and OS's you are working with as Answers frequently depend on the Version the User has. Mick.
  7. There are a few KB Articles that may help as well, all good info that will be useful well into the future : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00166/creating-and-editing-molding-profiles.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02791/using-molding-polylines-to-create-a-custom-column.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00166/creating-and-editing-molding-profiles.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00840/creating-a-custom-dentil-molding.html Mick.
  8. Happy to help if I can S. I appreciate the Thank You too, many don't bother these days... Mick.
  9. Try this Material I used last time below, there are a number of threads here on the Forum about Screened Porches , try a search.................... MHD_Screen Material.calibz Mick.
  10. I recommend you put this in your forum sig. so you don't need to do it every time you post a question....
  11. Make a 3D Molding Polyline perhaps if you have a lot to do, and apply it like a crown Molding or if just one side of room, Try a Polyline drawn in Elevation and then convert it to a Solid using the same material as the Ceiling Wall (Drywall) Mick
  12. It can be a bit messy depending on your Settings as it uses the current Dimension Default in Use when you click the button/Icon plus the Automatic Setup > Exterior Settings , I am not 100% sure if X10 uses the same dialog or not? as I no longer have X10 installed ( post pics back if needed) I generally don't use auto interior dims and just use the Interior Dim Tool as needed.... for your Exterior separations try this tab...........
  13. Solids and Molding Lines probably , but you can use the Window case to auto generate that part......... No comments on the "Turkey Door" Please ( the Client imported it from Turkey )
  14. If I remember correctly the last time I did a screened in Porch I reversed the colors on the Pattern Tab and played a little with it's size (grid) M.
  15. Thanks Joe , I appreciate you sharing this Macro with each new Version release for us All. Mick.
  16. You can make it out of Solids , ie make a block and then subtract the slope from it with another block the shape of the slope. This one is a vessel sink but same principle........ https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00761/modeling-custom-3d-objects.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02925/using-3d-polyline-solids.html
  17. Although the software has the info ( same as the baseline height I think? ) we can't access that via a Macro as far as I know, Chopsaw might know more .... @Chopsaw
  18. I am not sure what I am missing as chief has no issues doing this automatically by changing the Roof pitch over a single Wall ie 9 in 12 in tis example , on the Roof tab of the Wall in question while Auto Build Roof Planes is still on. ( at least I don't think the OP is asking about a Gullwing or Dutch gable Roof ) Single wall pitch change KB Article https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00045/changing-the-pitch-of-a-single-automatic-roof-plane.html https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 M.
  19. It's all about setting up your Defaults for Local and / or existing Conditions and also doing it in your Plan Template so you don't need to do it for every project. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/56/default-settings-summary.html?playlist=138 and please .... M.
  20. this question has come up before and It mainly depends on Locality and whether you are doing New Build or Remodels I think, as precuts studs come is slightly different lengths depending on where you are, eg East Coast vs West Coast etc and these days Code for Ceilings is now 5/8" DW in many places. Personally I have never framed the Walls so the DW is tight to the floor though. (Think minor out of level conditions and minor water leaks etc) M.
  21. This is what I do too, I make the Layer Orange to make it easier to find... , don'y forgot to check is you have any CAD Details in the Layout as well. M.
  22. Thanks Rene, you might want to add a link to the Other Video you made earlier as well to the post above. For Others....... I am not sure when Chief posted their Video since they don't Date them but there is on for the new X15 now...... most covers what Rene does above. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/268/library-browser-overview.html?playlist=84 M.
  23. Options are always good, and as you say once you have it setup how you like it is hardly used. There are also a lot of different uses cases , many with limited screen real estate, so I can see how this would be great for Laptop users without secondary screens for example. People like Choices and not being forced to use the GUI in a manner that someone who doesn't use the Software day in / day out to make a living, decides is "best", I think that is what most people are saying here..... M.