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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Not sure where you read that DB is expected to synch while a file is open but I agree that would be crazy indeed. The point is that sometimes it requires that Chief be closed as well as the file in order for the synch to complete.
  2. Thanks again for the input Lance and I think your first point is the part I am sometimes confused and surprised about. I haven't traced it to saving a file for the first time but perhaps that's the method that should be followed? We have consistently had great luck with DropBox and the synching usually takes place in a couple minutes after the file is closed. Yesterday we opened the file after a decent amount of time expecting the synching to have taken place (and not checking because it's usually so automatic) and we noticed changes that were missing. Shut down Chief on the other computer that the work was done on and the Synching began and completed. Not that big of a deal because DB is very good at saving everything but need to pay a little more attention.
  3. Thank you for the input but my original post might not have been clear enough. Have used Chief and DropBox for many years. Sometimes, after closing the file, DropBox will not synch until Chief is closed. Not any real question about the problem, and it doesn't happen every time, but really, closing the file will sometimes not allow DB to update until Chief is closed. Can't imagine there's a real test for this as it can be intermittent but the event is real. Perhaps a setting I have? Dunno...
  4. This has happened a couple of confusing times. We have 2 licenses for Chief and if work is completed on one computer, that plan or layout file is closed, drop box will not always update or synch the file until Chief is closed. Seems like odd behavior and am not blaming Chief nor am sure it is a problem with the way Chief handles files when using DropBox and maybe it's even expected behavior? Just sayin' it's happened a few times and today we were able to directly trace the DropBox file non-synch to Chief still being opened, even though the file was closed. Have used DB for a very long time and it seems intermittent but traceable. Anyone else notice this? Is it expected? Do I have something set up wrong?
  5. Thanks for this post. I don't use that often but I'm sure I would have looked in the old spot and posted the same question.
  6. Steve, I believe the wall 'material' will override the wall type spec and it happens 'per wall' meaning you can change the wall material for each wall even though the wall spec dbx shows another material. This usually happens when using the paint brush to paint a new material on to a wall and once you do 'that' wall will remain with the new material. For example you can paint your glass with drywall material and that will override your glass material - for that single wall. It should not effect any new walls drawn with your default glass wall spec but Chief can do some magic stuff sometimes. Joe's suggestion will most likely fix the issue but to get to the cause I would make sure your glass wall has glass spec'd both in the wall spec dbx like your pics show AND the material dix for that wall's material. Draw a new wall with those 2 items as glass and see what you get. If you still get drywall then that's over my pay grade. Good luck...
  7. Alan, did you ever figure this out?
  8. Yeah could be it Mark... I also don't see the "Saved Plan View Control" drop down which is a HUGE help when messing with plan views. EDIT: Which sets your Anno and Layer Sets seen below the " Saved Plan View Control" on the tool bar..
  9. Curious, do you ever color or texture your slab/footings? I don't, and to be honest never knew one could...
  10. Check to see if you have the 'zoom to' feature enabled in the plan view. It could be switching to that zoom setting and getting the zoomed to area wrong?
  11. Pretty sure those are just footings on the mono slab and they can go wherever needed, at least here in CA, when pouring a mono slab with footing. Also pretty sure the question is about coloring that slab not its structural integrity, but I could be missing something...
  12. Sorry Alan but I can't figure out what the actual problem is...The elevations look the same. What am I missing?
  13. You can even make it real 'purdy' if you like...
  14. You can add a custom pattern to your 'wall type' if you want to fill the footing.
  16. Nothing like that in Chief but you can create a transparent fill over the image, then layer everything to show your desired details over the top of those 2 underlying layers. Like imported image on bottom; transparent fill on top of that; then desired details on top of transparent fill. Place everything on its own layer, lock your layers and everything will stay in place as you edit.
  17. The first thing you need to do is complete the outside wall in the main room, there currently is no wall connection. That will allow you to keep the room's spec's separate from the other rooms. Then you have to mess with floor heights, ceiling heights, slab construction etc. till it looks the way you want. The attached plan will get you started. ...and the whole plan works better with "Walls With Footings" instead of Grade Beams on Piers for the foundation spec. Brent Summers 3.plan
  18. Thanks for posting that Eric, I found the same thing. Incomplete, certainly - and left for dead? Usually Chief doesn't go back and fix their incomplete features and hoping this will be an exception - otherwise will simply use P-Solids as before..