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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thanks Robert, it actually tries to load in to X9. I'll see if can use it from there. But won't open, says it was written by a later version - too funny. Laughing at myself. Changed the association in Win 10 and imported fine. Haven't looked at it yet - thanks. Wow have no idea how you did but it' pretty cool. Not so cool that it takes that much work to create a very common light source.
  2. Great idea but could not download the symbol.
  3. Ouch....Thought there was a better way?
  4. Aamir, After reading your post again and trying a couple techniques I can see a google search may not answer your questions. Sorry I can't be of more help. Did you figure it out?
  5. I'm not sure there is ever any one "only way to go" as every building and project is different and needs to be looked at as a unique project with variables that can only be guessed at in many cases. A GOOD builder may understand this but even the BEST builders can be surprised by as built conditions that are unique to that particular project. Each project is different and each project should be treated as such IMO. There's no single approach that will work in every case and good builder will have those conditions written up as unknowns in his/her contract and will have made that clear to the client before any work is started. Still many landmines out there and if anything will show those landmines it's a remodel of an older home.
  6. Google is your friend...
  7. We (the contractor I am working for and myself) do quite a bit of field verification before finalizing plans but it's mostly stuff like existing framing that we can see in an attic so the structural engineer can accurately spec the new framing etc. Rarely tear out any walls or ceilings before permitting. before a contract is signed. Would still be hard to totally rely on a scanner for accurate behind the wall information because one missed pipe or electrical wire could be disastrous. Curious - how does insulation affect those scanners?
  8. Those scanners look pretty amazing and would pay for themselves in very short order - if they worked. I used to be a general and cutting holes in multiple walls was standard procedure but each hole, if not part of the scope of work, cost money to patch. Not thousands, but hundreds if the exploratory was extensive enough. The hard part would be learning to really trust the tool to be accurate in ALL cases. One mis-read and there goes any savings the tool might have generated.
  9. By 'Rendering' can we assume you mean RayTracing? If so the CPU handles ALL of the RayTracing duties and will indeed produce some heat while doing so so cooling is important. I'm not that current on the best/fastest CPU's but if you want faster RayTracing then the CPU is where the budget should be stretched in my opinion.
  10. Yeah those panels with railing walls are a sweet solution...
  11. Always inspired by the great work here and also a bit confused by the terminology. Are we 'Rendering' or 'RayTracing'? A little of both? And Physical Based 'Renderings' thrown in for good measure? Love all the work but if I need to create something stunning as you all have done am I RayTracing? ..or rendering...
  12. Doorway works fine for now but the plan may get more complex and may need that second floor - will keep that in mind.
  13. Hi you guys, I have a simple but perplexing condition I can't seem to resolve. I want the lower wall of a raised room to be partially invisible AND build an attic wall above but the wall is not really on the attic level. Do I need a second floor? Maybe the video will make it a little clearer. invis_wall_1.plan
  14. Nice video Steve and really appreciate your other video as well. You presented some options I hadn't thought of. Quick question about this technique - is there any reason you can't create a new wall type that is just screen for the attic wall? It seems to work OK on a plan I was messing with but curious how it might mix with your custom screen walls. You would still have to create beams and posts but could save a step perhaps? Again, thanks for the video.
  15. Those were interesting vids Mick. I've never sent a plan view as 'current screen' but can see the logic as it saves a little work when cropping. Lots of great nuances in those vids. Thanks for posting those and thanks to Scott for creating them.
  16. Plan views can remember zoom settings. Zoom to the view you like, modify your anno/layer sets to show what you'd like, save as a plan view with remember zoom checked, and send to Layout at the scale you choose.
  17. I wonder how many Chief users and users in general are interested in any kind of Python or Ruby support? And really just that, curious. I dabbled in Ruby and found no real use for it within my work flow and of course others invest countless hours creating uses for same. For me the question is moot but I wonder how deep the interest goes both within the user base and within the halls of Chief?
  18. Nice...and yes the tools are there in Chief to produce some nice 2D landscape designs.....
  19. 30 Minutes and a lot less detail than would be needed but doable in Chief and if indeed you want a graded fill it's pretty easy to create in another program and import it into Chief. This was an existing apartment model that I added roads and sidewalks to then created a couple plant/tree symbols from Chief's library, copied and pasted like crazy and colored areas in plan view. Again a pretty simple example but another hour in and you're done. May not be EXACTLY what you're looking for but there's no limit to fill colors/shapes etc. What I would really like is to have plant symbols that you could change the fill within, that way you could create your 3D landscape plan and have a 2D representation that was colored/notated to your liking...Best of no need to earn another program - again only if the look will pass you personal muster.