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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. X-10 is done. X-11 is almost in the can as shown to users at the latest User Academy Chief will sometimes create a great feature then ignore it so hopefully PBR is different and they will continue to make more user friendly.
  2. That's very helpful Alvar. I couldn't get the sky to behave with those harsh shadows. Wish there was another, simpler method to get a lighter sky and softer shadows.
  3. From much earlier interactions with the company and early on in the Anno Set decision making process there was an internal debate about the complexity of Anno Sets and where that should stop and start. The decision was made to add as many options, and complexity, to the feature as possible. Of course that's both good and bad. Good in that they are very powerful, as was the intent, and not so good as you need to really dig in and understand them to make them work on a day to day basis. The other good thing is once you get yours set up they are good forever and only need occasional tweaking. And yeah the time needed to learn them hasn't changed and can be, as you say, at a premium.
  4. Nice work you guys. I never really tried to finish the doors but could see the challenges from the git go. I think I would just create custom symbols and be done with it but again nice work.
  5. Nice bit of help you guys. Appreciated from afar...
  6. Thanks Glenn, I really have no experience, nor have I had much interest in opening either a second Layout or a second session of Chief so I was simply going by the suggested steps in the previous post which were not very detailed as to how to get the task accomplished. Still not that interested, but I appreciate the more detailed steps of how open a second session if I or another user should choose to do so. Thanks again for clarifying. Just tried it again and after 5 or 6 tries using various combinations as described in Chop's link I got a second instance of Chief to open. Still have very little interest in the technique but might help down the road. Hope the OP gets some needed direction.
  7. I (of course) gave that advice for users like myself who have never gotten 2 layouts open at once (no combination of the cntrl key and open layout allows another Layout to open on my computer). But if the OP can get it to work with the simple instructions above then by all means give it a shot...
  8. The repeating distance applies to symbol moldings not standard moldings... Symbol Moldings Symbol Moldings are 3D symbols that are repeated along a path to form molding. Molding symbols are different from molding profiles because they are replicated 3D sumbols instead of extruded 2D shapes. Creating a Symbol Molding Begin by opening a new, blank plan and creating a single instance of the molding symbol using the Primitive Tools . See Primitive Tools. For example, to create the molding shown in the illustration above, make an object that looks like this: When you are satisfied with its appearance, convert it to a 3D symbol. See Convert to Symbol. You can also import a 3D symbol from another application. See Importing 3D Symbols. To import a molding symbol 1. Select File> Import> 3D Symbol from the menu. See Import 3D Symbol Dialog. 2. In the Import 3D Symbol dialog, specify the symbol as Molding and click the Advanced button. • If you plan to use the molding symbol more than once, check the box beside Add to Library. See Add to Library. 3. On the 3D panel of the Symbol Specification dialog, rotate the symbol as needed so that it faces you in the preview image. Symbol moldings work best if you make them symmetrical. Once created, a symbol molding can be assigned to an object or replicated along a molding polyline. See Molding Polylines. Symbol moldings are center aligned. Both ends have a 45° miter, so the end instances may appear chopped. You can specify the Repeat Distance of a symbol molding applied to an object to control the width of each instance of the symbol on the object. See Moldings Panel.
  9. This article on custom muntins might help... But you may have to draw that custom side panel in elevation view. Tried to get custom muntins to work for the last hour with no luck so hopefully that wasn't bad advice...
  10. Lane, You can create multiple copies of any Layout you currently have by simply using 'save as' under a different file name. You can also copy and paste notes and CAD blocks from any Layout to another but you have to close the Layout you are copying from and re-open the Layout you are copying to. So perhaps you could create a new Layout, based on an existing Layout, and copy and paste the relevant elements in to that new Layout? I actually do this a lot when I have something like a new set of plan notes from a City. I'll place the notes in the current Layout then copy those notes from that Layout, close the Layout, open my template Layout and paste them there for future use. Some folks have figured out how to have 2 Layouts open at once but I never did so I open and close Layouts for copying and pasting.
  11. Thanks for posting this problem. It will help someone I'm sure and for me I'll keep an eye out for it though I don't seem to have noticed the problem.
  12. Really nice, that first bathroom looked real. Graham your PBR work is outstanding and I know how much work you've put in to learning Chief's PBR ways. Nice job and thanks for sharing your techniques and knowledge.
  13. Cool, of course you could always use a 'post' with cross box too no?
  14. Chop, didn't use auto cross boxes, those are the framing members shown in 'framing, wall' Layer. There's no individual posts or beams, all done with the wall definition and materials.
  15. Ah, so nice when the smart guys chime there was something but couldn't bring it up - THANKS Eric!
  16. Never tried this before but seems like it might be an easier method other than manually placing posts and beams? One question arose though, Is there a way to place the beginning or end of framing in a specific location? The framing doesn't seem to want evenly space itself across a wall and was curious why? Anyway hope this helps someone in some way... POST AND BEAM WALLS.plan