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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Nice job Steve. Really appreciate seeing other techniques.
  2. Editing a bunch of plans can be a bit of work but the Layout should update without much effort or even automatically. Can't see a way around copy/paste any floor plan changes from one plan to another. Your desire to have a single plan with multiple roofs would be cool but Chief just won't play along I'm afraid.
  3. You can hide a separate/unique roof layer but can't change its effect on the framing/attic walls etc. A separate plan is the best option but within that option you can copy paste hold position any new roof ideas you have from one plan to another if the overall changes overwhelm a single plan.
  4. See...the smart guys show up. Thanks P never tried that - but will in the future.
  5. A couple videos but the subject can get a bit deep and complex, hope it helps.
  6. Very very simple for those who have used Chief for a while but the details are confusing. Hope the vid helps.
  7. Roofs will cut walls down so you can draw that shed roof along that outside wall then lower it in to position by the roof dbx, just lock the pitch and lessen one of the other measurements, or use the transform replicate dbx to lower the roof. There's a more complicated method but that should get your roof in position.
  8. NO software program has EVER made me feel as stupid as Chief's structural dialog box has - EVER. So join the club........
  9. David, ALWAYS appreciate your amazing help. I'll refer to this video in the future. Thanks
  10. VERY VERY nice tips you guys. Really appreciate the effort and expertise you are lending to this new art form...I'm sure it will come in handy in the future.
  11. Not sure at all as it seems to be working now. Must have been as you suggest...Can't get it to fail now...False alarm..until it happens again of course.
  12. Yeah tried a bunch of options but it always comes up short, like it's ignoring the new (higher) second floor height. Just tried it on my template plan and 'make best fit' worked fine on a 12 ft high second elevation. Didn't work on my other plan.
  13. Thanks Eric - thought as much but thanks very much for taking your time to confirm... Looks like stairs require the same math to get right. I was bit surprised by that.
  14. I've got one building on a lower grade and another about 40" higher on an upper plateau. Thought there was a way to set the floor heights xx" above terrain for the upper house but adding that 40" to all the floor/ceiling heights is the only way I can figure to do it. Is there a way to get the floors on separate/different terrain levels/heights to be set relative to the terrain? Or is it simply a matter of addition and subtraction? Oh yeah and 'make fit' stairs seems to ignore the additional height as well.
  15. Thanks David - still great job. I didn't know how to solve it but do now...
  16. Thanks David, I think if your post had said "Doing this out of windows and a door and a poly line solid in elevation view," it might have saved me a half an hour trying to do it with only windows and a door. Nice work anyway.
  17. Nice Graham, Another great work around for the lack of simple features in Chief's PBR engine. Maybe X11 will allow a lighter sky with soft shadows and no need to darken the sky to where it's useless to get those soft shadows and no need to create textures with PhotoShop, a means to stop light leaking through exterior walls and all the other issues with PBR. Just wait another 5 - 6 months with these crippled features and they MIGHT be fixed and more usable in X11 - MIGHT.
  18. Nice David, How was the notch created? In a window? Thanks
  19. exactly... taking nothing from those who have become more than proficient - and super helpful!!!
  20. Rene you're always very helpful and I should have added I'm not really interested in fixing the things that should not need fixing....Been through the simple fix you allude to and HOURS later I got it looking OK with crazy work arounds - that simply shouldn't be needed IMO. Don't know how to put this as gently as possible but I don't want to fix it - it's not worth my time. EDIT: and why wouldn't little problems like shown above with a sky that's unusable and light leaks be addressed in X10?
  21. Yeah PBR may not quite be 'done' but that's very standard for Chief as a company to release new features, leave important things out, and move on the next great new feature. I think PBR might be a different story as they are in the business of selling pretty pictures (that is not a knock on the company) so I can see lots of investment in same but the things that don't work currently in X10's PBR will be either ignored completely in favor of a new feature (no accusation without the basis of using Chief for 20 years) or addressed in X11. For example I was showing an Architect friend Chief's new PBR feature and the 4 x 4's in the ceiling over the kitchen turned a bright white and looked like they were luminescent. I know there's a very involved work around because I came across this before but I simply don't use PBR for this reason. It's simply not finished. Hopefully they will improve PBR in X11 - for those who use it more than I.