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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. The other question is, why are you doing a vented roof assembly? There are good options for unvented assemblies even if you want to avoid spray foam at the underside of the sheathing. Depending on the size of your roof, with Vulcan vents running continuously on each side that is a lot of money. The last time I purchased Vulcan vents (a little over 2 years ago) they were over $10/ lin.ft for the eave/strip vent type. For fire issue reasons, I have been avoiding vented roof systems as well as vented crawl spaces.
  2. From that diagram, is the Vulcan vent only at that location. Do you have eave venting? In what I have built I put the Vulcan vent at the point of intake (eave in my situation). This does not make sense to me to have the Vulcan vent at this location. In theory, the top of the roof would be an exhaust as the heat would rise and exit there. But, in the event of a fire, would this still be the case? Therefore, I would supplement the Cor-A-Vent with 1/8" HDG screen mesh.
  3. I realize why ChiefTalk does not have a monthly contest on most creative screen names because Astrigal has sealed it up.
  4. What Glenn said (plus 1000 wds)
  5. In plan view, just grab the desired corner and move it.
  6. In the future I will strive to make my jokes funnier so as to better distinguish them from my often useless advice.
  7. This is the "switch" I was referring to. I am not on my machine with the GeForce to show it exactly but similar to the article.
  8. I can't point you directly to it but there is a switch on your video card where you establish priority settings for Chief Architect (or any other particular program). Find that and it may solve it.
  9. It is generally a lot easier in the long run to rotate the plat out of North and keep the plan on the orthogonal directions. Off angle plans are a world of pain.
  10. Gawdzira


    I don't do this much but noticed that the start point of the wall "S" is the rotation point and will then disconnect from the end point if you adjust with the angle in the dbx. Therefore, make sure the start and end points are on the correct side.
  11. Gawdzira


    CAD lines as a reference to use the make parallel tool. You might have to temporarily disconnect the wall from the other wall to get it to move properly.
  12. Phew, I thought this was for Passover.
  13. This is done on page 0 of the layout
  14. Ahh, flat top arch! I had my head stuck with a full round arch. More Coffee!
  15. How would I get a horizontal oval window to show properly? I made this shape into a window symbol but it cuts a rectangle into the wall window oval.plan
  16. bath is a room. click on it to select the room and then adjust the floor height to match the floor height of the room adjacent.
  17. I chose argitecdure cause i am better with pigtures than werds. Maybe a sketch would help?
  18. I believe that is coming in X16. I saw it leaked in a training video where Scott was showing a perspective camera view with dimensions. We are living in the future!
  19. I think it should read Soccer, Not Foot.
  20. Oops. Second floor. Found the culprits
  21. I have a .plan file where I created a note schedule. When I go to paste this schedule into a plan file it is creating an odd numbering set up. I don't think I already have these note numbers in the plan file I am pasting into but I can't seem to find them (displaying all layers). Is there a way to track these down? 40SK