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Everything posted by Doug_N

  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All Looking back on the past couple of years my little practice has contributed a lot to the region that I live in. I couldn't have done this without the help of a few people who have been amazing support. Thank you all. What a great community!
  2. I put a flat ceiling under the roof, but gosh, it sure makes an ugly transition at the bay window.
  3. Why is this not available at the MMAH website? Why would do we have to resort to back door methods for finding it? This is what I am saying the ministry and the provincial government are really not paying attention to the seriousness of the need to be informed about the OBC and all of the supplemental parts found in Volume 2 of the compendium.
  4. Never mind, where you got that is obvious in the link. How did you discover it would be a better question.
  5. That is a really big help, thanks. Where did you get that?
  6. There were a number of public hearings on the issue. There was also a for part survey done by the MMAH that I participated in. The website is pretty much useless when it comes to information. Hopefully that will change. I am not talking about a change that will happen next year, but that direction is the goal.
  7. Graham, As far a being overly concerned the MMAH has made it clear that the mandate from the Ontario Government under Doug Ford has, as a goal the privatization of the administration of the building code, and one of the steps in doing this is to no longer offer interpretations of the technical aspects of the code as a service. It seems that the provincial government wants out of the building code business altogether. The OBOA (Ontario Building Officials Association) which represents Chief Building Officials, Plans Examiners and Building Inspectors is very concerned about this direction. They, in fact, are worried about Part 11 of the code as well because of the direction the provincial government is taking. I don't know if you have a copy of the Building Code Compendium, but I have a 5-year subscription and I do not have the changes yet for the revised code coming out January 1 2020. How am I supposed to design buildings for next year? This just illustrates what a low priority the Ontario Building Code is for the province. Doug
  8. I am a BCIN small building designer here in Ontario, and I am quite concerned about the Provincial Government's announcement that they will be moving to harmonize the Ontario Building Code with the National Building Code. For one thing, the Ontario Building Code has a part 11 that deals with existing older buildings that when renovated will not match the style, wall thicknesses and so on of the existing building. The Part 11 compliance alternatives are all that allow for any renovation in older buildings, especially when it comes to the minimum size of windows, basement insulation and fire separations. Especially in buildings over 30 years old, compliance may simply not be possible. The addition of a second furnace for an accessory apartment, for example, can be extremely difficult to darn well impossible in so older Toronto homes. For those of you who work in other provinces than Ontario, does your Province have a separate building code? Do you design to the NBC? Some feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I took a different approach, noticing that the order of layers was different in the curved wall than the straight wall. I reversed the straight wall and bingo. Upper section disappeared.
  10. The hardiboard and then used the rainbow tool to adjust the pattern.
  11. Getting warmer, but not quite there. Around the arch is the door casing with a round arch spec. For some reason, the arch shows solder bricks. Maybe because I textured it with the brick first.
  12. It has become somewhat of a fashion trend in my area for stucco work to take on the look of giant blocks. What I am referring to is the look of the blocks around the arched entrance portico. Any suggestions for doing this? Note that the edges of the blocks have bevels.
  13. Joe! You are the man!!! Yes, that works perfectly. All this time I have been drawing a polyline rectange around the text to add it to the library. Now I realize it wasn't the box that let me add the text it was the marque select that was allowing it! Sometimes I miss the most obvious things. Thanks
  14. if I have two text boxes I can block them together, but for some reason, CA will not block one text object, at least mine won't. Have I set some preference incorrectly?
  15. Hi Joe, Strange but I can't block text. I have to add some other element to it. What am I doing wrong?
  16. Is there a way to make a text box (just text) a library item? for example: This design uses OBC Part 11 Egress Option A Imagine the attribute has a box around the text so that it is a stamp. I would like to add the box to the drawing and then change the option.
  17. Joe, Wow, works like a charm! Thanks Joe. I added a bit of simple code to get the percentages and just put the macro in a text box. One macro to get the area, and one to get the result.
  18. Well I did type it wrong, but here is the result with the right macro. I am going bald tearing my hair out!
  19. Arrgg, why doesn't this work in the callout?
  20. Well this works. Create a local variable 'a' and then operate on that variable as a second operation. >a=owner.internal_area*0.025; a.round(2) >=3.4
  21. Where would you put parentheses in this? owner.internal_area*0.025.round(2)
  22. IN the Ruby console the first answer is 0.025 times the internal room area of a selected room. The second answer is that value rounded. Is there a problem with the order of operations?
  23. Does anyone know why rounding in Ruby acts like this? 3.4000....4 certainly shouldn't round to 4.08
  24. This has been a most informative thread, thank you Glenn, Scott and Rene.