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Everything posted by DougMaddox

  1. SketchFab has a limit of 100 materials. I solve the problem by eliminating any furniture, only use one or two types of trees/plants or none at all. Go to your 3DS sub file and check the number of materials there before you zip the file.
  2. Sorry, I was not that clear. As usual, there are two ways to solve a problem. I merely made a new cabinet 1" deep and 12" wide and 83" high to be just higher than your door casing. I then made a new cabinet with door panels and shelves as per your design and the height you need (24" w x 12" deep x 96" I assume). The first cabinet is then placed on the side next to the second (front) cabinet. Mirror that to other side of door. Add 2 wall cabinets above and you have your design.
  3. I used a 1" deep cabinet, no toe kick and turned it 90 degrees. Doug
  4. Just tried a quicky to approximate your problem. This is what I did: 1. Open your first floor plan 1a. Save as "Whole house" or whatever 2. Go to "build new floor" and leave the new second floor blank. 3. Open your second floor plan 4. Marquee select the entire plan and "copy" 5. Go to first floor plan which is stall on a blank second floor. 6. Paste your copy. 7. If it doesn't line up use your "point to point" tool to align the two floors.
  5. Thanks Kirk, that works like a charm (with a little fiddling)!! Doug
  6. I use sketchfab and am very happy with it. Must export 3DS from CA, ZIP the file and upload to Sketchfab. However, Sketchfab only allows 100 textures so if you have a lot of furniture with many colors or lots of 3d trees/plants/flowers of different types, the textures can add up quickly. Check the file and see how many .PNG files are in it - if more than 70 or 80 I have had trouble getting Sketchfab to look right.
  7. Not sure what you mean, can you show us something more?
  8. Huh? Not sure what you are asking. Please picture and/or plan would be helpful.
  9. Dukefam and others: same problem here w/Sketchfab - uploaded first which was fine but next two uploads had only grey tones and no textures. Just tried again BUT did NOT truncate file names (option when you export from CA in .3DS). This works ok. Now, have to check if it works a second time.
  10. Yup, turned off "photon mapping" and they went away. Used light settings for camera 11 which is quite dark. Tried camera 12 but it was weird with no walls - at least that is what I got when opening your file.
  11. Huh? I am not sure what you are asking.
  12. Don't see it here, Scott.
  13. Wayfair is a great addition BUT be aware that it is a huge file. It took forever to download here in rural Illinois where we get our internet off the nearest grain elevator!
  14. Eric, I loved the use of cabinets for the panel - never thought of it. Thanks for the tip. Doug
  15. Lars I placed a polyline solid post at each corner the height of the window and slightly larger than the wall thickness. Works for my purposes. Doug
  16. Johnny I don't know what version of Chief you are using but the corrected plan used version X9. good idea for you to add your version number and info relative to your computer to your signature so others will know. Good luck and welcome to the forum and to Chief - been using it for years and absolutely best for my business. 73, Doug
  17. Johnny - look at the plan. The eave on the rear right side is 2' something while rest of eaves are 16". I eliminated the triangular roof on right and brought the left roof over then changed the rear roof to match front. If you select one roof plane then press "2" then select an adjacent roof plane they will (usually) align themselves. Here is the revised plan. Chi Cottage-CORRECTED.plan
  18. Nothing attached here. Make sure you close Chief before trying to upload a file.
  19. If you are still looking, I can help you - currently work via internet with company in Pennsylvania with very good results. Let me know. Doug Maddox - Champaign, IL
  20. Michael, That is basically what I did. Added a new text style and a new annotation set. Thanks all for your help. Doug
  21. Must be a simple answer, but how do I change the font size of the line labels. See attached. Doug
  22. Thanks, Bob. I thought that might be the case. Doug