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Everything posted by JJohnson

  1. That looks so good ! Especially the shadow's soft edges. I usually wait a while to upgrade but may not be able to now ! Yes please show settings . . . . Thanks !
  2. Yep Guess we need the plan to help instead of guess
  3. Are roof planes and overhangs unlocked in 'Display Options" ? They need to be unlocked to change.
  4. Restart ? (CA first then computer if need to)
  5. Use point to point dimension tool Start where you want to, draw the line to any length but hit tab before you release the mouse button. Enter the length you want in the Y position, click OK and you have it. Otherwise the model must be exact.
  6. You can have the program on two computers but may only use it on one at a time, unless you buy a second seat. On the machine it is working on, go to Help menu and select "Deactivate License". The program will then open on the other machine.
  7. You guys did inspire me to fool with the vent symbol. Opened it and bounding box thickness from 8 to 4" which made the thing look right in section.The look is good now. Thanks
  8. The one in library looks great in view but awful in section Is there one somewhere that looks like the real thing, a nail on - no frame, ? I would be willing to buy one.
  9. But they did print. Otherwise how could he have posted his example.
  10. He could have unchecked "See Drawing Sheet in View" Which way is best ?
  11. Thanks for this thread. I am in the middle of the same thing, and need direction too. There are several places to adjust the stem; room, wall, default and DBXs ,that seem to overlap. I finally zoomed in and changed the garage stem over and over until it was where I wanted it, and then dragged footings to same level as main floor. Most problems were where where there are common walls, between garage and house, and between house and stoop, Things seem to change on their own at times. Interesting
  12. Just found downloaded and placed in plan Thanks !!
  13.    I prefer the flat look also. They put out (in?) an amazing amount of light. Velux also has nice accessories like the light fixture that fits into the tube.
  14. Do we have one in core or bonus lib.s? Velux preferred
  15. Look up ' A Pattern Language ' by Christopher Alexander. "A wise old owl of a book, one to curl up with in an inglenook on a rainy day.... Alexander may be the closest thing home design has to a Zen master."--The New York Times
  16.    In 2014, I constructed a five level hillside house. There were lots of stacking posts that called for 60" MSTs connecting floor to floor, plus window and door openings to align. I took wall elevations showing framing, and stacked then in layout view to figure it out. Not sure where my final drawing is now, but this one shows how it was working.
  17. Every Adobe Reader has the ability to take a snapshot of the pdf.   Click on the camera icon, and then right click on the screen after it takes a "snap shot".    Then you can paste an image file into your drawing rather than the over-sized pdf file.   Thanks for that tip, so much faster than taking screenshot, opening and editing in Paintshop, savins as....
  18. I am trying to use this pdf site plan in a set of CDs and for some reason my computer is having trouble with it. When trying to place it directly into layout CA crashed (first time in a long time). Made a new plan just for topo, file size is not larger than the main house plan for this drawing set, but zooming in and out and panning are too slow and computer sounds like it is working extra hard. Whats the problem with this file ? Dondero Partial Topo.pdf