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Everything posted by Rich_Winsor

  1. God love you Jasmine but I can make 20 bucks an hour working at Mc Donald's
  2. Not sure if this is what you are after. Have you looked at DWG TrueView? Its from Autodesk and its free.
  3. Like Jason said it's a little hard to see what's going on. The glass on the porch floor looks better than the glass that is/is not in the window. I think it will look better if the individual panes are broken rather than a big section of the glass missing across multiple panes. Be sure to add some spiderwebs and cobwebs in the corners of some of the panes. Your textures are looking great except that the grain is running the wrong way on the horizontal window muntins. (hate when that happens) Keep up the good work! Really like what you are doing by trying to get the best possible output from the tools Chief supplies instead of just telling everyone to use some different software programs for renderings. I had to go back to X6 to find this broken window I had a play with. As I recall I set the window glass to no material and made the broken pane from a thin 3D solid set to the standard glass material.
  4. Don't like to see legitimate inquiries go ignored. Had a play with this. There are a lot of things going on here. Basically I ended up stacking 3D Solid cubes (set to a glass material) to make the glass blocks. Converted cubes into an Architectural Block and set it into a hole in the wall. Used a 3D Molding Polyline around the opening for the Casing. Hopes this gives you somewhere to start.
  5. To get you started select (highlight) the room you want to work on. Select 'open object" to go to the Room Specification DBX. Select 'Moldings' and uncheck the 'Use Floor Defaults' box. You now can use the controls to in the DBX to manipulate the base boards. If you click 'Replace' it will take you to the library where you can choose any style you wish. Hope this helps.
  6. Thanks for the meaning. You learn something new every day. BTY, just for the record, 'as long as you can remember' and 'a very long time aren't necessarily the same thing.
  7. Well, thank you Mr. Cooper. For someone who ostensibly jumped out of the wrong end of a perfectly good airplane I can see where you might be confused. I’ve done my due diligence on this one. The episode I was paying homage to wasn’t technically a ‘drag race’ but rather in the vernacular of the day it was a ‘chickie run’. The two participants speed toward what could ultimately be their demise and the first one to bail out is the chicken. I took some liberties in my updated version but basically the young lady starts the participants while facing them and then turns and runs up the road as they blow by her. Here is the scene from filming the original: The view I captured is obviously from the other direction and a second or two before their image. (As a side note if you ever find yourself in a chickie run I would strongly advise you not to wear a jacket with loops on the cuffs, but I digress) I was using some powerful design elements like the one point perspective to draw you into the center of the image where the young lady is vignetted by the plumes of smoke. All of this is a distraction/ misdirection if you will, so you won’t realize the major flaw of the image in that she isn’t casting a shadow. What gives us the right to take such liberties? TMI? Now aren’t you sorry you asked?
  8. Ok, ok, enough already. Just wanted to do one more take on ‘drag style’. This is my updated homage to Rebel Without a Cause. Sometimes I wonder if you people realize the amount of effort that goes into creating these one off Chief images. To find a model to use for this scene I found it necessary to meticulously cull through literally hundreds of images of scantily clad, attractive young ladies waving checkered flags to find one in an appropriate pose and with a background I could easily make transparent. I know, it’s a tough job but somebody had to do it.
  9. Depends on how long ago you broke it. A simple Undo will remove the break if you just applied it.
  10. Is this one of those cases where life imitates art?
  11. So... I'm sitting here for the second night in the past 3 listening to the drone of the Generac because the bankrupt giant utility company can't keep the power on. No cable or internet so I took the opportunity to have a quick play with my Chief interpretation of 'drag style'.
  12. The easiest way is to use some image editing software to crop your 8x8 image down to a 6x8 image and then use that image to create a 6x8 material. Very cool tile BTW. It's a dogs head from whichever direction you view it.
  13. @DarlingInc I would be very cautious about upgrading just the GPU on a 9 year old computer. These new video cards are physically enormous and require oodles of power. There is a good chance the card will not fit in your motherboard and case and your power supply probably can't supply the cables needed to power it. By the time you upgrade your case, motherboard, power supply and video card you're probably better off shopping for a new rig. As for what level of performance to choose for the components I prefer to settle in one version below whatever is the latest and greatest release. Usually available, cheaper, and more reliable without much of a drop off in performance.
  14. Is this one of those trick questions? I would show a scale drawing and populate it with a couple of vehicles.
  15. Yes, it was just a joke! How dare you Robert! You should realize by now that humor is frowned upon in these forums and often even censored. People get so wrapped up in their little crises that they lose sight of the fact that laughter is in fact good medicine. BTW, I thought your original response was both funny and appropriate given the amount of info supplied.
  16. @vikiw_bendyou're oh so close. See the pinned thread just above your post or contact @SusanC.
  17. Funny, when I did a Google search for drag style this is what I got. I was pretty sure you had something else in mind.
  18. Something like this? This is two 3D solids.
  19. Unless of course you are a special individual. I ran all the numbers and by far the best deal for existing SSA holders is to extend your SSA for 2 years. At this rate you are paying $49.58 per month for 24 months. You will need to call sales to get the 2 year deal as it is not available online.
  20. Wow! To each his own but you guys are way off base IMHO. I would venture to say that Eric has spent more of his time helping posters to this forum than 99% of the members here. Over time I can see where he has come to the conclusion that It is far more worthwhile to teach people to do things for themselves than it is to do those things for them over and over again. The old "teach a man to fish" thing. I can see the wisdom of this approach. Are we here to learn the program or only to be spoon fed solutions?
  21. I put a copy of this in my Chief folder. Just figured it might be handy to have verification straight from the horses mouth.
  22. Do you want to hide them or just make them fit the window opening? If you apply the window treatments from inside the "Window Specification" DBX the pulls will resize to fit the dimensions of the window. It looks like you applied them directly from the core library to the window. Depending on the view type you use you can hide the pulls by changing their material type to "opening (no material)". They will be hidden in Standard and Physically Based views but will still show in Vector and line views.
  23. I'll probably get lambasted for this but I have never understood why Chief insists in devoting so many resources catering to such a small market share. Doesn't make sense on any level to me.
  24. Very impressive as usual Dave. The only problem we have is that the folks in our neck of the woods aren't smart enough to figure out what the address is.
  25. So you’re measuring an as built for an addition and there is a large feature (tree, structure, utility pole etc.) on the lot and you would like to get a good quesstimate of its size. Here is a quick and easy way using only a stick or pole of known length and your cell phone: Measure the length of the pole and then stand it up beside the feature you want to measure. Back up a ways to reduce distortion and take a photo. Import your photo into a Chief plan and measure the length of the pole in the plan. If the pole is the correct length (run out and buy a Lotto ticket because it’s your lucky day) but it most likely will measure shorter than its actual length. Divide the known length of the pole by the measured length in the plan. This will give you the resize factor you will need to enlarge the photo. Select the photo in the plan and use the Transform/Replicate to enlarge the photo by the resize factor you calculated. The photo is now to scale and you can pull any dimensions you may want from the plan. In this example we wanted to get a good ballpark figure for the height of some redwood trees on the property. I had a 17 foot piece of pvc pipe which we stood up for the photo.