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Everything posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Kevin, I really never use the sun angle b/c sometimes you just can't get the sun exactly where you want it. .
  2. If I understand you correctly, make sure you have set your casings to "0" and turn them off, then it should work
  3. You can edit the cad block in the cad block DBX. After resizing it you have to re-block it and re-save it so it shows up in the cad block DBX, then just open the symbol, go to 2d and choose the new cad block.
  4. You have to move the sun on the side where you want the sunlight to go through the window. Easily done using the adjust lights, the sun is in there. I like to put the sun in the corners for good shading, like 225 , 315, etc. but you may need to use a straight on sun to get it to poke through a window. You may also check the suns height and lower it for better results
  5. Tell the Engineer to change his ways to work for you or you will find one that does. I just use a shear wall schedule and callout, like this using the triangle callout .
  6. I use the triangle with the shear wall type on top and the length on the bottom all the time
  7. Unfortunately Chief's pocket doors don't frame correctly, you may have to do it manually. As for your problem, I'm not sure what you want to show. If you could show a picture of the problem, that would say a lot.
  8. Or make a symbol and place it where you want.
  9. Also as we have seen in Scotts videos, having an irregular shaped terrain will get you funny little things within the terrain.
  10. Yes, really, I was going to say all that.
  11. See if this helps, most of the time it does but sometimes it doesn't.
  12. If the fireplace is metal than I make it out of rooms, if its masonry then I make it out of solids.
  13. A long time ago it was fixed but somewhere along the way it broke again. I never use it either.
  14. Show length for a cad box is sized in Preferences-Cad section
  15. Any of you guys with the latest NVidia drivers (340.43) having a problem with the watercolor settings being real dark and not usable. Not sure if its Chief or NVidia. This is only with the newest last couple of drivers, and I haven't changed the watercolor settings since X6 came out. Thanks
  16. I use the macro for that so you can put it anywhere.
  17. I know a few days ago Nivdia came out with a new beta driver, you might want to try that one. For about a month now the NVidia drivers have been in conflict with the watercolor settings( very dark). Nothing else is affected. Not sure if it's them or Chief, but very dark and almost un-usable. I wish someone from Chief could confirm this.
  18. Open X5 and insert your symbol in a plan save it then open X6 and open that plan file, then you can save it to your X6 lib.
  19. Until Chief comes up with a real board and batt siding I will be using something close from the lib. Just too much work, I'll just note the correct siding for now. You can adjust the texture to get 24" or 16" batts.
  20. Colors will look different on different monitors anyway, I don't think you can have it perfect no matter what you do.
  21. Maybe your handle size is set to zero?