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Everything posted by parkwest

  1. David J Potter makes an excellent point. Whatever software you decide to use, the results will depend on how much time and effort you put in to master that program. In fact I follow an architect youtube channel where the man does some beautiful work... and he uses autocad lite. All that being said, I really enjoy working with Chief Architect. After all these years, it made designing fun again for me.
  2. Thanks Steve. It gave me some ideas on a porch I am working on.
  3. Depends on what market niche you plan to focus on, imho. If you plan to do custom homes or remodeling mostly, go with Chief. If you want to focus on plans for production builders, then SP might be a better fit with its building options capabilities and accurate takeoffs. I bought chief for two main reasons. One was the space planner so I could layout floor plan using bubble diagram. And the big one was the ability to get the client to fill out their selection choices in the design phase by using chief’s extensive libraries.
  4. I was wondering if you could get the effect you are looking for if you used a pony wall with the lower wall as a glass wall...
  5. Have you tried turning off roof over porch, build roof, then manually draw roof over porch?
  6. Have you seen this video, Scott? At the end it explains the differences...
  7. When I looked at the first three I was thinking I needed to step it up a notch or two on my PBR's...
  8. I thought the first three were PBR's.... I was thinking this guy is really good at this stuff!
  9. Check in dbx that “main” wall align. I believe you have exterior set to align.
  10. Robert, remember to relax and enjoy the adventure. Around a million houses get built each year by mere humans. Not one house is perfect. That’s just the nature of the beast.
  11. Will a licensed builder who has been doing design/build since the mid ‘80’s with hands on experience building with ICF’s work for you? Oh yea... native born Texan but live in Idaho...
  12. There must be a difference between HD Pro and X10 because I just highlight the line I want to move and only it moves, not the whole box. I used the rectangle box to start with and arced one segment... I watched the aforementioned video and had no idea it could be so difficult.
  13. How will it make the client feel better about hiring your company, knowing you are hiring "guys just learning the trade" to work on their house? I would heed Graham's advice... AND, also hire better quality workers. To put together an "A" team, you need to hire "A" players.
  14. Eric, isn’t this the forum for people seeking services?
  15. Not sure why you think your house plans have to be drawn by someone living in the neighborhood??? I’ve worked on projects all over the country... never had a problem that couldn’t be solved.
  16. I am just suggesting that you may want both monitors to be 4K after seeing the difference. Also, it took a little fooling with the settings to get the text and icons the way I wanted them... well worth the effort, imho.
  17. Perry, I just went 4K about a month ago. I thought I would use the 4K for main display and the 1920 for library etc. no can do... with the monitors side by side and you will realize it’s not your eyes, but the 1920 monitor that is fuzzy.
  18. If you go to import the plan into your saved view template, make sure your SVT defaults match the imported plan defaults. For me, it was quicker to just add the saved views I wanted to the "imported" plan without importing.
  19. Thank you Ray. I will pass on your compliment to my grandsons. $50 sounds like the price for 3D home Architect. I remember passing that software out as Christmas presents. I also remember giving it to a young couple who came to me to build their dream home... he wanted a ranch and she wanted a 2 story... they came back with a 1-1/2 story plan.
  20. Pinnacle3D, just to clarify... that was NOT my grandson's first attempt at drawing a house. Him and his younger brother have been playing on my computers for a while now. But, it is amazing how fast they pick stuff up at that age.
  21. Para-cad, have you had a chance to look at Solidbuilder? Framing is their forte...
  22. Here’s a quick look at what my 12 year old grandson drew on my computer this past weekend while visiting me using CA. (With a little help from his dad and me)
  23. Step #1: Elimination of fractions in the overall dimensions. Also, lumber comes in standard lengths... use that information wisely to reduce jobsite waste.
  24. parkwest


    Wouldn't 12x18 (or "nominal" 11x17) be 25% of a 24x36 sheet of paper? (just to add confusion to the discussion)