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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Depending on what effect you want, you may be able to get it by changing some of the parameters on a Grass Region which is 3D grass which follows the terrain.
  2. I think that you can only do limited editing to the windows in a Bay Window. I don't think you can add a window and mull them. To access a window for editing, select the bay by the wall that contains the window you want to edit. Hit Tab and the window will become selected for editing.
  3. By default, panning and zooming adjusts the position and direction of the camera. It does not, however, adjust the distances at which surfaces are clipped. This means that if you zoom in closely on an object, some of its surfaces may be removed from the view. One way to avoid this is to lower the camera’s Clip Surfaces Within value in the Camera Specification dialog. See Camera Panel. Another way to avoid this is using Perspective Crop Mode . When Perspective Crop Mode is active, panning and zooming do not adjust the position of the camera. As such, using it can result in inconsistencies between a camera’s position and what is actually shown in the view. For this reason, it should only be used to zoom in closely on small objects or details. Perspective Crop Mode is not used when a view is sent to layout. This means that a view on the layout page may not look the same as the original view. See Layout. To use Perspective Crop Mode 1. Zoom in on an object that you would like to examine closely. 2. If any of its surfaces disappear, zoom out until they are restored. 3. Select 3D> Camera View Options> Perspective Crop Mode . 4. Zoom in on the object, but try to limit any panning or other changes to the camera’s perspective. Once Perspective Crop Mode has been enabled in a camera view, it should remain toggled on and navigation in that view should be limited.
  4. If I understand your question.. Look for this button on the Edit toolbar
  5. What tool do you want to be in when you have "killed the current command"?
  6. I didn't go to the link, so this is of the top of my head Draw your line Draw a straight stair snapping to each end of the line Select the stair and use Change Line/arc You can now edit the curved stair to suit
  7. There is also a Make Arc Tangent on the edit toolbar that you may find handy.
  8. Selecting the color in the small box and hitting Delete works for me. This works in most cases and I would need to have more of a play to see under what circumstances it doesn't work.
  9. I think they are the "Use Interior Sill" and "Use Exterior Sill" and not the casings.
  10. There are many settings that can be adjusted while trying to create materials list including what floors/categories to include, material list defaults, the method of selection, calculate materials in room, calculate materials in polyline, etc........then there are the settings that need to be further defined like: and: An object will be counted in the Materials List if its center point is located inside the room. Once you have all the ducks lined up it should work pretty well.
  11. It sounds like using a reference plan may do what you want.
  12. Just a wild guess, but...If you are still having trouble, have a play with Preferences>Appearance>Contextual Menus>
  13. Have you had a play with Symbol Moldings?
  14. I am not 100% sure of what you are doing. But isn't this one of those situations where you need to have a small horizontal return to join the eave and gable moldings properly. If you can't draw it, you can't build it...or the other way around.
  15. You can also use the Import button in the Toolbar Customisation>Configuration panel to import toolbars.
  16. I have done it in the past using a Terrain and then converting to a symbol Here is a very quick one
  17. It is a Molding Polyline on floor 2 Roofs, Trim layer which is locked.
  18. Uncheck Auto Build Terrain You should see this icon next to the cursor:
  19. As for part 2 of your question. You can use the break tool to break the section line and pull the 2 (or more) sections independently.
  20. Have a look in the help file for Symbol Molding. Instead of extruding a molding along a Molding Polyline, Symbol Moldings are 3D objects that are spaced at intervals along a Molding Polyline. You could also use a Distributed Path.
  21. Try the Polyline Distribution Region and/or one of the other Distributed Objects tools.
  22. Have a look down the bottom of the Plan Defaults dbx for Opening Indicators.