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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Maybe a good question, I would venture a guess of a combination of outdated IRC,IBC ,IMC etc. with some mid-west local adaptation. The program is BIM based only. Only way to change it is modify it yourself and Save-as/add to library. My defaults are all built around CRC and local adaptation of the code. As some wise men have eluded to before, if it didn't require us to put in the time, we wouldn't be all that valuable.
  2. Pretty much my morning ritual, work for an hour and a half, make a coffee and go solve a quick Chief talk problem to get me motivated for the next 7-10 hours of drafting.
  3. I'll give a two part answer as I happen to know what you need to share in this instance For myself you can export to 3DS and zip it together with the texture files that accompany it. For other people that find this thread you should evaluate the goal of the share, in the case of a working relationship I often feel protective over my annotation sets. I always import a goofy or messed up annotation set prior to uploading to these forums. My sets make up 1000's of hours of work and are extremely efficient and valuable as well. To date I've only ever shared them with 1 other user for a long term remote collobaration that had a lot of back and forth...and even then the sets were compiled with theirsets...A ton of work to isolate Removing items such as client info etc. Is a matter of deleting macros for me, takes 2 seconds. As the great David Potter mentioned, PDFs and viewers work for clients. People that want the plan file to work in their own version of Chief need to pay for the services rendered minus a retainer IMO. Stuff like CAD details don't bother me...easy to delete, but even tougher to recreate the 100's of details I don't have in this plan....if you're structuring a biz to do a lot of sharing, maybe it's worth it to have a details-only plan that you don't share...really depends on the end goal. I'm protective of macros as some I have purchased from other users. Other than that I tend to promote open share platforms, lifts everyone up to our level and it pushes me to improve long as I don't give any good reason to get sued, haha.
  4. nvmd, didn't know you could type in "ea", learn something new
  5. This may be a question for @MarkMc, Taking a first stab at using material lists to create a cabinet order, how can I restrict moldings to 8' cut lengths...there is no "ea." option after I add a divisor in the "count" sub-category?
  6. Upon closing different file in the last few days I've experienced 3 program crashes. Seems a bit unstable.
  7. Never been happy with the layout labels/description having little to no correlation with the plan files. You could use a simple text macro for your layout sheets but it would be cumbersome and possibly lead to more error. Maybe someone else has a better solution, you can also make your sheet index and sheet labels in plan with a note and schedule. I try to avoid putting anything but revisions in my (dumb)layout sheets
  8. Grabbed it off the net, made it tileable, made a bump/metal/roughness map...Think it's pretty high resolution. Try it out: RABS Weathered Fir Siding.calibz