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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. You may be missing a small detail or approach...I only say that as I feel like I know your capabilities in the software and you shouldn't think it is a lot of work. Pull an elevation Draw material region using tab-input for the width making sure the entire material region is captured by the wall. This ensures that the region is in the right coordinate location(bound to the wall) Drag the region up past the plan of the highest ridge for that section of wall. Multiple copy and drag along that walls elevation Optional to evenly distribute along the wall Same method works for a stepped back location. I can usually do a whole house in 5 minutes or less
  2. Tried from my profile and tried from the gallery.
  3. Do a system wide search. if you are on a PC, type "ext: .calib" without quotes in your file explorer search bar
  4. Depends on the user. My method for collaborative work and remote work duplicates the containing folder for the plan file for every new working session, Can easily get 6gb per project, not to mention 100's of gigs in material files. If Chief switches to RT tracing we will likely have a large culture shift that will make that 2080 seem really appealing...especially if Dustin Cruz keeps pumping out better core an bonus materials as well as new light fixtures. I might've agreed with you before I had put a couple hundred hours on my 4K 15"....Now I couldn't disagree more...I would HIGHLY recommend it. I couldn't imagine going back to my 1080 17" even though it performs just as well for drafting. Reiterating that GFX mem will be a big player if we get to realtime rt. I will def be switching to 2K+ textures Agreed Some RAM disks have periodic backup as well as a backup prior to planned shut down. Most work I've ever lost not being on a UPS was a few library items. Graham always appreciate the debate, just offering a different perspective.
  5. Long time Rocky, glad to see you are still here! If you were to think about it long enough you would realize that we are locking more than Chief gives us direct control of in the roof .dbx. If you were to lock the ridge height and the pitch, then changing the baseline height would move the eave edge of the roof plane thus changing the overhang. The system works as it should. which points us to a user error. Things to note When you draw a manual plane, the plane's adjacent edges will change a line style overlay to finely dotted, only when you have snapped to a known angle. Whatever edge you are closest to when you hover over a plane and then open the plane's dbx will report its info to the "Selected Line" panel of the dbx. You should check all edges of your planes to ensure they are correct angles. **spoiler alert is that they are not correct which is why you are having a lot of trouble.** Sometimes it is easier to pull back the edges of a roof plane and snap to a correct angle to avoid snapping to another element that is an incorrect angle. To ensure your success in correcting angles you can turn off all snaps except for the "extensions" snap. Edit\snap settings\ After you have finished correcting your angles you can turn snaps back on and start snapping planes together. You will then see that your eaves are out of plan with one another...move edges to correct this, not vertices.
  6. I've created a rough draft instructional video on how to create a custom panel schedule. Would love the community input or possible better methods so I can produce a final video to my social channels and content thread 200901-11.mp4
  7. you're the seriously, what a time saver
  8. I tried $test = "testing this out" in a text box and then placed %$test% in a text box and it did not work, what am I missing? PS I know it's probably annoying educating someone that doesn't know the basics or even classifications but it is how I learn, single case uses at a time
  9. Interesting, could you think of a use case? I had responded earlier and deleted my response realizing that I was missing the $ sign to call out a global from the jobinfo macro. You summed it up nicely and am in the process of deleting a ton of THANK YOU! I still have questions about the measurement/float changes that I may post about if I don't manage to figure it out myself.
  10. Some may argue, but hard drive performance is top priority when I think of upgrades in chief. The overall speed in the software that I have noticed in multiple machines when upgrading to an NVME drive has been paramount
  11. @DavidJPotter is well versed in training for the HD line of products
  12. I have a bunch of simple string macros as well as some integer macros in my template plan. I would love to be able to consolidate them into one macro as global variables. Is this possible? Currently I have a jobInfo macro where I type in all of the details of a job such as $wallInsulation = "R-19 Batt Fill" $wallFraming = 24 (then a separate macro that translates this to a string) Etc. Each of these then has a corresponding macro filling up my macro management. Things that are visually "busy" tend to be hard for me to process. I would love to limit the number of macros by consolidating. Thanks in advance
  13. I offer a couple of different training services, am well known in this community, and have plenty of references for training. At the very least I could point you to various other users that offer training as well. Feel free to contact me through the website in my signature. Cheers!
  14. The symbol, if outside of CA drect libraries, has it's own UV mapping. Their is no established standard for UV mapping to be a part of the catalog hosting at CA. Which means the UV mapping of an individual symbol in a manufacturer catalog can be setup specific to the original UV map and not optimized for our custom mapping. You could pay a contractor to re-work the UV mapping for you if needed.
  15. @GeneDavis I made these a while ago, not sure if they are what you are looking for:
  16. willing to contribute if needed...Have tons of hours into a new workflow with SPV
  17. Doubt it, I had no problem opening your .plan on my integrated graphics ..still points to graphics driver IMO..still havent seen any confirmation of you wiping all trace of the existing driver and installing a new driver. Please do at your own risk and make sure personal data is backed up as well as anything else that can be backed up. I'm only mildly familiar with Mac OS backups
  18. Shoot me an email with the plans please,
  19. POST 35 Feel like I've been keeping this a secret, all to myself, and for the right user, this will be GOLD! DAM-Digital Asset Manager, maybe you didn't know that you needed one, but you do!! Especially if you are designing for custom finishes or fixtures and presenting them in 3d. A DAM software can save you tens of hours over the course of a few years. Couple that with an online Bridge software and you'll be flying. Connecter is my favorite 3D DAM software It can search folder\sub-folder for 3d and image files. With filter by type options and 3d previews of every major 3d type you can imagine. Simply click on the symbol in your monitored folder and drag that symbol into your Chief window for the fastest fixture import you can imagine. I am a single seat user, but if you are interested in starting a design business with standardized materials and models, the professional tools in connecter are competitive with all of the best known softwares in the world for repositories. If you are interesting in continuing the conversation and getting on a professional level setup, combining adobe bridge, quixel bridge, Substance suite and connecter makes for top tier asset production and management suite. 200806-37.mp4 CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  20. Draw a wall, use the Adjust Material Definition tool and Texture\Texture Source\ what does it show? Suggest you move your heavier line weight off of the main layer and onto the exterior layers..personal preference
  21. Driver issue is OS related...nothing to do with Chief. If you are unfamiliar with updating drivers, consult your computer tech. If all plans perform similarly and no one can recreate the problem it points to your computer having outdated drivers or hardware performance issues.
  22. This all points to a driver issue IMO. Nothing wrong with the plan file..does it happen in all of your plans? have you tried using chiefs template plan and check if you have issues there?
  23. Only texture I see that is an outside import is "wood mode" which is on your island. shouldn't be an issue. CPU is throttling possibly, maybe a Bus/CPU driver is needed. Or an opengl issue. Check all drivers. A test for you. Turn off all layers but walls. do you still have the same issues? Turn layers back on one by one till issue arises. Do you have trouble with a handle grab and drag in plan view?