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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. auto build and auto detail..I think this is close? Is that what you are looking for?
  2. BTW i think we have space available in Idaho, did you already find a place?
  3. ah okay. I am having problems with removing a macro from a style palette, I have yet to report it though, so I am aware of the pesky library based macro implementation
  4. LOL, so what about it is currently bugging you?
  5. I would say make the suggestion, its a good one, you can't be the only one that prefers it this way. Then an aside note for anyone reading this, I would highly encourage anyone here to implement search attributes and tags as they do stack. I've got 1000's of items in my library, its very easy to click a tag 'range' and type '30' as a search attribute, or click 3 tags, sofa/bright/large and get to exactly what I need the same as tables/dining room/dark. A system like that can work across many different types of library items
  6. I guess I don't understand/share the preference though I certainly don't need to, its your preference, no argument there, I know its frustrating when things change. My own perspective, clicking the down carrot instead of the folder is faster than clicking a folder and looking through previews of images that represent folders and in most cases make no sense(the picture of a dog for imported items for instance). In the old method you are clicking a folder in your folder tree and then browsing folder images and double clicking from there? So the difference is clicking the down carrot and browsing from 1 single window until you find the correct sub folder for your item. I'm writing that out so that maybe we find a suggestion that makes sense. If you simply want subfolders to show in the filtered results then I would say just make the suggestion. Clicking the down carrot shows all of your subfolders for that particular folder in a folder tree. I wouldnt be opposed to a kan ban option but would request that we could select our own preview images.
  7. This was the major point of this thread for me, beside trying to learn about how to approach this. From studying Ruby and trying to figure out how it correlates to the nuances in Chief, I have yet to figure out anything that totals without being a huge workaround. I think we are due for a suggestion to Chief no?
  8. What do you mean, what is this referring to, individual content? Why would subfolders not matter? This was just a ph 1, a necessary part of a complete cloud based PM software, now they can push updates and patches to the library, also a big part of the subscription implementation...not possible without it. Why not switch to tiled mode..also ctrl+mouse wheel for different preview size Depends on if you have Include Web Results checked and what rendering your preview is in as well as what the default room materials are in your template plan
  9. This looks like one of Joe's very old macros.. Object type no longer reports the same, so without a checksum for nil, it will throw an error. might change the approach a bit, and redefine type in your code and then when you analyze type later in the code and maybe add a check for yourself:
  10. use tab input to offset your line a specific distance from any snappable element you choose
  11. post this in Q&A, this has something to do with your settings
  12. This seems like a particular complex bit of code. How do we accumulate totals for custom object fields. The problem as I see it is making sure we are not accumulating every time a publisher changes its reported we have to script in a checksum..maybe through a rescue? or is this some sort of would you approach this?
  13. Dustin did respond, it may be a while as the solution to the image input might be very complex
  14. I could make this for you, I charge a fee. Dustins version of the substance tool uses a multiply/overlay with an image input so your image is not nearly bold enough to avoid being washed out by the multiplied color being applied. You'll see what I mean if you put a checkerboard pattern in the image input instead..the wood builder does a better job but doesnt have the pattern that you need. I contacted him, maybe he will have a patch
  15. You posted last week in the HomeTalk forum not the Chieftalk forum
  16. I think this warrants further discussion with chief tech support. I have a hard time believing your 3080 card has anything wrong with it.
  17. POST 104 A late #freesymbolfriday for #ChiefArchitect. Whooopss.. How about a skylight frame for you rendering buffs. This symbol is an exterior fixture that does not report to schedule or show label. It will be painted with your default exterior door material when placed in plan. This should auto place on roof in plan view ...this should also be centered on your skylight that you draw first. Then just concentric resize based on a base skylight dimension of 24x48. So if you have a 24x60 skylight, just add 12" to the height (easier than trying to do the math with slope...this is a linear calc for this symbol.) Direct Download: Link Follow this link for the Rabbitt Design FB Feed for additional content: CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  18. I would say this is heavy leaning toward a commercial building workflow with an RCP. I only ever see local muni preference of having it all on one sheet in the regions I work in nationally. Is this a requirement somewhere? I am just curous I would suggest, sending in a suggestion for additional electrical layers and pin it here and we can all go file a report and it might change. My preference is entirely for scalability, it's difficult to adopt someones custom stuff..I can't do it, I work with too many different Chief Techs..and a system like this is one I see as volitile...too many symbols and too much maintaence. I have all of my own symbols for z-wave..already too many to manage and go build a layer set around after designating outlet/light/switch leg/ etc. Even more so when you get into conditions where a symbol needs to be on both an RCP and a power plan. If nothing else, would encourage to push this to suggestions..we can get stuff to happen that way, as its a great thought @RobUSMC
  19. I will be thankful for the day when chief gives us these items on a system-based custom layer..then its scalable globally and would be awesome
  20. This is great for the individual user...but custom layers like this are such a pain to deal with as an outside contractor coming in and trying to help with your plan. Not to mention the maintainence of it and upkeep. As soon as you setup something custom, it can all bebroken by a code cycle, or a software cycle, or you want to change your approach...then you have to process all of these symbols again. I'm only mentioning this because I've been throughit all extensively and its a major pain in the long run. All of my custom layers are finally long gone and I am so much happier for it. If you plan on ousourcing at all, I highly encourage sticking as close to defaults as possible. I would argue that you burn just as many sheets having multiple sheets with different things on them as you would just sending your plan at a greater scale and using match lines.
  21. Hey Maryland girl. Usually I would support prior versions but chief changed so much in terms of structure for library browser and toolbars that I had to start a large part of the templates from scratch. I would say make the jump into X15 though. I’ve got some new serious time saving features in the X15 templates