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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Can you screenshot any dialog messages you get when you try and import? Can you screenshot your library browser? I just dragged and dropped the file you uploaded and it installed right away
  2. 2d is simply a representation of the 3d counterpart. Complex to get into the details of this but what you are asking for is editing the 3d mesh geometry of the object. The delete surface tool can temporarily delete clusters of polygons(based on the smoothing angle of the 3d object as designated in the 3d panel of the object). When you have temporarily deleted the surfaces you want to remove, then with the object still selected, choose convert selected to symbol from your edit toolbar.
  3. When Michael has a system that is applicable then I simply defer to him and promote his product. He's a good hard working guy that builds great systems and is so good to this community so its good to support each other here and give him the floor. If I could bother you though, curiosity has me...what is a use case for this for the electrical symbols? What are you showing on the different plan views?
  4. Super short video about creating thickened slab in my CA shorts playlist and #foundationdesign playlist for #ChiefArchitect in my #Youtube go check it out:
  5. shoot me an email please, then if you wouldnt mind I would really appreciate it if you could remove the post from this thread. I try and keep this to just videos for people trying to find them Thank you treehouse, happy to help you out just shoot me a message
  6. In X16 you can save a staircase to the library and then draw down using alternate draw mode(right click drag)
  7. don't listen to these know-it-alls Go to Edit/Default Settings/Walls/General Wall/ and change the option resize about to main layer outside. then turn off bumps (f11) and simply select your wall and drag to the construction line
  8. Chief Architect is located in Courdalene ID. I would reach out to them direct. Alternatively many of us can contract for remote work with ease.
  9. I would take a wild guess and say that the problem is in the nurbs plugin. I export models in volume to third party rendering programs that don't have any missing information unless I hit the export limit that is built into the 3ds protocol. Have you tried exporting as .dae? Also curious why you are exporting to Rhino instead of importing something from rhino into Chief?
  10. yes, but keep in mind its a custom font I created
  11. Did you try the solution in that post? It seems like it had more to do with the program reading the PDF
  12. what are these? what was the process? what is the percieved problem?
  13. This is easy to do with a macro in a label that has a conditional statement that looks at the active layer set of the item.
  14. Im really not sure what you mean by this either. All of us use this software specifically for creating jpg and PDFs and this would be a massive issue if some clean up is required. I can export a 2d image just fine, can you give more info on this?
  15. This isn't one of my official shorts videos but still very much worth a watch
  16. yes, thats just a polyline label, you would need to have polyline labels turned on
  17. the polyline labels do have positioning edit handles. You can move them
  18. Thanks again for this reaction. (I screen clipped and sent to my mom, she gets a kick out of reactions:)) here is Chief's "Timber Ridge" after I replaced materials and added my own plants and trees in the foreground. This is also an example of what @stevenyhofis talking about with the backdrop continuing the horizon line
  19. post yoour plan file please or if its too large, just copy the 4 walls from that room over to a new plan and post that. See a number of problems here, so no offense meant, the assumption is that there is some bad modeling practices here and would just be easier to troubleshoot the plan
  20. Sheet 0 controls your title block and any elements that are driven from the page. Go to sheet 0 and try changing the font. It's other object driven or layer driven text style
  21. Putr a second roof with no gutters and a really really short structure and the walls will build up to it