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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. I would do away with your custom wall layers, they arent necessary, as you can add in components without messing with the wall assembly. Make the wall the default and then draw in with your new wall. Also easier to write a macro for your forumlas so that you can globally change parameters within that .plan file
  2. ah okay...this largely has to do with the material properties of the flooring. You could do well with a material that has some movement in the roughness map to breack that up
  3. Adjust the facet angle of your arcs on the polyline solid.
  4. What settings are you using..looks like you aren't enabling this using a mac in your signature?
  5. You can always pick up adapters, though if your monitors dont have a hdmi then youre going to have some pretty sub-par imaging. 3080 would be fine though the 4070 is a better option. Maybe wait just a bit so we can take a look at x16 beta whenever it comes out
  6. it imports with UV mapping, tons of tutes online for blender. Its a pretty strong industry standard for modeling so worth learning
  7. Don't use a shadowboard...its the nature of the shadwboard to extend your roof surface out to its extents. Use a gutter instead
  8. there are no saved images in your cross sections or notes for what you are trying to accomplish, just an FYI
  9. I'm from Oakland, my black dodge pickup was stolen, I miss her, 5 speed manual 4x4, yum. Headed up to tahoe in a couple of days because snow is far between over here. I just got back from Costa Rica, where if you put up a fence around your property, thats your property line. Regarding your material list can always get anything with a Components panel to report to a material list the way that you want. I can point you in the right direction, just come back with your specific questions.
  10. Nothing in Chief..., I was just saying that you need some method of consistently updating a file that is local and on your machine , such as an excel sheet, for chief to work with that excel sheet. Chief won't be able to pull data from a cloud source...not in any way that I know of
  11. This was a confirmed bug report. Stems from any cabinet that has a molding, which I can workaround. regarding your question, I don’t believe chief can pull data from a website. So you would need something like a scraper or zapier to pull your cloud data into a spreadsheet so it could be read. All theoretically possible
  12. Perfect, thank you that’s what I assumed, happy tday
  13. No idea how alaskan got a full height superscript if this is a screenshot from chief anyone? Custom font? Some ruby vertical alignment method?
  14. See the video for more info # Copyright Rabbitt Design 2023 # Helper method to convert numbers to superscript def to_superscript(num) superscript_map = { '0' => '⁰', '1' => '¹', '2' => '²', '3' => '³', '4' => '⁴', '5' => '⁵', '6' => '⁶', '7' => '⁷', '8' => '⁸', '9' => '⁹' } { |char| superscript_map[char] }.join end # WINLABEL MACRO WITH CONDITION FOR BLANK NEW LINE def winLabel # MAPPING OF WINDOW TYPES TO THEIR ABBREVIATIONS window_types = { 'Single Hung' => 'SH', 'Double Hung' => 'DH', 'Single Casement' => 'SC', 'Double Casement' => 'DC', 'Triple Casement' => 'TC', 'Left Sliding' => 'LS', 'Right Sliding' => 'RS', 'Fixed Glass' => 'FX', 'Single Awning' => 'AW', 'Louvered Window' => 'LV', 'Glass Louvered' => 'GL', 'Pass-Through' => 'PT' } # CHECK ENERGY VALUES FOR WINDOW LABEL PREFIX window_prefix = if u_factor > 0.3 || shgc > 0.25 '(E)-' else '' end # CHECK IF LAYER_SET INCLUDES "WINDOW LAYOUT" if layer_set.downcase.include?("window layout") if window_prefix == '(E)-' || schedule_number.empty? return "N/A" else return schedule_number end end # CONVERT WIDTH TO FLOAT AND CALCULATE IN FEET AND INCHES width_feet, width_inches = width.to_f.round.divmod(12) width_str = "#{width_feet}#{to_superscript(width_inches.round)}" # CALCULATE HEIGHT IN FEET AND INCHES height_feet, height_inches = height.to_f.round.divmod(12) height_str = "#{height_feet}#{to_superscript(height_inches.round)}" # GET SCHEDULE NUMBER schedule_str = schedule_number # GET TYPE NAME AND REPLACE WITH ABBREVIATION IF EXISTS type_str = window_types[type_name] || type_name # CHECK IF WIDTH IS LESS THAN 30" if width.to_f < 30 # SPLIT TYPE STRING AFTER ANY SPACE type_str = type_str.split(' ').join("\n") # COMBINE VALUES INTO MULTIPLE LINES "#{window_prefix}#{schedule_str}\n#{width_str}#{height_str}\n#{type_str}" else # COMBINE ALL VALUES INTO A SINGLE STRING WITH NEW ORDER AND NEW LINE FOR TYPE "#{window_prefix}#{schedule_str} #{width_str}#{height_str} #{type_str}" end end # CALL THE WINLABEL MACRO winLabel 231123 (4).mp4
  15. You can post a link here to share with anyone or send to and I can post it
  16. Do you have a cloud service like onedrive that you could share a link from?
  17. Sorry I meant please post your .plan file
  18. please post a plan..what version of the software are you on?
  19. Ha! Working through it backwards. As fun as that probably was to experiment with we are missing some core knowledge here. Chief is using a whitted raytrace for RTRT, single light trace, so whereas the results here are easily manipulated, you have to understand whats happening in a scene in order to get the results you want. Which is to say, these aren't repeatable results. the same light in another scene is going to do something different. This ends up getting into a very complex conversation about rendering, truly. Something I usually offer training on. Throw in cuastics and refractions and you have a ton of calcs that are happening in all of the surrounding surfaces of a cabinet box that is lit from the inside. Single surface bounce, so based on the pixel density of your screen, the angle of your cabinets, the color and supporting maps of your materials, the index of refraction on your glass, the backdrop you used and its intensity and so much more, you will get different results from scene to scene. For instance, if you have overhead lights hitting your glass cabinets, and then lights inside of your glass cabinets, chief kinda sorta has to make up the decision on wether the pix of the material inside of the cabinet is lit from those overhead lights or the lights insisde of the cabinet. Move closer to the cabinet, like real close, and chief might make the decision that they are lit from the interior lights. This does get way more complex though, and I wouldn't spend too much time on it until you know what the next version brings
  20. I did notice on another plan you had samples set to 1000 and no cap live samples or denoise. drop that sample rate down to 50 and cap them