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About DavidJPotter

  • Birthday 03/24/1947

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    Austin, Texas
  • Interests
    Architecture, Chief Architect Inc Software, Helping and Scientology

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  1. I have a friend that owns a pool company. He asked me to check out Pool Draw for his company. I have been using Chief Architect since 1994. Pool Draw is specialized for drawing 3D pools and is not that great when doing straight Houses and Buildings. It does a great job on Pools in 2D and 3D. Doing the same work in Pool Draw that one does in Chief is NO PICNIC in terms of 3D swimming pools. It does a good job on surface place pools and fountains but accurate, 3D pools is VERY time consuming, even for someone like me. If I drew pools for a living, I would choose Pool Draw. DJP
  2. Whether layers are visible or invisible is controlled in "Display Layers/Objects", while in an active camera view you open its Layer Display Options Dialog and uncheck all name layers that you do not with to see and check on all layers you do wish to see. I also use a "Framing Plan view" to streamline that effort. It is always to be found in Dialog boxes. With the wall covering create an elevation camera and face the wall covering, open the wall and remove the covering in that wall's wall covering tab. If it is still there after that open that wall's dialog box- Materials tab and change the apparent "wall covering" by altering the material surface setting of therouge wall surface. If all else fails, delete the wall and draw another one to replace the offending one. DJP
  3. Post a copy of your plan and an example image of what look you are going for. DJP
  4. Marty, All CAD programs internally use Real World Scale 1' = 1'. So the ONLY time you need to worry about scale is when you print to PDF or Paper so the drawing fits the smaller space of those graphic environments. Wish you some success on your journey! DJP
  5. I draw what the client desires, DJP
  6. In thirty years of use I have not had this happen to me once I trained myself to carefully set and check settings and draw exterior walls in a clockwise fashion. DJP
  7. Your posted image looks NOTHING like your plan file. It would help if you could share a little more data as to the intended outcome. Why is there a parapet on one end? Is that the pitch you wish the auto-roofs to be? Is the ceiling height for the first floor correctly set? DJP
  8. You need to turn down the "Sunlight" using RTRT. Photo realism doesn't just happen if one is a "good buy", rather it is resident completely your responsibility to tweak a rendering by adjusting its settings (material and lighting) to obtain an acceptable result. Unfortunately it is an Art as opposed to a Science, you learn via study followed by practice-trial and error. DJP
  9. Saved Plan Views earlier iteration was called Annotation Sets. Saved Plan Views are preprogrammed to group things of a type to a drafting result in terms of layers (on and off), Text for different layers (Electric-Text , Plot Plan-Text, Text, Text-Framing, Text-Framing), so when you select a "Plan Set" it automatically switches to the programmed layer, layer set, Text and CAD layer for theselevted plan set chosen. DJP
  10. I either just draw one plan file in the case of just two structures changing the settings as necessary. When I have had large projects I created a .plan file for each building, then convert that model into a symbol to show the entire project of multiple buildings and using the individual .plan files for con docs. DJP IMAGES MADE IN X1
  11. In each Room Specification Dialog Box - Structure Tab - Ceiling over this room, you "uncheck" the ceiling and that setting for each room it is checked, will take away the flat ceiling and the underside of the roof above then defines the ceiling or common rafter vaulted ceiling. DJP
  12. Post a copy of your file please. DJP
  13. I commonly use "3 D Solid" objects I make on the fly. DJP
  14. There are no Window or Door labels, no header heights, no dimensioned floor plan. Are you taking responsibility for those relative to accuracy? Do you have any data as to the "terrain drop at the back". I can and will do this provided you can fill in the apparent blanks. It should not take more than an hour provided my questions are addressed. Thank you