Raytrace Speed


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For some reason, when I finished a plan and started a raytrace and it is taking an extremely long time (14 minutes for the first pass).  Usually, it will get thru 4-5 passes in 5-10 minutes.  I dont know if there is something in this plan that is causing it.  Not sure how to export the plan to make it small enough to attach here





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The number one cause of extended ray trace time is unnecessary light sources that do not directly contribute to the scene being rendered. In ray tracing ALL light sources that are turned "on" in a plan file will be parsed by the render engine, each unnecessary light source adds a factor of 10 times to the overall time it takes to fully render a scene. Turn off all lights that do not illuminate the scene of address; doing so will then cut render time to its possible minimum.



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It must be something in this plan. I turned ALL lights off and is still is very slow.  I went back to a previous project where there were more can lights be used and I got my first pass completed in 37 seconds.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've used Tech Support many times and they do a great job of sorting out problems either in the design or, usually, in some setting. I send them a .zip file and take screen shots to direct their efforts more efficiently and to let them see what/where my problem is.



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