Editing Materials on Sketchup Model in Chief?


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I've downloaded a Kohler sconce from Sketchup (this particular one isn't included in Chief's Kohler catalog). 


The sconce is all one material when I import it into Chief, so I'm unable to make the glass clear and fixture chrome like I need it to be.


Is there a way to edit this type of issue in Chief? Or do I need to learn how to use Sketchup now too? :wacko::blink:




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If it comes into Chief with different materials (and the SU modeler should have done this), a Chief user can change the materials to whatever looks right.  


I did not download the model and try it.  It's got a ridiculously high surface count and I would not want it in one of my Chief files.

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The SU modeler looks like Kohler themselves lol 




4 minutes ago, GeneDavis said:

a Chief user can change the materials to whatever looks right.  

^Do you know how to do this?

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Open it up and examine materials.  I have found the Kohler models to have been done all in same, and it's always white.  You need one material for the metal, and one for the glass globes.


You'll need a SU subscription and some training in SU use to be able to edit the model to get what you need.  I use SU a lot, but mine is the old SU Make 2017 version one could have on one's own drive.  SU is a cloud app now.

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35 minutes ago, rlackore said:

Here's a library with two versions: full polys (53,987) and reduced polys (21,140). I don't have the hardware to test the light settings, so you'll have to tweak those no doubt.

Embra.calibz 4.55 MB · 0 downloads

Would probably add a emissive material area light in this and change the glass to translucent with a clear coat :)

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4 hours ago, rlackore said:

Here's a library with two versions: full polys (53,987) and reduced polys (21,140). I don't have the hardware to test the light settings, so you'll have to tweak those no doubt.

Embra.calibz 4.55 MB · 15 downloads

This is great! This will get me by until I can devote some hours to learning a new software/how to do this myself. Many many thanks!!

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Specifically with Kohler, you should download the 3D file directly from them.  It will come in with separated materials so you can adjust them yourself in chief.  Nearly everything Kohler offers is available as a 3D model on their website in various forms.

As @Renerabbittmentioned Blender is a great option too - and it's free.  Bit of a learning curve to it though.

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