Is there a way with a 3D and 2D open to select something in 3D and it selects the same in 2D and vice versa?


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The question is why not? I requested this feature

years ago and all I heard from Chief was crickets.


This would be so useful to users of all abilities that

I would think it would be at the top any kind of list

prioritizing potential improvements to the software.





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My questions are,


1.  What if in 2D you picked a rafter or an object not readily visible in the perspective view? Do you spin the model around or zoom through walls to find it?  What if the layer is off in 3D?  (Several are by default)


2.  What if in 3D you picked an object on a different level than the current 2D view? Or it is off screen? 


3.  In schedules we can select "find an object in plan."  In 3D view, selecting an item and having this option seems feasible.  But in 2D, which camera view? -Every one you have open? What orientation of an independent view would chief generate? - especially something inside a small closet or bathroom?  

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We already have the ability to find objects in various views from the ALDO, schedules, and material list.  It seems like it should be easy to select an object in a any view and find the object in whatever other view you want using something similar.  If a view is not already open, the program could then open one.  If there are multiple views available, the program could let you pick which one to select it in.


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