deck framing


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I am about pull my hair out on this deck framing issue. Every time I reopen the files where I have decks, the framing disappears. It gets old rebuilding it every time. What is up with that? That HVAC platform should have joists beneath and a couple 6X6's. Same with the front porch.



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you have to make sure that "automatically regererate deck framing" is check "on". If you have manually framed the deck...then this turns feature is turned "off"....and won't returrn until you check it "on". will lose any custom deck framing you may have done. 


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Rob - you can "retain" framing...but, if you do then the "auto regenerate deck framing" does not rebuild your deck. So...if you manually modify the framing of a deck - which we all must do because the deck tool only gets things "close" - then you would open the deck room and on the structure tab select "retain floor/ceiling framing". But - your deck will not "rebuild" if you move a wall...just keep that in mind. 



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Can anyone tell us what closing and then reopening a file does to erase deck framing?


I lose deck framing even not closing a file, and never know why.


Decks are weird.  You lose framing but not the deck planking.  Lose a floor inside, and you're looking at the basement.  The floor finish is gone, too.  But whatever action wipes deck framing, leaves the planking alone.

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5 hours ago, SNestor said:

Rob - you can "retain" framing...but, if you do then the "auto regenerate deck framing" does not rebuild your deck. So...if you manually modify the framing of a deck - which we all must do because the deck tool only gets things "close" - then you would open the deck room and on the structure tab select "retain floor/ceiling framing". But - your deck will not "rebuild" if you move a wall...just keep that in mind. 



gotcha! I hate decks. 

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