Some tools are missing!


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I am using X15. I noticed that some tools like 'Set as Default', 'Pan/Scale layout Box', 'Scale Layout Box Contents to Fit', 'Align/Distribute Along Line' and more are not visible when I right click on an object or anywhere. Anyone knows a solution for this problem? Will appreciate..:)

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What does it say in the status bar when you select the box?  Does it say "layout box" or does it say something else?  If it doesn't say "layout box" then most of those tools will not be available.  For example, if you sent a view to the layout as an image or if you placed a cad block directly on the layout.



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I am in the layout plan and was trying to scale a paragraph text(CAD block). I also tried to find the 'Set as Default ' tool when I was trying to set up a base cabinet as default( Per the tutorial). But my tool was missing in plan file too.

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Check the toolbars.


Toggle to another one and see if those missing icons come back. If they do reappear... then the default toolbar lost a few tools. 


Suggestion... do you have a back up of the Chief X-15 data files? 


Or go straight to that folder (usually stored in your Document Files)


Look for the back up toolbar, and see if you can switch out the wonky tool bar with the archived version. 


That could fix the glitch. 



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Please excuse... meant to give a more detailed reply.


The toolbar which seems to have gone amiss is your layout toolbar.


The back up is there. A good sign. 


  • With the Layout page open, right click on the toolbar and select the Customize Toolbars option.
  • When that dialogue box opens, go to Configurations
  • There you will find the option to Switch To the back up.


If the Extended Tool Configuration Backup is working as it should, that's a great sign. You'll be back in business. 


Make a copy of it so that if this happens again, you'll have another spare. The one which went haywire can be removed.  


Here's how to switch as well as examples of multiple backups... Hope it works out. 



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So most of the tools you mentioned are "edit" tools that will only appear on the "edit toolbar" when you have first selected an object.  Since they depend on what kind of object that you have selected, you will see different tools if you select something like a cabinet compared to something like a layout box.  They can also depend on what you have done to the object.  For example, if you just select a normal base cabinet, you should see the "set as default" edit tool but if you select a corner cabinet, you won't.  


I am still not clear about what the problem is.  Are you not seeing some particular edit tools that you are expecting when you select an object?  Or, are you not seeing any edit tools when you select an object? 


I assumed from your first post that you were not seeing certain tools because those tools will only show up for particular objects in some situations. This is probably just a case of not understanding Chief's complicated rules for when these tools show up.


If you are not seeing any edit tools, then it is probably a case of your edit toolbar just not being shown on the screen for some reason.  I think VHampton is assuming that this is the problem you are having.  Most of the time if you have a missing toolbar, all you need to do is go into your preferences and reset your toolbars to get things back to normal.  In some cases, you might need to do more things and this tech article can help:



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Agreed that it's not quite clear on the issue.   


That said... Toolbars can inexplicably "lose" certain tools. Particularly with X-15.


A factory reset solve issues,  provided that loss of any customization isn't a concern. 


The switch method however (to a backup) ensures that a personalized setting won't be lost. 

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Renaming the Toolbar Folder in the Chief Data Folder, to say Toolbars_old  will cause Chief to rebuild the Toolbar Folder the next time it is opened and hopefully repair any corruption. This is done from a backup copy in the Program Files > Chief Arch.> Chief [Version] Toolbar Folder



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11 minutes ago, DBCooper said:

Yes, it's a good thing that TeaTime pointed that out.  Maybe if someone had suggested that sooner this problem would have been solved a long time ago?


HAHAHA.  I'm so sorry about that.  I think I accidentally jumped to the bottom of the thread after reading the question and missed all the in between posts.  I'm gonna delete my answer.

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