Disappearing Work


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WELL! The CA X6 grimlins are at work again. I hadn't posted anything previously about disappearing work, although ever since I began the Lake House project (using X6) I have had work I did the day before, mysteriously disappear from my SAVED PLAN.

I know I will most likely be asked to enter a ticket, and as my past luck has been with HD Pro products I will get the answer back that tech could not duplicate the same results. BUT, I am curious if I am the only "FREAK" CA user that has had the work they did, updated and save the day before missing upon opening the last updated plan file?

YOU WILL ask the question, if it changed like that, then how did you come up with the good-bad copies of the plan, simple-I emailed that last plan (zipped file) to myself just in case. That plan opened ok, so why then did the plan I have saved to desk top have the elevation changes? I'M TELLING YOU it was the CA Grimlins!

No matter, I've been saving each up date, as I learned it PAY's TO SAVE!!!! Now I can just simply copy and paste the work back in.

But, either the Grimlins are imbedded in the software or Murphy (I'm not sure how he got my security code) decided to get involved! No matter it's just time, RIGHT?


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It is hard to say what the cause is. If you can find some steps to reproduce the problem that would be ideal.


I know that isn't a great answer.


You could check your disk for errors using chkdsk to see if there is any corruption, but that is unlikely the cause as if you did have disk corruption you probably wouldn't have been able to open the plan. Although Chief has some fault tolerance built into the file that may have allowed it to open a corrupted plan.

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It is hard to say what the cause is. If you can find some steps to reproduce the problem that would be ideal.


I know that isn't a great answer.


You could check your disk for errors using chkdsk to see if there is any corruption, but that is unlikely the cause as if you did have disk corruption you probably wouldn't have been able to open the plan. Although Chief has some fault tolerance built into the file that may have allowed it to open a corrupted plan.

 Really not sure?!? I just opened the file I emailed to myself and copied/pasted the missing door/transom unit back in. It is fine now. I did experiment with save/close/reopen and everything is fine. I had a similar issue (when my boss was actually at my work station) I had to close the plan and reopen because of an error message that CA had stopped working. Upon reopening the message asked if I wanted to open the newer auto save plan which I did. Upon opening the boss noticed that ALL of the horizontal siding had changed to vertical. I selected a wall opened the dbx the material hadn't changed just the pattern direction from horiz to vert. I simply clicked on the mat'l image in the dbx and the direction changed back to horiz. Problem is, I had to go to each wall of the entire perimeter and repeat that operation. I was not able to group select and do it all at one time so I lost some production time.

By the way, I set the default before starting the plan to Horizontal, and when I checked the default the pattern was horizontal, so I have no idea why it changed, I just know IT DID.

Right now IT'S NOT WORTH me trying to find the cause/cure I just need to get the job done.

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Understood. Definitely frustrating to deal with. If you do happen to come up with a repeatable case that would be great. In the meantime we will keep our eyes open for anything that we can spot that might be causing a problem like that. If it is common, someone is likely to come up with a reproducible case for us. Hopefully it isn't something that you see again.


I would encourage you to do daily backups of your work. You may also want to set the automatic archive option in Chief to hourly. That way you would have multiple options to choose from to fall back to if something even worse happens to your plan.


Crashes while the program is running could cause things like this. If you happen to find a way to reproduce a crash we would greatly appreciate getting the steps.


In any case, I feel for you. It is never good when your tools fail you when you are under the pressure of a deadline.

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I am betting that what happened is that when you opened up your backup that you lost some of the work you did.  I don't think you can trust the backup to have all of the last changes you made.  It all depends on when the backup was made.  I always check my plans carefully when using backups.


I have never had a case where I opened up a normal plan and had stuff go missing.  I have had cases where I had some weird stuff in a plan and doing an F12 or rebuild 3D made changes that I did not expect.  I haven't seen this in a long while though.  If you do have some kind of wackiness in your plan and F12 actually changes things, then it is possible that you might see those same changes when you reopen the plan.

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