Attic walls don't go up to the underside of the roof?


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I'm not sure why but if I specify that a all is an attic wall - it stops about 2 feet below the roof.  I need to divide my garage attic from my house attic and they share a wall on the 1st floor.   I'm trying to put in an attic wall above and it is about 2 feet below the roof construction.


I tried a few things but couldn't figure it out - I turned off attic roof and it seems to go halfway into the roof construction but it doesn't go through the roof.





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  On 1/27/2022 at 2:58 AM, mtldesigns said:

Not really able to tell what the first picture is...


Thanks for taking a look - it is a view - looking over the wall at a wall behind it.   There is about a 2' gap over the wall that allows you to see beyond it.  I want the wall to go to the underside of the roof - not 2' below it.

There is drywall  - then the wood color is the center of the wall construction and you can see more drywall in the background from another wall way behind it.  The murky green is insulation.

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  On 1/27/2022 at 2:48 AM, Dermot said:

You should either post a plan that demonstrates the problem or contact our technical support team.



Thanks - I'm happy to do so  - not sure how to do that - the plan is 250mb.   Is there a way to strip it down to the essentials or a place that this site uses for those files?

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  On 1/27/2022 at 5:15 AM, bdillard said:

Thanks - I'm happy to do so  - not sure how to do that - the plan is 250mb.   Is there a way to strip it down to the essentials or a place that this site uses for those files?



That might be difficult to strip down to 14 MB without making a mess.  Just upload to your cloud account and post the link here so we can download it.

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OK - this is kind of embarrassing to upload but if helps people like you willing to help why not?   Please be aware I don't claim to be an architect  or a interior designer.   I just thought I'd see what a house might be like visually if I wanted to know how much space I want if I had deep pockets and a couple of more cars than I currently have.    I then got playing with this a bit more and realized I enjoyed killing time with this due to covid.!AonCBRorVv74rAx7_giI2OcpahFA 

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I am not seeing your issue directly other than your framing won't show because of how you have your roof set. 


What I see is that is causing issues:


1.) You don't have your roof framing showing up because of your structure definition.  Change the structure to have just the framing layer and move your insulation and LSL layer to your surface definition.  Also pay attention to the error messages that are popping up all over your plan and I think you will find it helps.


2.) You need a 2nd floor on your plan to do what you are wanting to do with the door and accessing the attic.  Just set the Roof to ignore 2nd floor.


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Thanks - so much!  I'll give this a try in a bit.  I didn't want to leave you hanging - I'll check on this in a few hours.   Oh - by the way the screen shot was from around the corner - between the garage and the main house attic - although it is probably the same issue.


I'll also try that ignore second floor trick!  That was kicking my butt for hours!

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