Appliance Placement Issue


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Good Morning All,


I am trying to finish a very simple kitchen plan. My issue is with a full height cabinet with two separate appliances installed (built in oven and built in microwave). The 3D view and Cross section accurately show what I want the finished item to look like. the plan view, the microwave symbol sticks out in front of the cabinet. I could cover this with a CAD box, but I would really like to know how to fix this. I have tried moving the (X,Y & Z) positions in the edit symbol DBX, though the position on the plan is always different from the other views (if the microwave symbol looks correct in plan view, the 3d view view will show the appliance face at the back of the cabinet opening). 


I have restarted Chief, as well as the computer, only to have the same results. Also, please excuse the line weights in the cross section pdf.


I would really appreciate input on how to solve this issue.


Thanks, Steve

153 View.pdf

153 Cross Section.pdf


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For the freestanding microwave, you're overthinking it a bit.  No need for any offsets.  Put those back to zero and just put the microwave where it goes.  You'll need to temporarily override bumping and pushing by either toggling it off or by holding down the Control key.

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15 minutes ago, SteveNovato said:

don't know how the position strayed from zero, but I won't be fooled again!

The symbol was probably made to be inserted into a cabinet as an integrated appliance and not as a freestanding appliance as you were using it.  when an appliance is included as part of the cabinet then you have to set that Y offset and the bounding box depth to match this number…



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  • 7 months later...

Related issue?


No, not really.



Why can I not select appliance in base cabinet?


How are you trying to select it?  Your appliance (dishwasher) is inserted into the front of the cabinet.  You can't select appliances that are inserted into the front of cabinets while in any plan or camera views.  You can only select and modify them while you are in the cabinet dialog.  Appliances that are inserted into the top of a cabinet, such as a sink or cooktop, can usually be selected in most views by first clicking on the appliance (which will still select the cabinet) and then using the tab key to select the appliance.


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