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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. Not sure as I said legs and molding are the longest part. FWIW I made this from the one I already had in under 10 minutes. (used the symbol for the bead instead of the molding lines) Oops just saw you are using full overlay few more minutes though I cheated a bit, just change the default separations and knobs.
  2. Welcome aboard while you didn't ask as @DBCooper suggested you can do this in CA mostly with cabinet tools which have some advantages. It would likely be easier to make a few parts on SW since you know that. (Legs and hardware- rest in Chief) I did all of this in CA. Advantages being: would show in cabinet schedule, simple to resize/reuse, change doors/drawers/hardware, and of course materials. I understand that this is an off the shelf item but down the road you never know and I like to minimize remaking things. The most tedious part in CA are the legs which I started before fully awake so fiddled a bit. Unfortunately the bead molding around the cabinet can't be done within the cabinet since it won't wrap the legs. Just before posting it occurred to me that it should be turned into a symbol to be easier to resize width and length so put one in the plan. Plan attached including some of the failed parts for legs before I woke up. I didn't bother to do custom door or drawer symbols, just fished something close out of mfg catalog. Plan attached. Cosco
  3. Open an unmodified template, hopefully the residential has not been fooled with. Save as "something". In your plan- file, import saved plan views. Select working from the DBX and check replace. Though to me the purpose of the working plan is that it can be whatever I need at the moment and NEVER ever gets sent to layout. Making the default moot. The other plan views however need to be dealt with judiciously.
  4. Well a door panel is automatically full overlay and usually includes rails and stiles. Likely could be done but more work, less flexible. Why do you want to?
  5. Note that arrow keys use the distance set for grid but will work with grid snaps off; they just won't snap to the grid but always move the distance set in default.
  6. For tracing walls I set plan default snap distance to the thickness of drywall and use arrow keys. I usually have grid snaps off so don't need to override.
  7. Not sure what you want them to look like. I fiddled a bit guessing at that. Sometimes it's changing to spots, sometimes it's a mix of point and spot. Changing backdrop can help if it allows some added light without bringing in too much color. Adjusting materials is likely key. For most of these I lowered the changed the emissive of the light bulbs, also changed the shade material. I'm not sure which of those materials will come through but plan with a couple of lights included, hopefully I managed to include the materials (but was just messing around so not as careful as I should have been) Oh and FWIW what I got from your plan looked better than the image you posted before I did anything. Not sure why. Original Option on the bright side Emphasis on bulbs Changed backdrop and increase light from it Looks as if I have to post plan after this.
  8. Don't know what you did. You need to: Import macro, select all windows in plan, open, go to OIP, pick an unused field or create one, macro drop down/user defined/glazing. Sample plan attached. Glaze
  9. In a custom schedule I put the glazing macro in comments OIP, and thermal area in Code. Note the difference which will can add up. Here is result wihtout grouping after pasting into spreadsheet.
  10. I believe he's after glazing area not thermal envelope. This gives glass area for fixed, awning and casement windowsGlazing.json. Does not account for center sashes in double hung or lites. You could get Alaskan son to put something all purpose and more accurate. gw=width-(sash_side_width*2) gh=height-(sash_top_width+sash_bottom_width) glass=gh*gw glass.round(2) Unfortunately placed in a schedule I can't get the columns to add up. IF grouped items in schedule it only shows qty but area is for only one. So would have to export to spreadsheet. Glazing.json
  11. Well you can add polylines around each grass area, set to include in a custom schedule and get a total. BUT that is a lot of work. I've more often had to include impermeable area which is already (hopefully) made up of polyline objects. Make a schedule for all the impermeable. Then separately subtract that total from the lot total.
  12. NO need to do that. Adam was dealing with GRAB BARS. Cabinet hardware shows up in either the cabinet schedule or a custom schedule IF you select that in the schedule.
  13. Cabinet- Walls for sides, set height and depth, not top; sides and back none. Adjust shelves. If you need could shelf in angled section can use solid for a shelf (ez) or custom shelf symbol. Split wall at back if color needs to match.
  14. Another approach is to make the metal frame as a symbol, perhaps from solids as Gene suggests, mess with the origins and lock the size. Then insert it into the bottom center drawer. That allows easier changes to the cabinet which likely also require adjusting the frame symbol.
  15. I know that @Kbird1 has a system he uses and think he's happy with. I don't use it. Instead I use Legal Billing from ChaosSoftware for over a decade. It does not start or stop automatically (there may be a way above my pay grade to make that a happen?) I find that an advantage, easier than the built in tracker for me anyway. If I end up on a phone call or other distraction but left it running, I can adjust it easily. OR if I forgot to start it I can check the time code for when I started on the file in explorer and adjust. You can even adjust if you forget an entire day It can connect to any of their PIM apps. I use Intellect which includes email but it can also connect to Time & Chaos (last I knew even the free version of that.) You set up a Group in the contact section and tell it to connect to that. The names kept there will appear in a drop down for clients. While OOB it is set to do billing for lawyers I changed the Activities.text to suit so I can keep track of specific tasks if I feel like it. It exports to Excel after which I copy and paste into an invoice template. All in all pretty simple to use and not bad to get up and running. Free to try. I've found tech support to be very good. Support is by web look up or email. I've always gotten answers for email same day. I also use their cloud service ChaosHost but primarily to sync contacts and calendar to my phone. When I was more active I did sync LB too but rarely needed that.
  16. Yes doing as a single cabinet is a bear but possible. IF I really needed this I would more likely do the bottom frame as one part and the top as another since that would be how I was ordering it. And you can put two sinks in if you float them. Plan with parts attached. This may or may not need sinks made from the same material as the counter. When needed I do that as a separate symbol made from solids. Vanity on
  17. There are built in fillers in the cabinet drop down so easy to make a keyboard shortcut for them. Note they will auto adjust to the available width if it's is 3" or less.
  18. The object you used to make the symbol should still be in a plan in an archive (if you have that)
  19. too much work? a one off? not getting paid for them? Made slight changes using parts in the objects in the linked plan file. The most work is if you MUST have exposed channels on the sides will need multiple door symbols for the sides.
  20. Since you had to change it into a symbol to use it in the railing it would automatically end up in your library. If you can't find it then... If what you used to build it was in the actual plan file AND it is not in the current plan file (because you deleted it after making it a symbol) AND if you have Preference, File Management, Auto Archive set to hourly you can sort through early versions in the archive to find a file with the original. I also move archives, when the DBX asks if I want to manage them as they reached a limit, to a sub folder within the project folder and save those for at least a year. In the future you might want to do what I do: when making a new symbol of any kind start a new plan, save plan with a relevant name, (in a folder dedicated to symbols from the version you are using) make object, give it name BEFORE clicking OK in the symbol DBX. Advantage is if it gets lost you have a backup but more importantly it can be easier to adjust into something different.
  21. For that just a molding line. I started with a pline box so you can change radius there before converting also easier to make a top to go with it if you need one.