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  1. Good morning gents and thak you for your prompt help but I don't want to use standard cabinets doors, I wand to use my own design, similar but different from the standards. Thanks!
  2. Good morning dear friends, I'm once again having beginner's doubts. I would like to make an upper cabinet for a kitchen. This cabinet is 43" high and 36" wide and has two doors of different widths and styles, the one on the left with glass and the one on the right with a slab door. I can size the door on the left but I can't finish the door on the right. The style of the doors was created in a 3D DWG with glass but when I import it as a cabinet model the door only accepts one texture for the entire door, either white or all glass. Can anyone help me with these two questions? Thanks! Attached files CUSTOM WALL CABINET.plan
  3. Good morning Charles, Refering your help from yesterday... I have all my definitions like your samples and I cant see any reveal in the 3D. Please see the images below. Thanks!
  4. Thank you so much dear Charles, I will try your option tomorrow because I spent my entire day trying to find the solution but with no success. And the same type of reveal around the ceiling? Is it possible? thanks once again!
  5. Good morning from Portugal to all! I am doing my first steps in the Chief Architect and I am trying to learn as much as I can. Now I am facing with the following doubt: HOW TO DO A REVEAL BETWEEN BASE BOARD AND THE SHEET ROCK? Please see my attached image for better understanding. I will also need for ceiling but the concept should be the same. Thank you so much in advance!
  6. Thank you so much for both for your explanations and help.
  7. Good morning everybody, I'm new to the forum and also to Chief Architect, I've been doing my work over the years with AutoCAD and Revit, but in my opinion AutoCad is already outdated and Chief Architect has more potential than Revit, at least looking at the hundreds of tutorial videos that I have watched over time. My question is the following, today I got to work and I'm doing some exercises, that is, redoing for myself some projects I have in AutoCAD and trying to do them with Chief. I soon encountered a problem that prevented me from progressing further without having to ask for help. I have a residence that part of it (the new addition is with a 6" wall plus 6" stone cladding and another part of the house with only 6" walls. So far so good, I was able to create the wall without any problems, but There are some beginner questions. First of all, thank you for your help. My questions: 1 - Why do I see stone at the ends of the wall when I create just one wall, I would like to see as the image 1A from AutoCAD? image 1 2 - When I turn a corner why does the hatch (pattern) not all go in the same direction? image 2 3 - is there a way to make this corner of the house exactly the same as in the AutoCad drawing? image 3 Thank you so much in advance! Carlos