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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. You can take an active elevation view and then using "View to CAD Detail", then send that to layout and it will be rotatable, check it out. DJP
  2. If you find such an entity please let me know, I have never heard of any such thing in thirty years in the industry! DJP
  3. If you were willing to share a copy of your plan file, I or someone else could then fix the roof with your guidance and then return the edited file to you, I could make a video of doing it which might be useful to you and your future competence. DJP
  4. Depending upon the actual spacing between door panels, you may also need to go to "Window Defaults" and set "Minimum spacing" from the default 2", to 0" in order to get the doors to mull properly. That setting effects windows and doors in plan view in terms of how close they can be, one to another. DJP
  5. The ceiling height setting in local "room specification dialog - structure tab - finished ceiling height" determines basic roof plate height. You can also, in the case you wish to have roofs resting above the ceiling height of a room, you can manually raise and lower individual roof planes using the "Transform- Replicate Tool - Move" input box to raise or lower them in the "Z" axis as you wish. DJP
  6. Home Designer Pro (or any Home Designer Titles) do not have a "CAD to Walls" tool as Lew mentioned above. In HD Pro you can import a .dwg file from AutoCAD which is as you have seen, purely 2D. After importing it I suggest you trace over the walls using the "Wall Tool" and then manually place the windows, doors, cabinets, and appliances using the corresponding tools in HD Pro again, manually. If any of us Chief users does this for you, you should expect to exchange for their helping time. And you MUST first tell them what version of HD you are using (year of release and title of the software). If someone uses a newer version of Chief to help you than the software you have, you will NOT be able to then further open or edit the plan file. That said, let me know if you would like my help, I commonly post and help people at "Home Talk". Once I see the scope of your project I can then give you an estimate of effort to create it for you. ( I know this will probably take several hours to do). I have all versions of Chief Premier since old version 7 (circa 2,000AD) to the present (Version 22 or X12) DJP
  7. Rather than "hijacking" this thread, I recommend that you start a new thread to address your question. I will say that the "Join Roofs Tool" found in the "Edit Toolbar" when I roof plane is selected is pre-programmed to only join one roof edge to another single roof edge. It will not join a single edge to another edge that has a break in it (one edge to two edges). Get rid of the break in the left-hand roof plane so the roof plane is then a triangle instead of a "four-sided" figure and when done, the "Join Roof Tool" will then magically work. DJP
  8. Ain't it the truth, oy vey!!!! DJP
  9. You did not mention what software you are using. My video was done using Chief Architect Premier X11, FYI. DJP
  10. If you are referring to the "Living Area" display, it can be manually turned on or off in "General Plan Defaults Dialog" but it turns it on or off on all floors, not just one or two. You can display square footage per room by selecting, in Display Options a layer called "Rooms, Interior or Standard Area". If you accidentally delete the "Living Area" display it will thereafter no long display even if checked "ON" in General Plan Defaults. A way to recover that display is to run "Tools -Checks - Plan Check", running that utility will cause the "Living Area" display to display again. DJP
  11. Votre message est le premier que j'ai vu ici depuis de nombreuses années en langue française. Je pense que vous obtiendrez plus de réponses si vous parvenez à utiliser l'anglais, désolé. DJP
  12. A lot of the time my custom home and remodeling clients have not yet picked out specific fixtures for their design. If they have done so and supply me with specs, I then try my utmost to make my drawings as realistic as possible but in the end, it is the materials they specify and the fixtures and appliances that they personally pick out and or buy that is applied to their project. My drawings are conceptual, their project is what, in the end, counts and matters, not any virtual model. DJP
  13. Contact Tech Support now for actual help, it may be that the symbols got transferred without the related textures. They are, on your hard drive, separate files. DJP
  14. Keep in mind that your client is buying the sink they pick out at the fixture store and not the one in a virtual model. Just say'n DJP
  15. I cannot clearly see what the sink looks like but you can do that, to a degree with just a base cabinet and its dialog box: place the base cabinet, place your chosen sink in it and then remove the "Toe Kick", then set the countertop at the height from the floor you wish and then manually raise up the bottom to whatever height above the floor you wish, it is rather straight forward. DJP
  16. I should have looked first, duh! DJP
  17. In Chief it is called a "Norman Roof" (What is in a name...? ) DJP
  18. Been a user since 1995, when they added the "Grid" back in version X5 or so, I never used it on purpose, it is the first thing I turn off before starting a plan (The snap grid actually makes it harder for me to precisely place objects as they "snap" to the "Grid" instead of where I often intend those objects to go, no thank you, thank you VERY much! DJP PS: it IS ok for others to use the POS
  19. What, exactly is the "3D Disk" please? I can share the X10 CAB file, any "discs" belong to me and Chief Inc. DJP
  20. Here it is for version X10, sorry, the prior upload was for X12. DJP DMDz Copper Bay Window.calibz
  21. See if this works for you (symbol created by David Michael) DJP DMZ Copper Bay Window.calibz
  22. Use "Solid Railing walls" you set their height via their "Wall Specification Dialogs - Newels Height setting" DJP
  23. I read your question three times, I downloaded your file and looked at it and all I can say is "WHAT?" do you wish to do actually? "You want the shutter to open outwards but the door frame not to show.". What, exactly is stopping you from doing so, I wonder? DJP