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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. We can work on it live online or provided you can, in detail communicate to me exactly what you need and want and I will just do it on my own, your choice. DJP
  2. I can help you if you wish, what version of Home Designer do you have, please? DJP
  3. Start Here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/sysreq.html then get as much above those "Minimums" as your budget affords is my advice... DJP
  4. You can adjust the "X-Y" location via the label dialog box. DJP
  5. I have been doing so since 1999, contact me, please. DJP
  6. What version of Chief did you use to create your .plan file, please? DJP
  7. Learn to first set all pertinent Default Settings for the project before you start creating it. Any short falls are mostly due to missed Default Settings or Dialog Box settings. Learn to be methodical and plodding making sure all loose ends are accounted for while creating the structure. Make yourself learn how to manually create/edit roof planes (this takes awhile). When you do not know, don't guess or trial and error, find the answer in your Reference Manual or myriad help videos at the Chief Website and on YouTube, take a look! Best of Success!!!! DJP
  8. Place a "puck light" under the bottom of the upper cabinets (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lighting+under+upper+cabinets+in+chief+architect ), then use the light dialog box to adjust the light to suit DJP
  9. I left you a voice mail today, let me know if I can help. DJP
  10. Toggle up to the <A> attic level, turn on the "Reference Display" that shows you where the first floor walls are, then manually extend the attic wall that is too short. This is what you do also for missing attic walls-you manually draw them in. DJP
  11. Place your light symbols. Then in an elevation camera view them, select them then rotate them parallel to the ceiling, manually. I just did this in X14 before posting. DJP
  12. Austin, why didn't you say so Dude: jordan@artec.solutions Engineer Kamal Amer Alaska Engineering (408) 761-7478 Mirza Tahir Baig P.E. psce@psceinc.com (512) 238-6422 George A. Gonzalez Jr PE (512) 899-2246 engineer1@genesis1engineering.com DJP
  13. Check out these YouTube videos by Rene Rabbit. DJP
  14. Some of these help articles and videos my be of help, check them out! DJP
  15. I do such things for people all across the world from Austin, Texas, the only proviso is that your relative contact a LOCAL State Licensed Structural Engineer for the Structural plans and designs. I am an Architectural draftsperson and can share our Architectural plans with the Engineer of record (Ideally one who lives in Waco) in AutoCAD format. I have done this countless times with great success. My email address is listed below. DJP
  16. I am a "Baby Boomer" so forgive me for being archaic. DJP
  17. The Engineers here in Austin, Texas commonly use AutoCAD so I recommend going to your local library and finding a telephone book for where the project is and then start calling local Structural Engineers until you find one that isn't busy. DJP
  18. I just today rolled back my most latest driver (the most recent one) that was crashing and rolled-back to the 526.98 Nvidia Studio Driver. Now no crashes! DJP
  19. I assume that you added that return manually, when you place a return via the Wall Specification Dialog box you get no extra lines usually. Sometimes that setting does not work and a manual return is then necessary. Such lines are EASILY handled after the view is sent to layout, while on layout any missing or unwanted lines can be added or removed easily using while on layout the "Edit Layout Line" tool available in your edit tool bar when you select a view you wish to edit. DJP
  20. Sorry, no. A popular 3D modeling software to create symbols is called Sketch Up and they have a website where Sketch Up users share free, downloadable, importable, symbols into Chief, check it out like "Chopsaw" suggested. DJP
  21. In X6 as in all versions since, you open your layout file, then select the file you wish to relink. When selected the relink icon appears in your "Edit Toolbar", take a look, please. DJP
  22. You should make sure both .plan files have the same exact Default Settings before importing. Then use the "Edit - Edit Area- All Floors" to copy-paste into the house plan away from the house. Then while still selected using "Point to Point Move" locate the barn structure. Since the Barn may have a different first floor level due to terrain, you may have to manually adjust the barn for that. DJP